Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?

effortless abundance the remedyCan you change by changing what you say?

Back in 1987 I took a course about money. I had been poor, just a tad poorer than most of my life.

I remember working in New York City as an architect for hire, freezing my ears off… the weather always felt worse in the wind-tunnels of the New York City streets.

My two big investments were ear muffs and boots. It was more important than food: you can be hungry and alive… these were mostly my two choices: full or alive. Continue reading “Why aren’t your affirmations make money appear for you?”

How a small donation of $3 got me unstuck

When money is tight, when I count every penny to make it to the next rent check, I always do something illogical, something that doesn’t make sense, but it works, and it works in spades.

I give a donation. Not big, just a little bit.

Make energy move. Money is energy

I have been doing this for about 10 years not, and every time the results are instantaneous, I get freed up, I breathe better, and I start to see opportunities where I was stuck just minutes earlier.
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Your Dominant belief… The right and wrong of the world

worldviewIf I am better off than you, I have one thing that I can acknowledge, that you don’t seem to have: I don’t see that what I believe, my beliefs, have anything to do with what I do.

You do… You live in a world that preaches you to believe, and if and when you do, you can have anything you want, that you believe you can have. That is the floor of your world, and it is a false floor.

I don’t believe that, and I have proven a hundred times that what I believe or don’t believe is irrelevant.

So while you are trying to change your beliefs, while you follow any guru who promises to change your beliefs, and get even deeper entranched in that worldview where your beliefs matter, I just do what I do, regardless of what I believe or what I don’t.
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An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200

simon-bakerI have a favorite actor. Simon Baker, from The Guardian and from The Mentalist.

Before I sat down to write this post, I looked what it is that I like about him. And I found two things about him that make me want to be around him:

  1. He is never in a hurry. He is not tense, he is not forceful, even when his life is threatened. I can feel the automatic muscle tension leave as he quickly returns to coherence, the only state where you can be effective and efficient in your next step, whether it is picking the lock of a handcuff, seeing the invisible to other details, or winning a hand in poker.
  2. He uses context the best way invented context can be used to cause an immediate shift in his attitude.
    Continue reading “An example of how to access your power if your vibration is under 200”

Beauty: is it a prop? Why Sophie Loren is perfect…

Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.
Sex appeal is fifty percent what you’ve got and fifty percent what people think you’ve got.
Mistakes are part of the dues one pays for a full life. ~Sophie Loren

I grew up watching movies with Sophia Loren. I saw the beauty and I saw the imperfection. I started to look for it in me, and I found it. But I never thought other people can see it too.

In a way that is lucky: I was left alone to do my own thing, read, write, play music, run and walk in the mountains, swim… alone.

I am an introvert. My inner beauty was my own, I didn’t need others to see it.
Continue reading “Beauty: is it a prop? Why Sophie Loren is perfect…”

A person can do well without doing good… but where is the spice of life?

slay dragons... it's an adventureBack in 1988 I declared that my life was going to be NOT about my life but about others… And that was the beginning of my REAL life…

This article is bulls eye, both in what it says and when it hit. September is a great month to call the beginning of the rest of your life… In certain cultures it is truly the time of the New Year…

And if this article is any good… and I think it’s fabulous, borrowed with just cosmetic changes from the MondayMorningMemo.com it is the perfect guidance for this month.

Continue reading “A person can do well without doing good… but where is the spice of life?”

Are you hoping for second chances? Life after death, heaven, reincarnation?

lonelinessDoes one size fit all… What is good for one will be good for you too?

Yesterday a reader asked what is the series I watched all day on my birthday.

The question indicates and unmasks a cultural phenomenon: thinking that what is good for one will be good for you… Nothing is further from the truth, and nothing is as debilitating and enslaving than thinking that.

I saw two movies a few years ago, both have a protagonist who dies but doesn’t know he died.

We see the world through is eyes… When it comes to the idea of life after death, the question is: what does this idea do to you and your life?
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The in-order-to syndrome that wastes your life… Do you have it?

dessertWhy were you happy as a child and what you lost that you could regain?

Children live for the now moment, until they get corrupted by their parents.

They do what they do NOT in order to get something else, not in order to get it over with, to get to the promised land…

Christmas and vegetables are the first means to destroy joy in children.

How many days till Christmas makes the days till Christmas something to get through, so the real thing, Christmas can come along.

And eating your vegetables so you can get to the promised land of dessert… You are doing that to your children… you are doing that to yourself. Other examples: get good grades so you can get into a good school… Study to get good grades… Study so you can dazzle by having the right answers… Recognize yourself?
Continue reading “The in-order-to syndrome that wastes your life… Do you have it?”

The religion you live that keeps you in your mind and dumb

This article is the beginning of an inquiry. An inquiry into how and why humanity evolved backwards. How humanity has lost the capacity and interest in using their brain for constructive thought, reasoning, questioning, inquiry. Continue reading “The religion you live that keeps you in your mind and dumb”