Just from this morning’s ‘crop’…
I woke up with the alarm. At 4 am… Then I fell back to sleep. I said: ‘oops, it is late!‘ and the whole world was now witness to me being a slacker whose word you can’t count on.
I made myself a cup of Tetley’s British Blend tea.
I am testing not using sweetener. My body is covered in hives…
I suspect the sweetener is to blame… Now that I don’t put milk in my tea, I have replaced it with sweetener. So we shall see.
But before all that, I said ‘I don’t think I can drink this bitter tea.’ It didn’t LAND… because next thing I know the cup is empty. I drank the tea…
My ‘Removing Hatred’ client witnessed a man spouting hate, inducing pity and sympathy to the Palestinians who in their wretchedness resort to killing Israeli babies…
This are my client’s words: ‘I heard a guy speak today about what Israel is doing and the poor Palestinians killing babies and children and that every country has kicked the Jews out.’
Other people were listening to him and I could feel the rage and hate show up.’
Turn around the words in your mouth, chew them and see if you can drink it…
I am an Israeli citizen… I have already taken sides. But you? Will you justify hate and killing babies and children?
Many do. About a billion people justify killing babies and children if they are Jewish. Or American. Or not Muslim… And Muslim.
Just one eighth of the total population, but they are the ones who are vocal. The rest, seven billion just want to live, earn a living, and be at peace. Not be swept up in hate.
I have had clients who are on the fence… The hate is working overtime to take them over.
Hate is a powerful aphrodisiac… Its most important job is to say ‘it’s not your fault, you are not responsible.’
My client who is starting to get the hang of this work
My client who is starting to get the hang of this work is encountering bureaucracy and inefficient systems in health care. She manages her attitude instead of trying to force the system, like she would have before. The only difference is what she says about herself…
She says: I am not the arbiter of the Universe… And she says: ‘I was grateful to be able to fall back on seeing my husband as a person who needs help, and if I’m only for me, who am I?‘
Then I looked what to have for breakfast. My stomach hasn’t been not happy. EVER! In addition to chewing my food so I can DRINK it, I have decided to be loving to my stomach, loving to myself.
Love is not a feeling, it’s an attitude.
So I made myself sorghum porridge with meat stock, not water.
Silky, velvety, like a kiss, like a hug.
As I was stirring the sorghum, I could hear people calling it goop (= sticky semifluid matter, typically something unpleasant.) And refuse to make it for themselves. I looked up all kinds of porridges of different countries… polenta, rice congee, oat porridge, gruel, rice pudding…
What people consider good and tasty and nourishing is a matter of words.
As a kid I was given semolina porridge, because of my stomach troubles. With cocoa powder on top. I HATED IT! OTHER PEOPLE ate real food, only I was condemned to that GOOOOOOP!
And today I have a hatred for any sweet porridge-like food… they remind me that I am not OK.
So I eat my oatmeal salty, my sorghum porridge, my congee, all savory… Yeah. And Yummy.
You hear that me comparing myself to others and falling short in the comparison is what have me the hate words… I’ve been repeating for some 70 years.
Without participating in Landmark Education I would have never realized that words matter.
And if and when you look at the division of humanity to eight billion and one thousand, the most important difference is how they look at words.
The eight billion has been trained to hate, or not care… not aware that it’s the words that create the hate…
The penetration rate of the idea that words create your reality, that words create your attitude is very low, even inside intensive training, like Landmark’s.
I once had a student. I recommended that she takes the Landmark Forum, and then she comes back.
She took the Forum, and many other programs. She came back two years later, having participated in many of Landmark’s programs. Not a thing changed, other than now she had an arrogance and a superiority she didn’t have before.
None of what she heard in Landmark altered her attitude in the slightest, because her words were still the same… cheap and unconscious.
And muscletest says: only one eighth of a percent of Landmark participants actually get altered by learning the power of their word. That 0.125%. One person in 800.
But even if you GET IT you need training. Because only certain way of speaking, certain way of thinking alters ‘your reality’.
There is reality and then there is ‘your reality’ aka your ‘personal reality’.
One is real, the other is not… and yet. We only have access to our personal reality… the difference between the two is simple: words.
- Some people call me a b.i.t.c.h. and their interactions with me are unpleasant and unproductive.
- Some people call me amazingly generous (really, lol) and their interactions with me are not necessarily pleasant but they are productive. Productive for them.
If you participate with me and our interactions haven’t been productive for you, then you want to now sit down and write down all the things you say about me. I bet all the money I have and will ever make that you have been calling me names… names that get in the way of you getting the results you wanted.
If you can change your mind… maybe it is time to do that.
Most people can’t change their minds, because they are inflexible, body and mind.
They are the rookie or the journeyman umpires… Not willing to take responsibility for what they say…
Responsibility is the ART of causing… going forward. And acknowledging that you have caused, looking backwards.
Causing mainly your speaking. Your words.
Once you do, you are almost certainly on the path to become a 1000.
By the way: I measure the power of your word in the Starting Point Measurements reports.
I am planning to create and lead a communication course, but only for people who show some ability, some willingness to be flexible. To change their minds and change their words.
The Drink your Food challenge is an excellent preparation for that. It does two things:
1. it asks you to do something differently than you have been doing one way all your life. THAT requires a flexibility of mind…
2. it teaches the rudiments of creating your attitude, your reality with your words… and asks you to post it, publicly, for all to see.
How you do this short 5-day challenge tells me everything I need to know about you, and tells me if it is a good idea to accept you to be trained to become a 1000.
You can join the challenge… I am working to make it evergreen…
The challenge, Drink your Food works on two aspects of you, at least.
It works on your health. Not just your digestive system, but all of it. And it works on your character. Zig Ziglar famously said: it is not your aptitude but your attitude that decides your altitude… But he could have said that to change your attitude, you need CHARACTER… which most people don’t have.
So a challenge that works on your character is a godsend… wouldn’t you think so?
Another program where we work on your character AND to what degree your word has power is the Integrity Course. Or workshop. Interactive. Intense.

The words we speak matter. They help to shape the world around us and in us.
1. I love you.
2. I believe in you.
3. You are worthy. You deserve it.
4. The best is yet to come.
5. Stay positive.
6. I was wrong. I’m sorry.
7. Please.
8. How can I help?
9. I’m here for you when you want to talk.
10. You can do it.
11. You’ve got this.
12. Please forgive me.
13. I forgive you.
14. I’ve got your back.
15. yes, I’m open to your feedback. Make me better.
16. You’re not alone.
17. Even if we disagree, we can still be friends.
18. You matter.
19. Thank You.
20. There is greatness inside you.