Shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love

It’s time to laugh again… plus here is a shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love Sleepy-time
sleepy-time-activationUsing your Sleepy Time to raise your vibration

It’s time to laugh again… plus here is a shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love Sleepy-time

Gonzo, the guru, offers advice on how to reach nirvana on your own without the expense of new age programs. Delightful.

Now, on a more serious note: one of my students that has been unwilling or unable to do what he needs to do, in terms of anything that needs courage or work… lol, has been looking for shortcuts.

Are there any shortcuts? Of course there are. Don’t be mistaken, what I teach is all shortcuts… compared to sitting on a hard floor for 20-30 years cross-legged and not accomplishing anything, not even one-point rise in your vibration, and 60-70 initial points of rise in a month… big shortcut.

But there are shortcuts and there are shortcuts, so he came up with an idea of using some of the activators as a sleepy-time audio, much like I used the free Holosync recording for years… it annoyed the hell out of me, but took my attention off the mind-stuff that normally, without the audio, kept me awake for hours.

By the way, I bought the whole 3-grand worth of CD’s, this was 10 years ago, but the only thing that felt effective was the free CD… so that is the only one I used, after testing the rest. Oh well, another 3 grands wasted.

sleepy-time-activatorThe Unconditional Love Activator is the best activator I have, but it’s really difficult to use: you need to sit and be connected… near impossible for most people. Even I don’t like to just sit that long.

He suggested that I create an audio version for it for sleepy-time use, and make sure that the activation reaches the subconscious, where all the self-hate stuff lives.

To my surprise, the question got a yes answer with muscletest (why didn’t I think about that before?!) so maybe now everyone will be able to activate Unconditional Love.

sleepy-time-activation-2You can get the whole Unconditional Love Activator and use the Original audio for sleepy-time download or get the Sleepy-Time version, I will include in it the HOE long range and the Energizer for an amazing transformational tool. You will be able to use it for all three purposes: remove the bad feelings (HOE), energize your environment and your water, and of course, the Unconditional Love activation.

The Sleepy time version will be ready the latest by 6 pm EST… is ready for download… it’s a little complicated because of all the layers. Once it’s ready, I’ll email you that it’s ready.

Or go, and get it early.

And to read more about the Unconditional Love Activator that created a new era… click here


Question: I used the sleepy time unclove last night and wow I feel awesome this morning. How does this work so good?
Answer: The Unconditional Love Activator is an amazing activator, it changes the “grounds of your being” from having to do something to be OK, to simply being OK.

…and then you add the other two energies, and you have a fantastic product.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

14 thoughts on “Shortcut to raising your vibration: Unconditional Love”

  1. You listened to the first few minutes… it’s about 20 minutes guided meditation, and then 110 minutes of download the statements of the Unconditional Love.

    You will never benefit from the Unconditional Love activator, because you cannot connect, because your vibration is too low.

    I recommend that you use this activator to raise your vibration to a level where you are at least able to benefit from the Avatar State audios… at present your vibration is way too low.

  2. I bought the Sleepy time UL. I had the understanding of it being more of a sleep recording.
    It seems to be a guided meditation. As far as USE, what’s the difference?
    Like Celica, I already own HOE. Can I downgrade to
    UNC-love (non-sleepy)?

  3. Does one need both? Unc-love AND sleepytime? Or will sleepy time cover it?

    And…Is the answer to Ross’s question yes? Low audible loop for sleepy time?

  4. I’ve just purchased the HOE long range yesterday and today I got your post that the Unconditional Love Sleepy-time is included in the HOE long range. If I wish to get the Unconditional Love Sleepy-time version, do I have to pay another $35-00 since I’ve already paid $20-00 for the HOE long range ?

    Please advise. Thank you.

  5. The Unconditional Love activator needs to be audible… It has words in it that need to be heard, with the other than conscious mind.

    It is NOT an avatar state audio activator. And yes, it is 1 hour 36 minutes.

  6. Sophie, the sleepy version is 1 hour 36 minutes long and is a guided meditation. Is that the right one? Do I simply put it on a low inaudible volume and run it in a loop for it to work in sleepy mode?

  7. Thank you Will for your lazy ass 🙂 and divine inspiration. And thank you Sophie for making this sleepy time version. What a fantastic idea!

  8. I love it, and the comment about my lazy ass, that said.. it wasn’t a shortcut idea (though clearly a good shortcut lol ), it came to me while doing the unconditional love activator, so i’d say more intelligence or divine inspiration… i’m an ideas person, what can i say haha 🙂

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