What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?

The world has never been so divided.

The dividing criteria is intellectual and spiritual abilities, the ability to tell truth from falsehood. To interact with reality the way reality is… not how it should be.

The stupid is becoming stupider, and the smart remains the same. Said in another way: the underachiever is stuck there… and more are joining him. 1

In this article I’ll look what may be a linchpin issue, and how you can start moving from the hopelessly stupid to the smart camp.

Here are a few contenders to being the linchpin issue:

Continue reading “What keeps you from what you want? Can you change it?”

How Queen Elizabeth can teach you a lot about life, and how to live it successfully

How Queen Elizabeth can teach you a lot about life, and how to live it successfully

There is an arc to this article… I arrive to the answer after a journey to it, in the second half…

What is the reason that some people learn and grow, while others stagnate?

I read an interesting sentence in an old marketing book:

“Generally we don’t decide we want to get married and then pick the person who seems to be the most desperate to get married and propose to them.”

In that document, TheMissingChapter, the author talks about selecting a business to pursue, but what he says applies to any aspect of life.

  • If you are desperate for money… banks won’t loan you any.
  • If you are desperate for love… it will elude you.
  • If you are desperate for success… you’ll make all the wrong decisions.

Desperation is a very poor advisor, it makes you incoherent.

The worst mistake a service provider can make is cater to desperate people.
Continue reading “How Queen Elizabeth can teach you a lot about life, and how to live it successfully”

The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.

The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.

Why? Because the majority is always wrong.

In most cases majority/minority is an extreme proportional inequality: 98-99% to 1~2%

The other extreme is: 90% to 10%, meaning: the “good, productive, true” is never higher than 10%.

There was an Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) who noticed this pattern: that the distribution of income, brain, etc. is not even, not equal, but grossly unequal.

They call this the Pareto’s Principle or the 80-20 principle, but if you are a stickler for precision, like I am, you will know that my numbers are closer to how it is than 80-20. Continue reading “The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.”

How well do you recognize patterns? How many?

How well do you recognize patterns? How many?

It is said that there are only three types of people. (The illustrations I use in this article reveal more patterns, so pay attention, please)

  • 1. make things happen
  • 2. observes things happen
  • 3. ponders what the heck happened.

This is so because of the three different ways to see patterns.

  • 1. recognizes patterns, knows them intimately. The slightest indication of the pattern gives them clue about how things work
  • 2. observes things happen, but doesn’t recognize patterns… unless they are pointed out. And only when they are pointed out. Is satisfied with so-so knowledge, surface… so cannot make things happen
  • 3. can’t even (or won’t even) recognize patterns when they are pointed out. Is in the dark.

Continue reading “How well do you recognize patterns? How many?”

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

I just finished reading an article online, a National Geographic article on genius.

Like Tai makes us look at billionaires to learn from. I am looking at genius to learn from how to teach you.

I’ve read the article. I found it occasionally irritating.

It’s not a conscious irritation, like “nooo, you don’t know! or Nooo, not true!” you often experience when you hear something or read something you don’t like.

This was an irritation I just noticed… after I read the article. Continue reading “What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ”

Why I was miserable for 17 years… I didn’t know until now

Why I was miserable for 17 years… I didn’t know until now

hey coach...As I said in a previous article, I am reading the book, The One Thing.

Most books, just like Tai says, are one-gold-nugget books. Tree of Knowledge. This one is full of gold nuggets. The One Thing book is a Tree of Life book

The nugget I discovered yesterday may be the most important thing I have missed, and I see others miss…

It is and have been in plain sight but at the same time it is invisible, like most new distinctions. Until you see it, you don’t…

The nugget, this new distinction, is the foundation for the Ben Jonson quote from Poor Richard’s Almanac: “He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master” 1

Continue reading “Why I was miserable for 17 years… I didn’t know until now”

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

If you can understand it, it is probably not true

This is part 2 of the article “The crucial difference between people who are on the top and you

I will start with a confession: this is new knowledge. I myself have been part of the “not on the top” people…

Let me explain what happened.

About a month ago I read an article that had a list of 20 books that Charlie Munger recommends. Continue reading “If you can understand it, it is probably not true”

An experiment will prove or disproves a theory

An experiment will prove or disproves a theory

This won’t be my first experiment that either succeeds or not. Either prove or disprove a theory.

We live in a culture that wants answers, certainty, security, and abhors uncertainty. We live in a culture that we want instant results… and we act accordingly.

So my work doesn’t appeal to many people, because I am an experimenter. Continue reading “An experiment will prove or disproves a theory”

Are you a zombie? There are reasons for that…

Are you a zombie? There are reasons for that…

are you a zombie?For the second night in a row I am dreaming of spices.

My dreams repeat until I get and acknowledge what they are teaching me.

In case of this dream, the fact that the reason we eat spices because they have the trace minerals we need to live. To be healthy. To be well.

In Hungary, every meal has a compatible salad, which is NOT some leaf and salad dressing like in America, but some vegetable, some spices, and some vinaigrette of sort.

If it is not fresh vegetable in the winter, then it is a preserve. That has mustard seeds, or dill, or some other spice or spices.

The food we call vegetables has practically nothing useful for us in them, with the exception of the innocent looking zucchini, which is practically our only source of Manganese. And without Manganese we can’t sparkle. We can’t step dance to work. No energy, no shine. Why? Because most enzymes, the miraculous chemical agents, can’t be manufactured without them in the body. No enzymes, you dull. No enzymes and you are sluggish, you are sickly, you lack energy. Continue reading “Are you a zombie? There are reasons for that…”

How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…

How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…

tailored-vs-untailored dietCustom diet plan… versus a plan off the rack.

I want to do more Health Consultations. So I have been reading emails in my spam folder for ideas what hooks people… Spammers, marketeers know how you think and therefore they know how to hook you.

I found this subject line: “Custom diet plan…” and I contemplated using it. A custom diet plan, this is what I give people, will cost you. But unlike custom made clothes, this will not cost you much more than a diet plan off the rack, in fact on the long run, it will cost you less.

But here is the interesting thing: even when someone comes to me for a health consultation, they quickly return to their lives and do what they have always done: chasing mirages. Chasing quick fixes. Chasing a fix. 1

But why? What is the difference between clients that do well with the diet and clients who do well for a while, but then go back to almost the way they were?

This is what I am examining in this article. It’s long, be forewarned.
Continue reading “How the rich think. Didn’t say what they believe? how…”