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By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice/culture, they get to be wide apart. ~ Confucius
or by another great Chinese philosopher, Mengzi:
…if the people ‘are full of food, have warm clothes, and live in comfort but are without instruction, then they come close to being animals‘
Can you, do you ever contemplate what is the measure you could change? Change so you can be a high achiever, a high earner, a popular person, or even just healthier?
If you did, and you certainly can, you would see what modifications would redirect your life to a path that leads to what you say you want.
What you SAY you want…
Don’t consider what you say relevant until the tongue in your mouth aligns with the tongue in your shoes.
Start with that.
And poor results plus and excuse don’t equal success.
So as long as you have excuses, need excuses, use excuses, there is no alignment between the two tongues.
If you were as concerned about the tongue in your mouth as you are about the tongue in your shoes, then we would be in business. But are you? Are we?
There are a few common symptoms of people who say they want something but they don’t ever get it.
The Anna Karenina Principle reworded may sound like this: All unhappy families share a few things they share. All happy families don’t have those few things.
Those few things they share could lead you to see why your family is unhappy
So what you want to do is see what you have in common with other people who don’t achieve what they say they want.
Consider that issue number is this no alignment between the tongues. The tongue in the mouth and the tongue in the shoes.
EVERY SINGLE person who is not successful has that no alignment. Every single person who think they SHOULD be more successful that they are.
I could go about this issue in many different ways, but I’ll do this article differently:
I’ll use memes that are maybe 100% true (a rarity) that will show you what you are not doing, or where your attitude is at fault.
Meme #1.
You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
This is both a what and a how.
Look at your life, the past month, the past year, and look how many people you helped get what they want.
If you forced someone to do what you thought they should do, because you know what they should want to get… don’t count that. In fact count it as a negative… That diminishes at least two positive finds.
If you didn’t find any instances where you helped another get what they want, then look at your attitude. You’ll find that your entire cone of vision is occupied by me-me-me…
Even a certified narcissist me-me-me person, like D. Trump manages to be credible to some people when he says: Making America Great Again.
His about-me score is 70%. What is yours? 100%
Meme #2.
‘I don’t care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don’t harness it and focus it on a specific target and hold it there, you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.‘
Getting started is easy. Choosing a target is easy. Writing out a plan of attack, you guessed it, easy too.
Your scattergun approach to life is seemingly the issue here.
But when I look deeper, you cannot tell the difference between the what and the how.
You got stuck at the what level, and until you can tell the difference between the many hows that the what can be done with, you’ll be stuck.
Meme #3.
When You Do More Than You’re Paid to Do, You Will Eventually Be Paid More For What You Do.
That ‘more’ is both quantitative and qualitative.
Do more, and do more fully. Better. With more enthusiasm. More generosity. And more vision. And less about yourself.
This is the quote that fits best Wallace D. Wattles’ teaching about how to become an Advancing Man.
Millions of people downloaded the book The Science of Getting Rich… because billions of people want to get rich. But 91% of all people have no distinction between what and how…
That is why the Law of Attraction teachers make money hand over fist. That is why the ‘positivity’ movement is winning. And that is why you can’t seem to benefit from what I teach: you only hear the what… and never hear the how.
No distinction.
And because distinction is the currency of life, if you can’t see, can’t hear, can’t fathom the how, then you are not going to be successful in life.
So what does this mean? Does this mean that you are screwed?
Can you learn to distinguish, to see, to hear the how even if you haven’t, and you are in your 50’s, 60’s?
Muscletest says: yes.
But how?
My theory
My theory is that until and unless your originating incident, the one where you got stuck gets a full picture in your mind, including the how, and the who, both yours and your ‘perpetrator’, you won’t be able to grow your intellect to become higher than a 3-year old’s.
It’s an intellect issue.
Your brain COULD see it, but your rigid self-image isn’t willing… hopefully not forever.
On July 13 I’ll give it another heave-ho. We’ll see if I am stronger than your rigid self-image concern that keeps you a toddler trying to do life, marriage, making a living.
If not, I’ll retire this issue, and give up on you.

PS: All your health problems are, by the way, from this inability to see the how.
How do I know? From your questions.
Even when you ask how? you mean ‘what?’…
PPS: Here is another quote that you’ll hate.
What you hold back from life, life holds back from you. When You Hold Back from Life, Life Holds Back from You. ~ Les Brown.
And when you by some accident don’t hold back, you don’t realize that that is what happened. You had a success but you can’t learn from it.
Just like you don’t learn from your failures, no matter what the gurus say. To learn from your failures you always have to ask ‘how’ and ‘who’ questions… The what is not the issue.
I started to measure ex clients’ ex students’ health measurements a while ago. I would send them, after a lot of hesitation, their report that they didn’t ask for.
So one of these people said thank you and asked what her measures mean. And I told her, because it wouldn’t be fair to ask someone to pay for that, if they didn’t ask for their health measurements. So I told her. And I told her to contact another student, who had succeeded with the Big Bundle. She did and he helped her.
This ex client did what he helped her to do and succeeded.
Did the helping student realized that he just helped another person get what they wants? And the more people he could help, even just with the same thing, the more likely he would get everything he ever wanted?
No. Why? Because he didn’t get who he needed to be to help. He hasn’t been able to get the who and the how…
Of course like most things in life, this ability is on a scale… The more clueless you are the less success will come to you.
Here is my take on Confucius’ statement: Up to the age of around three all children are alike, even if they behave differently. But after that age, after their ‘break in belonging’ experience their life diverges, their inner terrain diverges dramatically.
So if we want to go back and find the first turning point where our life went in the wrong direction, we’ll find it around age 3… around 3. Mine was around 2. Yours may have been later.