Yesterday the raccoons’ turf war began.
The video on the left isDNA from the internet: I cannot see the raccoons fighting in the house… I can only hear them. Frightening. And you need to add the crying of the babies… ugh.
The background: a mother and a daughter raccoon chose the house where I live as their breeding ground.
I live at the edge of a city woods… Since the beginning of the pandemic the deer population doubled, now, even before the spring birth, we have 14 white tails, a groundhog (I think), lots of birds, skunks, although I can only smell them, and of course the raccoons. Oh, and a million squirrels.
It’s interesting to watch them… but they can become really annoying.
Anyway, the two female raccoons gave birth about a month ago. By the sound of it, four or five each.
And yesterday they started the war.
The DNA, whatever living thing is, is based on self-regulation: it is either you or me. The command of the ‘Selfish Gene’ as Richard Dawkins named the DNA characteristic.
The gene says: when the resources are scarce, kill or get killed.
This spit of a ‘forest’ isn’t enough for eight more raccoons… So some, maybe all need to die.
And it is a good thing… a good thing that humans, the ‘wise’ animal decided is a bad thing. Thus human overpopulation.
Humans decided that they are smarter than Life… and they set up new rules that are sometimes diametrically opposing Nature’s, Life’s laws.
To the point that Life is not sacred, individual life is considered sacred.
So people in certain aread breed like rabbits and then starve. And then launch wars on other groups of people that still have some resources…
I think it started with changing nature’s law that said:
allow only the healthiest babies to survive who need the least amount of care.
Then came the coddling of the old and feeble…
I first would have been culled as a newborn… and then many times as an adult, and lastly I would not be allowed to live as an old feeble woman.
And life would be better. For everyone.
Because their fear of being annihilated would be justified… unless they are strong enough and pull their own weight enough.
The law of the jungle…
70% of the current humanity would either have to learn to produce or risk being eliminated. By Life.
I am an atheist. I have never been sold that there is a creator. But have I been sold I would doubt its sanity and wisdom at issuing commands that are not on the side of Life.
A stupid god with no foresight. No ability to see what ‘his’ rules create on the long term.
First off: a species that is filled to the brim with specimens that would not be viable without its laws.
And second: a species where all the gene-given laws conflict with the society (god?) given laws… so the specimens are conflicted, torn, never at peace.
Yeah… and then they are told to praise this stupid ‘god’.
I listened to the inner more than I listened to the world’s, the outer.
So I have no offspring. And I attempt to earn my keep every day, every single day. Do you? Have you?
Or is your attention somewhere else… not on what would earn you your keep?
You probably hide that you feel worthless. The impostor syndrome hides that…
And most humans ARE worthless from the point of view I am talking about. When I say ‘most humans’ I actually mean about 70% of all humans.
Why? No skills. Or useful knowledge. No discipline. No value provided.
The mother of all skills is to reign over your behavior. To HAVE feelings, instead of acting on your feelings.
The measure inside my starting point measurements that ask to what degree you consider your emotions reality tells the truth about you. It is measure #26.
It’s a clumsy wording… in essence it asks to what degree you interface with the unreality as if it were reality… To what degree you do what you feel instead of act for what you want.
The number tells me to what degree you exercise discipline… or not.
The lower that number is in measure #26 the more you are likely have skills, working knowledge with which you earn your keep.
Of course everything in today’s world is designed to make you desire… and desire is an emotion. Everything is designed to make you want, to make you feel lack, to make you feel worthy and worthless at the same time.
It’s the stupid air.
Even if you, like me, keep yourself walled away from the seduction… if you eat, for example, bread… you are now chemically induced for imbalance and desire.
And dementia.
I have been experimenting and have found that if I eat bread for two days in a row, I can’t remember words, simple words…
Writing this article I had to look up three animals’ names in google… I could not remember them.
Because bread you bought yesterday should be stale today… but it isn’t. A chemical makes it look fresh… the same chemical makes you sick…
I have a client who is so sick, that many of her vital organs have a health measure of 1/10… nearly dead or dead.
I have watched people do ‘detox’ with toxic ingredients… yeah… instead of homo sapiens our species should be called homo stupidis.
Because we are. Including, often, myself.
So what now?
I declare the skill building challenge again… a tad differently. The skill building challenge is to develop the skill of discipline: to choose to act towards what you want for your life, instead of what you feel like having in the moment.
If you are game… the challenge is open.

Most people who are in the challenge want to ‘learn’ some professional thing… but not in reality but in their heads…
So I see more use to build the foundation on which everything will sit, including that knowledge they want to acquire.
So your reporting to me will be ‘I saw 10-20-whatever number of opportunities to choose an I chose 1-2-3 times to do what I want for myself and my life.’
And let’s grow both those numbers… and with them yourself and your worthiness. Worthiness to be alive.