Actions to become all you can become from numerology

  • 1 Creativity and Confidence
  • 2 Cooperation and Balance
  • 3 Expression and Sensitivity
  • 4 Stability and Process
  • 5 Freedom and Discipline
  • 6 Vision and Acceptance
  • 7 Trust and Openness
  • 8 Abundance and Power
  • 9 Integrity and Wisdom
  • 0 Inner Gifts
Action Checklist for 1

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 1 energy:

  • • Overcome insecurity by seeing it as a hurdle that challenges you to leap over it.
  • • Find positive ways to express and channel energy through your work or hobbies.
  • • Establish a daily exercise routine to liberate trapped energy and to help clear away other addictive behaviors.
  • • Find inspiration by creating ways to serve in the world.
Accessing Creativity and Confidence
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who exhibits abundant creativity and confidence.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—secure in your abilities, confident enough to take risks, a dynamo of creativity. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring more creativity into your life?


Action Checklist for 2

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 2 energy:

  • • Understand the difference between support and servitude; learn when to say yes and how to say no.
  • • Learn to flow with change, relax into life, and stay flexible, letting go of what isn’t your responsibility.
  • • Spend some time each day stretching, meditating, and relaxing.
  • • To determine a course of action, use your head but go with your gut feelings.
Accessing Cooperation and Balance
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who exhibits a clear cooperative balance and who honors equally the needs of self and others.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—feeling inner harmony, responsible for yourself and supportive of others, cooperating toward mutual goals within clear and appropriate limits and boundaries. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring more balance into your life?
Action Checklist for 3

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 3 energy:

  • • Form the practice of asking yourself, ‘What am I feeling and what do I need right now?’ Express your feelings and needs directly.
  • • Take a course in public speaking or find another opportunity to explore self-expression, such as acting, art, or dance.
  • • Find a physical activity, such as a martial art, weight lifting, or aerobic dance, that helps you feel and express your assertive, expansive side.
  • • The next time you confront self-doubt, face it squarely and move through it.
Accessing Expression and Sensitivity
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who expresses himself or herself clearly, honestly, and powerfully, while staying attuned and sensitive to listeners.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—secure in your abilities, confident and articulate enough to express yourself artfully and with sensitivity, sharing the full range of your feelings and fears, your joys and sorrows. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring greater expression into your life?
Action Checklist for 4

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 4 energy:

  • • Break down big goals and commitments into small steps; divide and conquer.
  • • Balance your strength with physical and mental flexibility.
  • • Whatever you undertake, prepare well, commit, and follow through, step-by-step.
  • • When making decisions, trust your gut feelings.
Accessing Stability and Process
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who has achieved stability and security by preparing well and following a process to his or her goals.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—stable, grounded, clear in your directions, taking things one step at a time, knowing it’s only a matter of time before you achieve what you wish. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring greater stability into your life?
Action Checklist for 5

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 5 energy:

  • • Develop some form of simple daily routine to establish discipline; be sure to mix variety within the routine.
  • • Don’t let boredom stop you from going deeply into a subject or activity.
  • • Find a balance between the extremes of dependence and independence by observing when you slip into each side.
  • • Strive to be direct in stating what you want or need.
Accessing Freedom and Discipline
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who has achieved a measure of freedom and depth of experience through consistent discipline over time.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—focused and feeling free even in the midst of duties and responsibilities. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring greater discipline and freedom into your life?
Action Checklist for 6

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 6 energy:

  • • When confronting perfectionism, remember the words and the perspective ‘I am (this is) good enough.’
  • • Remember that it’s not what you do that counts; it’s who you are.
  • • Learn to accept and make the best use of whatever happens, and accept your response, no matter what.
  • • Allow your vision of what you may become to inspire you and call you onward while you enjoy your life here and now.
Accessing Vision and Acceptance
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who displays self-acceptance and acceptance of others and who holds a high vision while maintaining a good sense of perspective.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—feeling good about yourself, others, and the world, accepting the higher justice and perfection in everything as it is. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring greater acceptance into your life?
Action Checklist for 7

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 7 energy:

  • • When you have questions, ask yourself, ‘What if I knew?’ See what answers come.
  • • Do your best to share what’s really in your heart, not just your mind, and form clear agreements with others.
  • • Honor your need for privacy, but take little risks in sharing your feelings openly.
  • • Trust your own instinct and intuition; you are the expert on your body and your life.
Accessing Trust and Openness
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who expresses the ability to feel trusting and relaxed with other people, who reveals deep thoughts and feelings without concern or fear, and who trusts his or her own intuitive knowledge.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—feeling safe with and connected to other people, relaxed and open. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring greater trust and openness to your life?
Action Checklist for 8

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 8 energy:

  • • Contact your power and assertiveness through a martial art or another avenue that allows you to express these qualities in a constructive way.
  • • Take responsibility for any abundance or lack of abundance in your life.
  • • Consider how you really feel about wealth, power, and high profile.
  • • Count your blessings, and appreciate the abundance you have in your life right now; share a portion of your blessings with others.
Accessing Abundance and Power
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who has manifested abundance and shares generously, who has dealt with money issues and can act assertively when necessary.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—truly abundant, without money concerns, feeling your inner power and sharing it with others in a positive way. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring greater abundance to your life?


Action Checklist for 9

The following actions can make a difference in the lives of those working 9 energy:

  • • Respect the opinions and choices of others, but above all, listen to your own heart.
  • • Before acting or making an important decision, ask yourself, ‘What would my higher self do?’
  • • Remember that whatever your role in life, and whether you like it or not, you are leading others by your example.
  • • Find what inspires you in life, and follow it.
Accessing Integrity and Wisdom
  • 1. Think of someone you know, or imagine a film, literary, or historical character—a role model who leads by example—someone whose life, whose integrity and wisdom, inspires others.
  • 2. Imagine yourself as that person—living in accordance with higher principles, happy to serve a higher purpose. In what specific ways can you put these qualities into practice and bring higher wisdom and integrity into your life?


Contemplating Inner Gifts for 0 (zero) (soul corrections 10,20,30,40)
  • 1. Consider your sensitivity: How have you used this gift? How has it ‘used’ you? In what ways might you apply this resource in service of others?
  • 2. Consider your strength: Has it manifested as inner strength, outer strength, or both? Do you appreciate this gift? How might you use it more fully in your life?
  • 3. Consider your expressiveness: How has it moved into the world—in your relationships and work? Have you felt aware of this gift, or have you doubted it? How might you use expressiveness in the most positive way?
  • 4. Consider your intuition: Do you trust your clear intuitive capacities when making decisions or when guiding others? Do you notice that when you contact your heart, your intuition opens wide?