Geniuxole System
People are looking for ways to become smarter. And you should… I mean you should become smarter.
There is one major issue and that is: where do you think smarts lives?
We have spoken of this before, but let me repeat it for those that are new:
Human beings have two major dimensions. If I wanted to draw it, I would draw a cross.
The horizontal line is your periphery, the world, the hubbub of daily happenings, the weather… other people.
The vertical is endless in both directions, and it connects to the core of your being, to the core of existence, and it connects to All Knowledge.
If I wanted to represent it in a different way, I would draw a circle.
The aspects of a human being that serve the horizontal, worldly interests are on the surface of the circle, the aspects of a human being that connect to all intelligence, all knowledge are on the inside.
Common perception looks at the mind as if it were at the crossing point of these two aspects. If it were true, developing your mind would make you more capable, more suitable for the world, and more connected to all-of-it at the same time.
Nothing is further from the truth. Really brainy people are rarely successful, because they lack spiritual capacities to deal with reality, to deal with people.
Although the mind is a brain function, mostly, it uses only about 1% of your brain capacity.
In most people that I measure, this is the reason they only use only 1% of their brain to make choices, to deal with life: they live in their mind, they spend all of their time there, as if all they need to live well could be found in the mind. It can’t be found there.
Here is the misunderstanding: the mind can only deal with, the mind can only process what you already put into it. It is also highly vulnerable to influences, it has a set of filters that skew the incoming information, so the mind is a very dumb machine.
When you live in your mind, you are dumb, and I don’t say that to insult you, I say that to wake you up. Of course the mind doesn’t like it, but there is a whole world of knowledge out there that the mind doesn’t know about, cannot know about, because it is your inside-the-circle aspects that connect to THAT knowledge. If you live in your mind, you miss all that knowledge.
So when you do exercises devised by people who don’t understand how it works, you make your mind stronger, and your self stupider…
There are many technologies that do that, make you stupider, and one of them is the Geniuxole System. It has success stories like any “modality” because there are some people who don’t live 100% of the time in their mind, that most of their decisions and most of their life isn’t predicated on what’s already in the mind.
These people can use the Geniuxole System harmlessly. But chances are that you are not one of them, and the System won’t do any good for you, au contraire, it will make you even dumber, looking for answers that are not there. Or finding old junk, and repeating information that you never understood, never tested, and wasn’t true to begin with.
What you need, instead, is developing your capacities that connect you to all knowledge, and the exercises for developing those capacities are not straightforward, they don’t make much sense… sense to the mind. The mind doesn’t like exercises that don’t make sense to it. The mind doesn’t trust those… but unfortunately to all of us, all power, all happiness, all real satisfying, fulfilling success lives outside of the mind.
The DNA of every human has a lot of dormant “nodes”, areas that could be active or inactive.
160 of these are the kind of capacities that we could call spiritual capacities. They all take you out of the mind and into the reality. They all allow you to connect to the vertical, the All-knowledge, where what you find is actually useful for life, for success, for happiness, for a life worth living.
A “normal” person has 5-7 of those 160 on. Very few people ever turned on capacities for themselves, I am one of them. But I started out with 22 active capacities, so I was one of the lucky ones.
The more capacities you have working for me, the more capacities you can turn on, or have turned on.
I am an energy “master”, and I can turn on capacities for people. What I cannot do is this: I cannot keep them open for you, unless you use the capacity for three days after I turned it on.
It is not easy. It is, actually, wicked hard, at least in the beginning. Even understanding what to do is hard, because in the beginning the mind is fighting for its dominance.
I have been turning on capacities for people for a while now. I have been also experimenting with turning on capacities with the instruction to “Source”: turn on all capacities.
I have had mixed success, because, believe it or not, I don’t know, can’t see, what turned on and what didn’t. The only thing I can get from Source is a yes/no answer.
Honestly, I don’t know what those 160 capacities are exactly… even though I have them all turned on for myself. It’s taken me working on that full time for 30 years.
If you are interested in this work of turning on spiritual capacities, you can follow my blog. Or you can send me a donation to measure how many capacities you are working with right now.
Vibrational review:
Geniuxole System: vibration: 190
If your issues of understanding, comprehension, retaining and remembering, emptying the mind, removing the filters: removing the noise in your head will produce faster and better results.
One of the remedies I can offer is the Heaven on Earth, any version of it, bottles or audio.
Most of what’s in your mind, most of the activity, is fear based, worry, anxiety, trying real hard, or resisting. All of these respond well to the magical energies infused into Heaven on Earth. You’ll be instantly more intelligent, because you will be more available to hear what’s going on, to see more accurately. Guaranteed.