Interesting article I’ve read lately: Joe Bodolai asks: If this was your last day alive, what would you do?

Originally posted 2011-12-28 13:30:46.

Joe Bodolai saturday night live dead Here is the original article… and it’s interesting, because as soon as Joe finished it, he killed himself dead… But I think the article he mention inside this one is more interesting, at least to me: Can God Make Something Heavier Than He Can Lift? Brilliant article, you’ll see. Well written. Well worth the read… well worth pondering over the question

And then come back and ask if I have an answer. If I believe that Source we are connecting to is the God of the article… ok? Now go and read. It will do you good.

I am working to see what his soul correction was… to teach something through that… ok?

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

4 thoughts on “Interesting article I’ve read lately: Joe Bodolai asks: If this was your last day alive, what would you do?”

  1. Amazing. It might be frightening to think that Source was just energy and not a personage. Or that there is only beingness, but no plan. Whatever.

    Sophie, your ability and willingness to be with the unknown, and to learn as you go is inspiring me to do the same. As usual, I don’t like it.

  2. Good article and great question. So, Sophie- do you have an answer…is the Source we connect to the God of the article?

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