Vibrational Review: the lowest numbers yet

1. Marcey Hamm personal vibration: 200. music: 200;
2. Toby Alexander (DNA guy) 195
3. Virginia Ellen 190
4. Jach Pursel channeling Lazaris 190
5. Sri Vishwanth 210

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

3 thoughts on “Vibrational Review: the lowest numbers yet”

  1. Thank you very much for checking. I appreciate it. I totally bought one but found I lacked the talent to use it properly. I appreciate all of the knowledge that you have shared through your articles and classes. Thank you!

  2. Ed's vibration is 200, and his quantuminquisitor vibrates on the level of 35. The reason it is so low, is because it is based on a mechanistic world view, which is the furthest from what it really is. Don't be mistaken: vibration and energy and waves can be viewed as totally mechanistic and physical. Trying to connect the physical view with the beyond will always fail.

    You are right, Ed's vibration shows that he has integrity, and he is faithful and true to his wrong ideas, well-meaning, but totally disconnected from the truth.

  3. Is it possible to test The gentleman, Ed, that is the founder of this website also has a muscletesting device. He seems genuine. Thank you and I am enjoying your articles.

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