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I will have a webinar for people who bought the Allowing DNA capacity…So, of course, I put my whole life into the context: what is allowing?
And it should not surprise me that life is showing up consistent with that. Consistent with: allowing is missing when something doesn’t go well.
What does that mean, Sophie?
It means: suddenly I need to allow a ton more things that under nearly any other context.
I woke up completely and utterly unhappy. I am temperature sensitive: somehow my DNA doesn’t know about heat regulation… when it’s cold it leaves me frozen. When it’s hot, it cooks me in my skin.
No sweating. Or not enough to matter. So I SUFFER… until and unless I allow the temperature to be what it is, and attend to other things.
So I sat on the edge of my bed, and said: allow… allow… allow… until there was a distance so the temperature and the suffering and all that kaka was at a safe distance from me.
And then I got up, did the needful, and now here I am in front of my computer… No suffering.
Another example:
I have a ‘client’. He is a photographer. Long ago he used to work for me. He is a shyster, and I am a pushover. Horrible coupling.
Anyway, I have been ‘trying’ to get rid of his sites I host and manage for zero benefit to me for decades.
And it is kicking my behind…
Unless I ALLOW it to be the way it is, I think it is going to keep BANGING me… mercilessly…
I feel like a fool. I feel like a total nincompoop. And I probably am.
OK, let go… let go… let go…
Let go of what? Wanting, of course. Wanting is the issue. I want it to be elegant, and easy, and be out of my hair.
The task coupled with wanting is the issue.
The task, by itself, is a technical issue… I can surely handle it.
But the wanting is all about me. About me being less than I’d like to be. Used. Taken for granted.
Yeah. It’s the wanting that is making me miserable. So what needs to be allowed is the wanting…
…undisturbed by what is going on. By creating a distance. Cutting the connection between what’s happening and the wanting.
It seems to me that every human develops this starting worldview: I want the world to be the way I want the world to be. I want others, myself to be the way I want others and myself to be. Also, I want to feel the way I want to feel… and the world, others, are interfering with that.
We share that with animals.
The biggest difference between animals and humans is that animals learn faster. Humans hold onto this want, this impossible, horrible, debilitating want till they die. And die still unhappy.
It seems that the biggest issue humanity has is this arrogance…
Arrogance is a worldview, where the illusion that what one says is true, even if every evidence says: not so.
The only difference between one human and another is what they say, the content of that worldview.
And it seems for now that people who are born with the same soul correction say something very similar.
I’ll look at some soul correction examples here…
23: I am the king/queen and you better bow down to me. Even if none of my results prove it… don’t you forget it!
25 (Speak your mind): I am special and I am going to do my darndest to be treated as special. I have special privileges, and if I have to, I lie to get them.
28: I am right. I know. Everything. I am infallible.
30: I am the best of the best. No one is even close behind.
31: I want to do what I want to do and the world must say: you are OK, no matter what I do. (my ex photographer is this soul correction)
32: I just want to be a child. You take care of me. OK?
33: Admire me! No? I am hurt! I am offended! Baaah!
34: I am the top, even above god… But darn all obstacles. If it weren’t for them I would sit on the top at my deserved place… above god.
35: I’ll just plow over everything… Because I am the little bull…
I wrote these really fast, so they are not exact… but are in the neighborhood.
So what is allowing in this regard?
You need to get that this wanting is what makes you ineffective and unhappy.
So you need to allow the wanting, and you need to create space between yourself and the wanting. HAVE the wanting, instead of being jerked by it.
Obviously without the capacity to allow you can’t create that space…
A number of years ago I had a workshop that was a complete failure as far as the results went.
I don’t now remember what it was called, but the motto was: step back… and of course even if and when people stepped back physically, they still retained their ties with what was jerking them, so it didn’t work.
OK, it took me some time, but I found it.
It was called the Detached Workshop, and the capacity was the ability to detach from what is happening.
And therein lies the mischief.
The difference between detaching and allowing is tremendous.
When you detach, you want to look away from what is holding you hostage. When you allow, you want to look at what is holding you, and allow it to be so it allows you to be…
It is counter-intuitive, but true. Whatever you allow to be will allow you to be. Looking away from it makes the not-allowing stronger… That is what positive thinking teaches… and this is how it makes them miserable.
One of my students is still in the clutches of positive thinking.
When you call something wrong, you are attached to it. When you call it ‘not-wrong’, your attachment to it gets stronger. You don’t allow it to be by saying it’s not wrong… As far as you are concerned it is wrong. And telling the truth: for you it’s wrong, is how you allow it to be.
And when you do that, you can gently step back, and step back, and step back, until the wrong is over there, and you are over here, and the gravity doesn’t hold you hostage. You can do whatever you want to do… away from the wrong.
So it’s wrong FOR ME that it’s hot. It’s wrong for me that the website transfer isn’t working. I don’t have to make them right, I just have to allow them to be wrong.
I just have to allow them to be wrong. And then I am free.
And that’s what you want. To be free.
I can activate the DNA capacity for you, but even after reading this article, I bet it won’t come natural to you. You’ll need a few things:
1. practice recognizing that it is the WANT that is the issue
2. practice recognizing that you want to call the WRONG not-wrong. and create an even stronger attachment. You need to catch that for what it is.
3. practice allowing. A hundred times a day…
It starts with the activation, continues with the webinar or its recording I’ll have tomorrow at noon.
If you buy the activation, that webinar is free to you.

The challenge
The challenge, like all my challenges, is doing the work of learning and using what it’s about. My contribution is that I ‘spot you’… so you don’t go too far on the wrong track.
So what you need to do for me to see what you are doing is reporting to me, preferably daily.
I respond as soon as I read your report.
A sample report sounds like this:
I allowed the wrong to be about X… but it still nagged at me.
I allowed my husband to be wrong… and I didn’t have to do anything… didn’t have to tell them, didn’t feel superior… success.
At this point I only have one student whose capacity is open and used…
Of all the things I have ever done, this is the most useful of them all… potentially.
Obviously it depends on your willingness, diligence, and understanding.
I am just realizing that my Achilles heel is allowing. Every single turning point I have had in my life was due to me allowing something that I previously hadn’t. Starting with the very first breakthrough I had in 1985.
My capacity is open (in use) 70%. I am going to do the challenge too… My goal is to get that number up to 80%. God knows I need it… lol.