Essential 90 report offer

Knowledge is power… And when it comes to your health… Power means Life.

One reason most people are not well, is because they have serious nutritional deficiencies.

Doctors are not trained to know that you actually need nutrients (!) so they probably will never tell you, never ask you.

According to Dr. Joel Wallach there are 90 essential nutrients you need to take daily. Deficiencies from any of them can cause wide ranging issues, from headaches, muscle spasms, tiredness, to serious chronic illnesses.

In addition to knowing what you lack, the deficiency profile also indicates what causes the deficiency.

Often the deficiency is caused by lack of absorption due to dietary mistakes, or hidden conditions that haven’t expressed themselves in disease yet.

I perform this examination, through muscletesting, as part of my comprehensive health consultation, but as I like to offer a special deal from time to time, I am offering this service, separately now, for a few days only, as a deal.

I don’t need to see you or talk to you: I can connect to you remotely.

Regular price: $150.

What will you get: You’ll get a text document, or if you prefer a pdf… showing all 90 essential nutrients,
showing which nutrients you are deficient in, and my insights from the missing essentials.

If you want, you can upgrade to the full health consultation…

Why not muscletest yourself?

You can do it, if you can get each essential nutrient separately in a way that you can hold it. I can’t guarantee your accuracy, but you can do it.

Why not go to a local nutritionist?

Two reasons: nutritionists make the bulk of their money through recommending products they get a commission paid on… so they recommend what pays the most commission, not what you need. Guaranteed.

Second reason: to test for the deficiencies, hands on, takes about two hours… so it is mighty tiresome, expensive, and not very accurate.

So what’s the special?

Between now and October 1, you can get this measurement and report done, plus you can get any of my products free including shippable products, like remedies… Up to 60 dollars. Must be my product… Amazon products not included.