This is the beginning of a longer article… but I publish it before it’s ready… for reasons of my own.
I live my life as an experiment.
Most people have no idea what that means, or what even doing one experiment would mean for them…
In very simple terms, an experiment is doing a thing to see how it turns out, what results, fallouts it may cause.
The essential ingredient is curiosity, awareness, and no ego. If you want to win, if you want the experiment to turn out well, you are not doing an experiment, you are trying. For a result… And awareness and curiosity cannot be there, because ego is there.
With that said: living a life as an experiment is a rare thing, because most people live entirely through their ego… so it is impossible for them.
I don’t have an ego, or if I do, I keep it so secondary that it doesn’t have a lot to say.
Anyway, recently I have been noticing symptoms of inner stiffness, impatience, rigidity, restlessness.
I have always had those occasionally, but I just worked through them, or ate, or suffered.
But recently I started to pay attention… and I saw that a tiny 5 mg Lithium Orotate by Advanced Research works on that stiffness like a charm.
So I muscletested and after asking a bunch of questions, I saw that the state comes from a particular imbalance in the brain chemicals… that is why the Lithium works.
So I started to pay attention what happens BEFORE i get into that unpleasant, unproductive state.
Today I had some Belgian chocolate, delicious, and that brought it on. Was it that? Muscletest says yes.
So I want to go deeper into this sugar topic… because it is very possible that sugar’s toxicity plays out through the brain chemicals.