Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth…

Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth…

There is a controversial saying by Charlie Munger, who said: to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want.

This is controversial, because the verb, deserve, is bastardized in our culture. What he should have said:

to have a chance to get what you want, you need to earn what you want. And then say: to earn what you want, you need to become the person who can  earn what they want.

Continue reading “Compounding interest… the secret of exponential growth…”

Everyone wants to be self-confident why? how? What you need?

Everyone wants to be self-confident why? how? What you need?

Confidence: firm trust, a sense of self, appreciation someone’s proven track record

If you look up the word in the dictionary, that is not what you find.

All dictionaries are now in step with the tendency to make words vague, not matching the reality… this word is a crucial word in your vocabulary. Unless you get this right, your chances of having a self, and thus the chance for self-confidence are between zero and none.

No one takes my Starting Point Measurements seriously. How do I know? Because I have literally haven’t had anyone ask clarifying questions about certain key concepts that will make or break you… Not even one.

For example, no one has asked me what is awareness really? Or what is trust? Or goodness… etc. Continue reading “Everyone wants to be self-confident why? how? What you need?”

You want a better life? Want to avoid a life of quiet desperation? Resignation? Here is your path…

70% of your life is made up of the things you do every day… your habits. The remaining 30% is what you don’t have control over.

But even that 30%, where you don’t have control over what happens: you have control over how you react, how you do what you end up doing, and what is your attitude. My next article is about that… the how of your life.

Most programs you can buy make up what to teach. Given that the average truth value of programs is around 2%, what they teach must come untried, untested, and altogether not true.

Tai’s approach (Tai Lopez, 67 steps) was different. He looked at, primarily, billionaires, secondarily at famous scientists or other authors.

The truths he gleaned from billionaires: 30% truth value, the truths he gleaned from authors: 10% truth value. Hm, interesting.

Where does the difference come from? Continue reading “You want a better life? Want to avoid a life of quiet desperation? Resignation? Here is your path…”

A roadmap to become all you can become… A roadmap…

A roadmap to become all you can become… A roadmap…

I have given people driving directions in the ancient times where there was no gps and you could not google direction.

How did I do it? I drove the path several times, and took notes: what you see when you need to turn, what you see when you are still on the path, what you see when you went too far. Continue reading “A roadmap to become all you can become… A roadmap…”

Kick with one foot at a time or fall on your arse

Kick with one foot at a time or fall on your arse

‘You can only kick with one foot at a time, Otherwise you fall on your arse.’

You can only pick one thing that you want out of life, and if you pick the wrong thing, you’ll never be successful.
…Joel Salatin said, ‘the worst thing in life is to get older and realize you got good at the wrong thing.’

You would think that the title is about multi-tasking. But it isn’t. It is a life that is un-integrated.

So what is an integrated life? Continue reading “Kick with one foot at a time or fall on your arse”

Take care of what takes care of you

the future will take care of itselfTake care of what takes care of you? 1

There is a book out there that says “Choose Yourself”. Continue reading “Take care of what takes care of you”

The Law of 33%, and why you resist it? tooth and nail

The Law of 33%, and why you resist it? tooth and nail

One of the brilliant ideas from the 67 steps that hardly anyone considers as applying to them is the idea of spending at least one third of their discretionary time

Discretionary time is time you have control over, time you can call your own.  I have found that it could be as high as two hours, but as a minimum, an hour a day is necessary if you want to grow. You’ll train your TLB with this too… because being with people who are better than you is NOT comfortable… actually it can be very painful. Continue reading “The Law of 33%, and why you resist it? tooth and nail”

What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane land where you want it to land… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip? Continue reading “What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth”

Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?

This article is stream of consciousness… I apologize for that.

Principles 1 are tricky. Depending on your level of vibration, on the size of your cone of vision, on the number and size of patterns you can see, you’ll translate the principle down to your size.

A principle says something to me, and another thing to you.

And yet, being guided by principles, your results in life will be happier than if you choose to live your life from vague longings, goals, or following how the ones went before you lived their lives. Continue reading “Your life and principles… Ask: To what end? What life you want to have had on your deathbed?”

A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…

A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…

build the habit firstSometimes you just do what you do… but you can’t see the forest for the trees… until someone puts a label on what you do… I am talking about myself…

This is what happened today… what a glorious day!

Because unless you see the forest… you may be doing the right thing, but

1. cannot teach others to do the same
2. cannot start a new “forest” in a different area Continue reading “A counter-intuitive strategy you’ve been missing…”