The good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift

The good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift

One of the most telling measurements in my Starting Point Measurements is the number of spiritual capacities you have active in your DNA.

The world, humanity’s average score on that measurement is 0.4. My students’ is 0.6.

Why is that a telling measurement, Sophie? you should ask, but you don’t. 1

OK, let me explain even though no one is asking. Spiritual capacities are DNA capacities that only open when they are needed to get work done with them.

Some work cannot be done well, some things cannot be performed well, some things cannot be seen accurately or at all without one or more capacities.

Example: A medical doctor cannot diagnose well,

Continue reading “The good life, lies on the other side of a paradigm shift”

How do you block the flow?

Some questions come up again and again… especially for readers of my articles.

One of them goes like this: how come someone with a vibration and consciousness much lower than mine can make so much more money than I do?

Or, for me, how come I sometimes make money, other times I don’t? What about me that changes from one time to another?

These are very important questions to answer. For each and every one of us wants to get the most we can get, if we can get it… right? Continue reading “How do you block the flow?”

To what degree is your life fragmented?

fragmented lifeYour vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision… But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won’t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive… narrow cone of vision is exclusive… exclusive of areas that you KNOW don’t matter, don’t belong, or you don’t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer…

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes… Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attached you are to one area of life, or one way to do it, or one problem you have.
Continue reading “To what degree is your life fragmented?”

The difference between knowing and transformation

The difference between knowing and transformation

As you know, I have been learning the difference between information and transformation the hard way…

Even though I have “known” this difference already ten years ago (I have a video of myself to prove it,) even the knowledge of that isn’t transformation. Continue reading “The difference between knowing and transformation”

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… Updated

water doesn't exist for the fishThis article is from 2014…

Often anything can kick you into the horizontal plane 1 . I got kicked into it… the horizontal plane, and now I am working my way off… it is not that easy. I can’t even connect to muscletest… the horizontal plane is sticky. It wants you, all of you. It eats your life for breakfast.

Let me explain: Humanity (you!) lives on the horizontal plane at this stage of evolution. It is both the starting point and the end state…

On the horizontal plane everything is about comparison. More, better, different…

The good old days…
I want what they have, because I don’t have it… and I want it.
Continue reading “Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…”

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects your relationships, how you appear in the world, how successful you can be?

Everyone, always, wants to effect the results directly, but that is not the nature of reality. The result comes from many many factors, that together and individually can be effected… and the synergistic effect finally gets all the way to the end result.

In some contexts the end result is your vibration. In others your worldly results, like how much money you make.

Because most people have no idea how the world works, what is the nature of reality, they are highly ineffective in the world, and they are highly dupable.

If you cannot see cause and effect, the connection between things, you’ll do stupid things, put the cart in front of the horses, and spend time and money on ineffective practices, ineffective programs.

Religion is one of these ineffective practices, ineffective programs. Continue reading “How the about-me score effects everything in your life”

Why is a dog happy and you are not? Wanna know?

Why is a dog happy and you are not? Wanna know?

I bet the title of previous article, “Are you a taker” got instantly translated in your head to “Are you bad?”

What you don’t know is that if you are not allowed to take, you won’t be allowed to give… the ultimate stingy…

If you are not allowed to live according to your nature, you will do cartwheels to avoid it… even if and even when your nature would take you where you want to go. Continue reading “Why is a dog happy and you are not? Wanna know?”

What you would seem to be, be really. Russian Proverb

What you would seem to be, be really. Russian Proverb

Your elbow is close, yet you can’t bite it… another Russian proverb…

Your mind says: I am not enough… it has been saying it for a long time… but nothing has changed.

It is Monday Morning and I am already not enough.

I just read the Monday Morning Memo, and it answered my nagging question: why am I not more successful? And answered it in a way that turned me into a heap of meat: I can’t do what it tells people to do… put sentences the way he says…

I can’t. I’ll never amount to much… maybe it’s time to pack it in.

I am pondering what he teaches, I am pondering my inability, I am pondering how I can live, have the audacity to live, now that I know.

I am pondering, as always, while I play Freecell, a computer card game. A completely impossible setup solves itself… I win the game. Continue reading “What you would seem to be, be really. Russian Proverb”

Do you want to be a hero or will you settle for being a dutiful serf?

What would happen if they passed a law that no one can take money until the buyer says he/she has used and is satisfied with their purchase… because the product or program delivered on its promises?

Judging from many testimonials, the majority of buyers leave their testimonial before they test or consume what they paid for. They like the packaging, the color of the stuff… or the accent of the coach… so they are happy. With what? one might ask…

I wonder how much these people value themselves and their money… My guess is: not much. Continue reading “Do you want to be a hero or will you settle for being a dutiful serf?”

The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

U2’s singer Bono, says that all of us suffer from the sense that something’s missing from our lives.

We imagine that we lack an essential quality or experience, and its absence makes us feel sad and insufficient. Continue reading “The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…”