Just because you have been waiting so patiently

I am feeling almost the same way I felt two weeks ago.

I have decide to give you the recording of a call I had with a student of mine earlier today.

you can find out what’s going on… and I also do a little bit of teaching.


Audio Player

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

3 thoughts on “Just because you have been waiting so patiently”

  1. It was worth waiting for..I loved this call!!..Great call..Do what makes you happy.
    One question Sophie, what makes Jodie happy is consistent with her first incident. Is it like that for everyone or it happens to just be that for Jodie?

  2. Sophie, thank you so much for making and sharing this recoding! Greatly appreciated. It was good to hear your voice too.

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