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Finally I decided to end hope and start a side-hustle… or why you aren’t growing.
My favorite part of the book, The Science of Getting Rich is where he says: Start where you are.
Most people do their life half-assed, build half-assed projects, hoping that doing that they can have what they want: success, love, fulfillment… but that is not the way to go.
I can see it in every area: they go for the wide and the shallow, the puddle. In love they never go deep, instead they get bored. They want more so they start with another partner, and never experience love, partnership. Or just stay on that superficial level… No depth. I measure the depth in the Starting Point Measurements… Most are stuck at or below 1%. With everything.
With this work too, in every aspect.
I know they say teachings like… good enough is good enough. Your good enough is very shabby.
That may be a suitable guidance for the perfectionist, but what we call today a perfectionist is a person who never delivers, not someone who starts where they are and go deeper there.
Perfectionists are cowardly, never finding out what is deeper, what is better. They are apple polishers. Their ‘perfect’ is nothing much, It’s a puddle.
The job is to become too good for your place.
Reach all you can where you are… and when there is no more to reach, then you can start something new.
Building where you are develops toughness, develops skills, develops character.
It is not only work that is ‘your place’. For example I have been experimenting with my food, especially cooking it in a way that my sensitive stomach doesn’t get sick from what I eat. Cooking in a way that the food is tasty even after chewing it fifty times.
Life is not easy at the best of times, and hard and very hard often. you can get good at it and it takes work…
It takes processes, systems, skills, and character.
I read an article about the five-fold increase of productivity in industry, while knowledge-workers productivity did not increase at all. 70% of today’s workforce is in the knowledge-industry.
But here is the problem: industry workers find themselves in a system that is continually improved and made more effective by the operators, not the workers. So when these same workers transfer to knowledge industry, they have never been asked, forced or paid to create systems, processes, that make their work more productive.
So they lack even the notion that they could. Work is done randomly and capriciously.
Creating systems and processes is part of general intelligence, intelligence that can be increased. But the culture ‘thinks’ intelligence is all words, all memory, but that kind of intelligence, albeit is important, is largely irrelevant to productivity. 91% of productivity is defined by systems and processes.
Only 9% is the what. What to do. The rest is the how. In what order. The system. The process.
My teacher in this ‘art’ are Sean D’Sousa, Robert Plank, and Mike, the Pro Home cooks guy.
70% of my strength is in the what, and only 30% in the how. People who are on the top of their game, the gazillionaires, put in 80% of their time and energy into the how, the system. The 1000s…
So I am increasing the amount time I spend with systems.
Now that I am starting this side hustle, my goal is to spend only minutes a day on it, instead of it becoming the main ‘course’, and that is only possible if I can develop systems and processes without cutting corners.
Does anyone teach this? Muscletest says ‘no’. And to your detriment, unless you can develop your own system, you’ll probably refuse to accept anyone else’s, because you want to do things your way.
I have learned this the hard way when I was teaching marketing some 15 years ago. Or connecting to Source 11-12 years ago. Or teaching to detach seven years ago. And teaching to separate the story from what happened in the Playground over the years. Or teaching my private clients, an accountant, to triple his business… A doctor to double her practice…
Under 100 IQ (today the average IQ is 50!) is the minimum to develop systems and processes… and that excludes 97% of knowledge-workers.
In an article a few days ago, I talked about a system of growth, 1% at a time. All that growth comes from systems and processes… If you refuse to create any, or you are weak at it, you’ll never grow. Neither yourself, nor your life. You’ll remain at 1% depth, remain at 1% of your potential.
People don’t teach, don’t share their process, because most of them are unconscious about it.
And YOU don’t even know there is such a thing, so you can’t see it. It is invisible to you, indistinguishable from magic.
One of my students has recently improved her health from being near incurable to quite good. If you asked her what her SYSTEM was, she probably wouldn’t know. But she did something that is rare among students: she EMULATED the system I teach. Allowing pain, allowing dislike. Choosing, and following a purpose she invented. Her health, her relationship, her experience of life has gone up 90%. Because she decided to follow a proven system. And that is true humility.
I teach system. But most people don’t even bother to learn the ‘what’… let alone follow the system.
That is I why I think my time is better spent on creating a side hustle, instead of trying to get water from a rock.
One very important element of the system is allowing. It needs you to first let go of the attachment of how it should be, the attachment to that it’s wrong the way it is, and actually be present to how it is. The Drink your Food challenge is a very hands-on way to learn and practice this. The Detach workshop gives other exercises and a DNA activator… They work best in tandem…
The Detach workshop is a home study course, but comes with two live sessions if you get in before those sessions. I’ll schedule them after Thanksgiving, and after knowing when my life coaching sessions will be with my side-hustle. Of course I purchased coaching with that. Instead of trial and error, I am all for efficiency… To get it right the first time.
Recipes tell you the what… but without a system, they are random and capricious.
You are most likely attached to being somebody, smart, doing it your way. Your results are bad, poor, and you don’t create and don’t follow any good system. So you need to detach. Or remain the same forever.