An experiment that backfired

An experiment that backfired

2349010-switchbacks-climbing-dades-gorge-0I’ve done a remarkable experiment.

It’s been remarkable because I didn’t mean to do it.
It’s been remarkable because what I’ve seen.

A week ago I got a “message” from Source, whatever that is, to stop doing the 67 steps. It suggested that something else should be started, but no indication of what that “something else” was going to be.

It’s just one week after.

Nothing has replaced the practice of doing the 67 steps.

I am sitting by my computer, and suddenly the thought floats up with the all too familiar feeling: “I should die. It’s not worth living.” Continue reading “An experiment that backfired”

Skeletons in your closet… suppressing them suppresses all your life

Skeletons in your closet… suppressing them suppresses all your life

91b98b94a59e3473fc106f248aba37baI completed the third round of the 67 steps, and my intrinsic Self told me: it is time for another kind of practice.

So I have been curiously waiting for the “thing” to show up, and today it did.

Actually it started two days ago, but I noticed it today.

it-is-better-to-have-skeletons-in-your-closet-than-walk-with-no-bonesI need to get on the chiropractic table periodically to adjust my hip, or it goes out of shape to the degree that my thigh bone jumps out of its socket. That is very painful.

So I got on the table today… and it’s a long process… and somehow I was looking into what started my hip pain, when it started, and what was the “original cause”… or it.

I went down memory lane and got to a period of my life I am not proud of.
Continue reading “Skeletons in your closet… suppressing them suppresses all your life”

You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit

You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit

astute-examplesMy site gets a lot of hits… people looking to find out how they too could become astute…

Astute people are happier, wealthier, more popular than others.

Of course they are looking for a quick fix to what the opposite of astute is: blindness, unawareness, cluelessness, being a bumbling idiot, or not being able tell their elbow from their ass.

I am not talking down at anyone… I was looking at myself to come up with those opposites.

We are clueless some of the time, most of us: most of the time.
Continue reading “You need to be astute to know when to pursue a goal and when to quit”

When you’re suddenly in turmoil inside and say: Opportunity

When you’re suddenly in turmoil inside and say: Opportunity

I am in turmoil, right now. Inside. Have been for a few days… Since Sunday night…

Some people use milder language. They say they are out of sorts… Same thing.

What happens when you go from a relative cease-fire, stand-still, contentment, to a state of ‘what is going on? Why do I feel so bad?’ Continue reading “When you’re suddenly in turmoil inside and say: Opportunity”

What is digestion, and why you should know that, intimately?

What is digestion, and why you should know that, intimately?

digestion-illustration_acs_webAre you planning a cleanse? purging? A drastic change of diet? Based on what? Ignorance?

You can’t be well, you can’t be happy, you can’t be sharp if you are not well inside!

One of the reasons today’s human suffers is this: you have delegated most if not all decision making to “experts”… and you hoped that you would never have to know anything about those areas of life and you’d be safely and nicely taken care of.

A step on delegation in the 67 steps begs to differ.

Unless you have at least cursory and accurate knowledge in what you are delegating, you are setting yourself up to being the sucker…
Continue reading “What is digestion, and why you should know that, intimately?”

Case study: how to have spiritual growth with practical results

Case study: how to have spiritual growth with practical results

I am completing the third cycle of the 67 steps.

It’s taken me seven months and 10 days…

Lots have changed since I started.

I have, so far, dropped 23 pounds, about 10 kg. My bone structure is starting to show… starting. I didn’t diet, but I completely overhauled my diet, removed everything that doesn’t agree with my body, and added all the nutrients that are essential. I feel good, I have no cravings, and it is very sustainable… I can live like this till the day I die.

I have gone from completely sedentary, because of pain, to sprightly, as some people called me yesterday. I now only have pain when walking.

I am in better mood than ever, I laugh easily, and feel good about my life, about life itself, about being alive. Big change. Continue reading “Case study: how to have spiritual growth with practical results”

What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?

What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?

commitment-to-marryWhat is the intrinsic role of commitment… making a commitment, committing to something?

Ever asked the question why people get engaged? Engaged to be married…

Engagement is making a commitment…

But commitment is tricky.

Real commitment comes from the Intrinsic Self, and you don’t need to make it. It is what the Intrinsic Self wants you to do…

Most things you call commitment, are impositions on the Intrinsic Self, impositions on you. Duty, obligation, drudgery.

They come from either an outside goal or an ego goal… and they don’t get the support of the Intrinsic Self.

The engagement period drives up the real sentiments, and if there is any honesty, will prove or disprove the authenticity of the commitment.

Authenticity means: coming from the intrinsic Self.
Continue reading “What is the intrinsic role of commitment…?”

They tell you to read… so you go and read junk!

They tell you to read… so you go and read junk!
without-investigationThe Belly-Fat of Ignorance

If you feed your body processed food… you get belly fat, sluggish, and your body won’t be a fine-tuned machine, serving you.

If you feed your brain with processed information, your brain gets the same way: clogged, filled with junk… huge belly fat of ignorance.

What is processed information? It’s second hand information, Tree of Knowledge, filtered through someone else’s brain, for a purpose…

In food you need unprocessed food: so you can be sure what you are eating is an original. You process it and make your own body from it.

In information, finding the very few people with Tree of Life knowledge will give you unprocessed information that will nourish you.

Nearly everything you find freely on the internet is processed information.
Continue reading “They tell you to read… so you go and read junk!”

The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life

Sun Tzu The Art of WarI watched this hour and a half long documentary on Sun Tzu’s lessons, and real historical wars America fought inside and outside of America.

I wept throughout.

I value, overall, human life. Even if it is the life of someone I don’t like, don’t respect, or who is the enemy.

So it was painful.

If you are one of those who doesn’t have the stomach for real life, who only wants to know about the nice things in life… You are stupid. Life is life, people are people, and life is war.

Whether you like it or not.
Continue reading “The Art of War can be said is the Art of Life”

Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?

Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?

unpopular-decisionsTo get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.

I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.

I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon. Continue reading “Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?”