Before I go into the meat of the article, I want to share something that you probably don’t expect.
I do small-group, tiny group experimental courses to test out topic and methodology. One of these small groups is two people Last week I had to stop the session, because both participants were dull, stupid, and nothing I said registered for them. So we rescheduled the session for yesterday.
Between the two sessions I did healing on the participants.And they both came, also, to my free liver cleansing session on Monday.
And yesterday they were both brilliant. Same people, nothing else changed.
When you are not 100% well, you are also stupid, because your brain focuses on keeping you alive, not on being smart.
I am starting with this, because how you eat, what you eat, is mostly what makes you ill and dumb. So please take what I say here seriously, because it is serious. And I don’t think any other person says this, Why? because they don’t have the abilities of a trained true empath. So let’s see what you should know.
My parents came from two different backgrounds. My mother’s family were middle class, maybe even upper middle-class. While my father’s family were poor, dirt poor.
And I inherited my father’s DNA. Anything rich, anything fancy makes me sick, because my ancestry was not used to eating it.
Every and all plants and even animals are toxic. The only reason they can be eaten is because over generations a human family or group developed a tolerance to the particular toxins that eating live thing produces.
When some new plant or new animal is introduced as food, the first at least ten generations deal with the toxins and suffer.
It is possible that the food additives we are suffering from now will be no big deal for a generation for some 200 years from now. But until then we suffer from liver dysfunction, and lots of cancer.
And when I say new food, I mean new food for your ancestry…
And, like in my case, your father’s ancestry and your mother’s ancestry weren’t the same. Your DNA tree went and borrowed some stuff from your mother’s and some stuff from your father’s DNA. So you are kind of screwed… aren’t you?
When I first muscletest your food list, I can see the telltale signs of your ancestry. But if and when your body is already ill, and that is mostly the case: people ask for their food list when they are already no quite well. then the picture is not as clear as it could be:
We’ll look at a few weird results…
When I first muscletested MY food list, I could eat most everything. but with the poisoning of humanity with all the food additives, food preservatives, plastic leaching into food, animals fed chemicals, slowly but surely, over the years I now have an almost vegetarian diet.
No fruits, and hardly any vegetables are on my list.
Luckily the Hungarian peasant style of cooking makes what I can eat tasty and nourishing enough so I don’t feel deprived.
And the few things I add that test not-edible, I can now eat, in small quantities… NOW. Because for years, like you, I forgot about the Light Energy hands on healing…
If and when I regularly use my hands-on Source Light energy to frequently cleanse my liver, I have no well-being issues: the liver can filter out the toxins from my body.
It takes only five minutes of sitting or lying on my back. And I can put it on my calendar, let’s say every Tuesday, and stay well way into my old age.
It’s amazing to me how effective it is at restoring liver integrity.
On another note: I unwittingly started an experiment.
Two healing clients of mine decided to be co-creative with me and have been using the Big Bundle while they sleep.
Their results each night more than match my daily healing input. So now I can see that you can actually heal even major illnesses yourself, the kind the Big Bundle can heal, just by using the audio while you sleep.
So now I am going to raise the price of the audio. after all I need to make a living. and there are quite a few people who need healing but can’t afford it. or don’t want to pay for it as much as I charge for distance healing.
The audio is simple:
The audio is simple: it is me sighing, or breathing loudly as I download the energy. It is the audio carries the energy to you. Moreover the energy is intelligent, it knows what to work on. You don’t have to tell it anything, no hand positions, no need to know what’s going on.
It addresses the most urgent, life threatening illness first, and handles that. And then it turns to the less dangerous but still ill parts.
It can become the solution, together with the liver cleansing, to what ails our current humans. Protect you much from the effects of the toxins you cannot avoid.
When you buy it, please know that the audio only works if it directly plays into your ears through a headset, ear bud. The louder it plays the more or the healing energy you get. You may need to tape the ear bud to your ear, or it will fall out. Gets pulled out when you twist and turn while you sleep. at least I had to.
Here is the big bundle…
I also have a bunch of tiny ear buds, one ear only, that you can ask for… they are really cheap.

My hunch is that it’s a lot more valuable than medical insurance. and much cheaper.
If you already have the Big Bundle: use it!
To encourage you to use it, to show you why you need it, I am offering a half-price health measurements to you. so you actually see that you more likely need it than not.
I have the list of buyers, and I will check you against the list.
Also, don’t assume you that I have your picture… please send it to me again.