Your Soul Correction prevents you from a life worth living?

Your Soul Correction prevents you from a life worth living?
When you change the way you see things, the things you see change!

The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

I have a disproportionately large number of people asking for their numbers, whose soul correction is ‘Sexual Energy’

I could ponder why the Kabbalists named the soul correction that… but instead of that I’ll say:

How you do anything is how you do everything…

meaning whatever your attitude to one thing in life, will be visible in every area of life, including sex. Continue reading “Your Soul Correction prevents you from a life worth living?”

Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness

Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness

Imagine you are driving down the highway at 65 miles per hour, and your car’s hood (bonnet?) pops up and suddenly it is all over the windshield.

Now that is some conundrum, wouldn’t you say so? It is a problem asking to be solved? What would you do? Better yet: What could you do? What would be the consequence of the different actions you take?

Now imagine how you sound when you actually do your thinking? Continue reading “Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness”

The more we witness the more money we can make

The more we witness the more money we can make

I have a mirror I got in a course some ten years ago. It is a mirror and on the board it is glued on are the words: ‘I see you‘.

Being seen and NOT being judged, being seen for who you are… and neither be adulated, nor be diminished is a rare experience.

People on social media put on lipstick to be seen not as they are, but as others seem to want them… They are afraid to be seen for who they are, for fear of being judged.

But you are your worst judge… aren’t you? You are NOT witnessing yourself and your own life! Continue reading “The more we witness the more money we can make”

A good murder, like good wine, takes time…

A good murder, like good wine, takes time…

A good murder, like good wine, takes time… It is only reasonable if a man is going to spend the rest of his life paying for a murder, he should be entitled to take his time while committing it.

It is not just murder that people are hasty about, impulsive about, it is nearly everything that is potentially impactful on the rest of their lives.

People, you, are either procrastinating about important things, or jump in with two feet, holding your nose, closing your eyes. Continue reading “A good murder, like good wine, takes time…”

It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…

It’s not communism or socialism that is the enemy of freedom and prosperity. It is authoritarian systems.

Authoritarianism=my way of the highway.

I have lived in socialism. People may be lazy there, but creativity, thinking differently, individuality, ability and productiveness is not penalized… Maybe Russia was different. I lived in Hungary.

At this point Hungary’s system is really kleptocracy… stealing power, stealing stuff, stealing rights, stealing freedoms. We are seeing that in the USA happening… I hear that they are copying Hungary, a tiny country in the middle of Europe.

But in authoritarian systems who is calling the shots are the freeloaders. The looters, the moochers, the people who want something for nothing. The enemies of thinking, the enemies of originality, the enemies of production. Continue reading “It’s Tuesday… it’s garbage day on my street…”

Locked in/Locked out… scarcity thinking

Locked in/Locked out… scarcity thinking

One of the phenomenon I notice with people is that they do not have moves in communication. This comes from the binary way of viewing the world… either/or, one or the other, yes or no.

One area where this is detrimental to your well-being, to your success, to your energy, to your mood, is promises.

Requests and promises are actions. But they are not binary, even though the multitudes, and your mother and your boss, treat them as such.

When I request something of you, you think you are locked in to say either yes or no.

But your thinking is wrong… So what other choices do you have? Continue reading “Locked in/Locked out… scarcity thinking”

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it
Depression comes and goes in my life.

Oftentimes and a depressed mood, a hopelessness, a futility starts mixing into my life.

It is hard to sleep, or hard to get up, or both.

Nothing changes and everything changes.

I have been watching it with curiosity. Curiosity tinged with worry… it is not pleasant to be depressed. Continue reading “Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it”

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

In a Video of Mike Meyers‘ about how he creates his characters, he talks about his father who was funnier than him… And this quote is from the father.

This morning as I was playing Freecell to get to the ‘mode’ of wanting to write an article, I noticed something in how I was… playing Freecell. Continue reading “All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?”

I am told by Source that I am enlightened

I am told by Source that I am enlightened

I am told by Source that I am enlightened. 🙁

And that there have been only 19 people, in all the history of humanity, that got enlightened.

I am very uncomfortable… maybe even embarrassed. Continue reading “I am told by Source that I am enlightened”

The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!

The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!

The article about being nice, and smiling gurus brought me a lot of email responses… some disagreeing violently.

A few years ago I read a story about the Buddha…

In that story someone came to the bodhi tree where Buddha was teaching his disciples, and insulted the Buddha. His disciples were stunned to watch that the Buddha did not show any reaction. When the man left, his disciples told the Buddha how amazing it was that he didn’t get upset.

The Buddha (vibration around 400) said (this is the important thing, pay attention!): I got upset, I got angry, but I let it go so fast that you didn’t catch it.

Reading that changed my life. Dramatically.

Continue reading “The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!”