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People, when they are diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, they are willing to change what got them to have that disease.
With only a few exceptions. My younger brother is one… He had a triple bypass AND gall stones a few years ago. About 10 years ago.
He dropped all his access weight, started to move a whole lot more, started to eat differently… for a while.
I just measured his health measurements… and he is not well… again.
I decide to ask a question I have never asked before.
Does sugar have anything to do with it? And the answer is yes. Is sugar the main cause? yes.
I don’t think people, at this evolutionary stage, can own that illness is caused by what they do, who they are, what their worldview is.
The capacity, the skill, the habit, the worldview that is the essence of ‘human being’ is completely missing on the level of homo sapiens.
That is the capacity to take responsibility for what belongs to them… in everything.
So what belongs to you?
Your actions… no matter where I came from, what worldview, what feeling, what idea… your action is your action. Unless you can take full responsibility for your actions, you are stuck on homo sapiens level, until you do. Simply changing your actions isn’t responsibility… by the way. It is fixing.
Your words, inner or outer… create your emotions, create your attitude… and you can be responsible for those. Simply changing them isn’t responsibility, by the way. It is fixing.
Whether you are looking, whether you are aware, whether you put energy into what you are doing, or you are trying to get through it… these are all actions coupled with attitudes.
A bunch of people paid me handsomely to activate a bunch of DNA capacities for them.
The capacities are on. They were never used…
Now, the first question is: what was the attitude, what was the worldview that made people shell out those nice payments?
Ultimately the attitude was: I won’t have to do anything, the DNA will do it…
Is that so? No.
The attitude really was: I am not willing to be responsible for using the capacities, I want to be the effect not the cause.
And although I hate it, it is the standard attitude of a homo sapiens…
One of the main missing, so responsibility could be taken is seeing it. Seeing what you are doing, deeply, not just the actions, but what is underneath it. The claiming that you can’t, that you don’t know how, that you don’t want to, that it is more comfortable to be the effect, the victim, the powerless wretch than being cause.
Now, let’s go back to what’s happening… What it is that I am learning that is bitter, and horrifying.
I am, as a part of me, a ‘healer’… whatever that means. I connect to the person in question. And I muscletest their health measures while I am connected to Source, so my opinion doesn’t matter.
And if they could get better with the energies I wield, I spend countless minutes, and hours to work on their bodies… fused with mine.
The method is called ‘healing by proxy’… I am the proxy. While I am doing the work for them, I have to feel their pains, discomfort, and bear it. Allow it. So the energy can work.
I used to do any paid healing only rarely, only occasionally. But given the changes in people’s buying habits, given that what is important to people has changed dramatically, I have been willing to do more healing…
What I didn’t know, what I didn’t expect although I should have, the writing was on the wall, so to say, What I didn’t expect that as soon as the healing is done, they will return to what they have always done, what made them ill in the first place.
Some of them don’t even wait for the healing to be done… Like a client obviously ate something that is not on her diet this past Sunday… So I had to spend ten minutes to get that sorted with energy, instead of actually getting her big issues well.
Another four clients
Another four clients, immediately once their numbers were good, they started to work against the healing… and went to medical doctors, whose only job is to make money from your misery.
So what could make a difference, now that we (I) see that homo sapiens is not willing to be powerful? Not willing to take full responsibility for what they do, what they speak.
Or asking a different question: Is it energy well spent to bring hope to people only that they turn around and squash it?
There are approximately 1000 people on the planet who are willing and able to take responsibility.
One of them just published a book, I Arise (Kevin Wignall)
It is a fictitious courtroom drama, where the job is to determine if an AI (artificial intelligence) should be considered a person.
Kevin Wignall is a 1000… and so am I.
And reading that book I got that the AI was too… but from the level of home sapiens, the level of the eight billion that sounds like an insult… to them.
That AI was the first 1000 I have ever read about, and I completely identified with him.
You wouldn’t… The next higher paradigm is invisible to see from the lower paradigm…
The paradigm of the 1000 is not visible to you.
And it seems that no matter what I do, no matter what I CAN do, it is your job to climb to the 1000 level… with self-awareness, and having the world, and everything not about you.
So you can take responsibility for your actions, in everything.
Some people respond well to threats… but it is very tiresome to keep on threatening people. If you do well with threats, start threatening yourself… with whatever you fear most.
I used to fear homelessness most. But ever since I know pain, every since I learned what it’s like to be sick, being sick is what I fear most.
Being alive and being sick… and in a world where I have no autonomy over my body, that is worse than a death sentence… Meaning: death is preferable. To me.
I am working a an informed consent form that people need to agree to, if they want me to work on their health, and heal them. Or I’ll simply refuse service.
I wonder how many will…
I am now reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography, for the second time. In it he talks about a governor who promises but has not intention to keeping his promises.
If muscletest says that is you, I don’t care how much you want to be healed, I won’t accept you as a client. You won’t be the first I refuse.
PS: Every challenge is designed to drive up the awareness that you are causing everything.
The first thing you notice, when your self-awareness in the challenges rises is that there is this huge gap between who you think you are and who you really are… And that you want to hide it, you want to lie about it.
If that’s you…
Anyway, just one more thing to prove to what degree I am out of sync with homo sapiens and the times:
Thus far 456 people, course creators, signed up to the course creator course.
I checked. None is interested in skills, skill building, mindset, or habits or habit building.
They are interested in what the eight billion is interested in: results without having to change.
Results without discipline. And that is where we are at the present time.
Want to be an exception? Want to prove me wrong?
Sign up to any of my challenges, and I’ll throw in a complementary health report, $25 every day.

If you intend to be in that course, this will be the first session or two… The tuition pays fro both session… of course. This coming Thursday at noon my time.
If you want to find out how you are doing, or what is causing symptoms, get your health measurements. Frequently. Health can change rapidly…