Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

the 10000 hoursI am an architect by training. I graduated with an ms in architecture back in 1971… 50 years ago. I ‘practiced’ architecture for about 50 thousand hours… My classmates who didn’t quit in 1988… ditto. I won competitions, an award of excellence… My 10 thousand hours plus ‘worked as predicted’… their: not so much.

But all in all, I got excellent in a profession that was a poor match for my personality: I am a words person and a thinker.

I don’t even waste a glance at building nowadays: obviously my heart isn’t into it.

I did want something… wasn’t sure what though… So when in 1988 I was unemployed I was ‘forced to look’ what would light that fire. Continue reading “Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?”

I can tell by the look in your eyes you’ve been hurting

I can tell by the look in your eyes you’ve been hurting

I can tell by the look in your eyes you’ve been hurting.

You’ve been wanting to be the best you can be, and you can’t. You always hit a snag here, a snag there… And it looks hopeless.

You are ashamed of yourself. You try to hide, but it doesn’t help. Because you know.

You feel like an impostor… But you are normal.

Humans aren’t built to be all good. Humans can improve, correct what there is to correct, to a certain degree, but not all through.

Why? Because, and don’t believe a word I say, the human soul, originally, was built to be 100% selfish, care only about receiving… care only about pleasure… that has been the design.

What the heck am I talking about?

I am talking about Kabbalah‘s version of the birth of the Universe and humanity with it. Continue reading “I can tell by the look in your eyes you’ve been hurting”

Why are you weak-willed when it comes to growth?

Why are you weak-willed when it comes to growth?

weak-willedI have tons of people asking me to activate the capacity of self-discipline, and will power. And although I CAN activate those capacities, they don’t come ‘online’ unless your behavior already proves that you can use them… I.e. that you have SOME will power. And most people don’t… we’ll look at what you can do about it in this article.

You had dreams, you had nightmares, you had aspirations, and you had many disappointments.

You watched adults and you KNEW that your life will be as good or better than theirs.

But when you got to adulthood it never worked out.

Here are a few real examples for how weak-willed identity developed: Continue reading “Why are you weak-willed when it comes to growth?”

The hero story that inspires you tells me a lot about you…

The hero story that inspires you tells me a lot about you…

what story inspires you?It’s human nature to be fascinated by a hero story. Hero stories create hope, because they create an illusion that the listener can be a hero too, can get the girl, can get the millions. People buy, based on that hope, nearly everything.

The Hero’s Journey tells a story structure we all love. Joseph Campbell made it known and famous. Movies like Star Wars, books like Harry Potter, and even comedies like Anchorman follow the Hero’s Journey steps.

Most hero’s journey is b.s. I have the habit of muscletesting the story that sucks people in, and thus far only 1% of all these stories tested as true. So people are lying, and you are buying… Buying what they have to sell, whether it works or not, whether it is a good match to your strengths or not… Continue reading “The hero story that inspires you tells me a lot about you…”

What blocks you from becoming an achiever?

What blocks you from becoming an achiever?

achieverWhat do you need to become an achiever? will power? self-discipline? What do you need?

Achiever is Someone who achieves something worth writing home about, or worth reading about?

Yesterday I had this sneaky idea that I will buy and complete and analyze a bunch of ‘more money’ type courses, and that way I’ll find out what other teachers teach, and will help me to make my own course different, unique, and better.

I stumbled on a few courses, among them one by Arnoux Goran, who teaches and has many testimonials support his clam that he had invented the wheel… Continue reading “What blocks you from becoming an achiever?”

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

not perfection... valueWhy do we need this commandment? should’t you thrive to perfection?

No, you shouldn’t. Measuring yourself against perfection makes you look and feel inadequate… and therefore you stop generating anything.

Money is a value exchange. And for value to be there, what you exchange for it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to have value in the eyes of the purchaser. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money”

Jordan Peterson: needy pathetic figure or a genius?

Jordan Peterson: needy pathetic figure or a genius?

jordan peterson needy and brilliantI watched Jordan Peterson interviews for hours the other day.

On one hand he was brilliant, on the other hand he was pathetic.

The occasion for the lots of interviews is: he just published yet another book, another 12 laws… I haven’t read.

This was, from my vantage point, his first interview after his crash, so I was curious.

What is this brilliant/pathetic combination?

Continue reading “Jordan Peterson: needy pathetic figure or a genius?”

A distinction not many would recognize…

A distinction not many would recognize…
distinction This distinction is called perpetration-withhold.

I have a new friend who lives walking distance from me. I can see her house and driveway from my office window, or could, but in the summer there is a stretch of dense woods between us, with wildlife… Continue reading “A distinction not many would recognize…”

Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love

Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love

This article is about how separation, division, is preparing, has been preparing humanity, you, to lose possibility, lose  the capacity for inspiration, for the spirit coming alive. To make humanity powerless sheep, bleating, to support this separation. This division has one purpose and one purpose only: to make more money for the 1% and impoverish the rest.

If you read the pdf I included a few days ago… you know how it is really, behind the scenes… Read the pdf and weep. I did…

Yesterday in my Growth course

Yesterday in my Growth course, students asked me to distinguish possibility for them, so they can be inspired again, inspired at will. Continue reading “Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love”

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something of your Self?

How to have room to build something?I have been getting a lot of money after I had all my savings seized… please don’t ask, I won’t tell you the details.

The money comes from clients, students, and -gasp- my nephew sent me money too.

I have noticed that the giver probably feels better about himself than the receiver… So I am happy I was willing to be vulnerable enough to ask for help… Not my usual attitude. It is quite unbecoming for a Forget Thyself soul correction. Continue reading “How to have room to build something of your Self?”