Testimonial questions

Testimonial questions
Questions that help you give me a good testimonial


this is a tool both for you and me. What’s in it for you? Most of the time we don’t stop to look why we did what we did. What was the learning. What was the benefit. What did we do? What did we expect.

These questions are geared primarily to people who got healing from me, Sophie. But for every healing client I have 10 clients who bought something else… And if that is you, wherever I ask about healing, or health, just substitute what you bought.  Answer, thoughtfully, every question that you have an answer for, and then email it to me. Even if you hate me, it will serve both of us. You express your hate, your disappointment, your anger, and will feel better. Or maybe you’ll see what YOU did that made you not enjoy what you bought. You can call me names: you have my permission. Just do it. You’ll thank me for it.

1) What was your primary reason for asking for your health measurement?
2) Describe what your understanding was regarding what you found out
3) Describe how things changed in your thinking now that you knew what was maybe off with your health?
4) If you took healing: Describe how you feel now, after the completed healing?

5) Can you describe to a newcomer how this remote healing thing is done? From your vantage point.
5) Describe Sophie as a teacher and healer.

5) What was your toughest moment? How did you overcome it?
8) Did you have any personal experience (e.g. The moment I understood the one-word, the moment I realized what I had misunderstood, what I did, etc…).
9) What would you say are the big benefits of distant healing with energies?

10) Why would you recommend it?
11) Getting well, changing mindset is the toughest thing in the world. Can you describe how tough it was, and what sacrifices you had to make to keep going?
12) What was your toughest moment? How did you overcome it?

13) Have you done other things with Sophie? Courses, workshops, challenges? Why?
14) What advice would you give to future clients and participants?
15) How did participating with Sophie personally help you?
16) Anything else you’d like to add?