The New Healing Modality: Revolutionary, Innovative, and Effective

I have just finished writing and editing a new pdf about the New Healing Modality. Thank you Matsa for the editing help: great work.

It’s 11 pages, and it tells you everything I think you need to know about the new modality.

I’d like you to read it, and get back to this post and comment. In fact, I will only give it to you if you comment, anywhere on the site, meaningfully… hey, how is that for a bribe? lol But the comment must be meaningful… or I won’t send it to you.

I will send out the link when I answer your comment… patience! Then, please, promise to come back to this post and let me have it… ok?

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

11 thoughts on “The New Healing Modality: Revolutionary, Innovative, and Effective”

  1. Hi Sophie, would love to read about your new healing modality! I have been researching healing as we speak and was searching reviews on some like Genome, which lead me to your page! Id love to read about yours! Thanks so much! x

  2. I agree with Annie, your Desire to increase your vibration is amazing, and in doing so guide others to do the same!

    Sophie, you ROCK!

  3. Sophie I love your Bach Flowers. It was a little stressful the first few days but after the third day it has been great. Even when going through difficult situations it has been easier to deal with and observe as opposed to wanting to react. I look forward to reading your report. I love the meditations and healing connections. All other methods are not worth my time anymore. Thank you so much for your teachings. You are a hidden treasure of knowledge.

  4. Wow!

    Is this healing modality designed to raise vibrations or to help with physical/emotional issues? What is it based on?

    Can you rate its vibration?

    It looks like most of the other forms of healing rate really low. But they do report some great results. Maybe it takes a lower vibration to deal with lower- vibe issues?

  5. Great questions. So let me answer from muscletesting, because I don't have the answers:

    Is this healing modality designed to raise vibrations


    or to help with physical/emotional issues?

    yes. and to make it easier for you to see what you are dealing with when it comes to soul correction.

    What is it based on?

    Bach Flower Remedies

    Can you rate its vibration?


    It looks like most of the other forms of healing rate really low. But they do report some great results. Maybe it takes a lower vibration to deal with lower- vibe issues?

    no. but lower vibration programs use the Placebo Effect to perform their results. i.e. they use your mind's inherent capability to mend itself when hope is offered.

  6. Wow, a new healing mod???…I am sure it will be a high vibe experience!!!…I am so surprised that so many other forms of healing registered such low numbers, and do not deliver any permanent results. I started to notice the people in my Spiritual group's vibration and my own was only temporarily being affected. I am willing to give it a go at something new!

  7. Hey, what a wonderful surprise! I wish you greatest possible success with your new healing modality with rocket propulsion!


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