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More often than not, what makes you sick, ill, is you doing what you feel will make you feel better.
No discipline, and very narrow cone of vision.
Let’s look at that: what you think is making you well, or going to make you well.
What is there is low tolerance or no tolerance to feel how you feel. No willingness to be present, to observe it, to let it talk. You react.
TLB is the degree that you are reactive. Twitchy Little Bastard… TLB.
Your reaction is the opposite of being disciplined, of having discipline. The opposite of doing what you want… it is feeling what to do…
So the degree of your reactiveness is taking you further and further away from what you want in life.
A little aside: Kabbalistic numerology: a case study
A 3 in your soul correction number is a strong indicator that you are very reactive. The only way to compensate for it is discipline. A reactive person is going to be unsuccessful and unhappy… living a roller coaster life.
But there is a health component there too: you are always in a fixing mode… and your fix is the next bigger problem.
I am working on a person who has been having health complaints, as far as her communication with me shows, for the past six years.
Her health, in spite of my guidance, had deteriorated, for one reason only: her reactive nature, her reactive behavior.
It’s one thing to have a food list and following it faithfully. It is one thing to have a supplement list and following it faithfully.
She doesn’t do either. She self-diagnoses and immediately acts on it.
The role of the cone of vision
Instead of seeing the big picture that says: slow and steady wins the race… the rabbit will lose… among others, it will lose its life.
After six years her health measurements report shows a complete collapse, multiple potentially incurable stuff… hours away from a death sentence.
I am 30% done with her healing, and the immediately life threatening stuff is now eliminated, and yet she still has organs that don’t work…
And all of it was caused by herself… her intolerance.
She has two of the numbers that both mean ‘reactive’… three and five. Her soul correction is 23.
So, again, what is discipline?
With discipline you choose what you want over what you feel like. Moment to moment.
Going with what you feel like is what we call reactive.
You feel like getting angry. Or you feel like hating. You feel like going back to sleep, eating potato chips, arguing, jumping into things without looking.
What you feel like ALWAYS takes you away further from what you want.
So the action that is underneath discipline is choice: selecting freely, AFTER consideration. Free from the feelings. Free from outside pressure. And free from right and wrong.
Impossible without seeing the consequences of your actions. Impossible without having a wide enough cone of vision.
One of the things it is nearly impossible to learn is that your words create reality… every time, every word.
I used to not realize that either. I would think: I am OK, I am telling the truth… and babble on about someone or myself with as many ‘astute’ words I could find. And I would be surprised that my life is sh!t, my mood is sh!t, that my life wasn’t going anywhere.
And for most of my life, my life wasn’t going anywhere… Not what I wanted.
I was lucky, and a kindly older coach caught me one day and told me that talking about other people, even about myself is gossiping…
But I am only saying what is true! I justified. But she was adamant that it is still gossip.
It was the hardest thing EVER, but I learned to not say things with as much conviction and as much truth… and occasionally I manage to not say anything.
If you are in my challenges
If you are in my challenges, no matter which part, your anchor and ballast to how it won’t work is your wordiness. The urge to justify. The urge to explain. To elaborate.
If you can’t or won’t rein it in, the challenge can’t do its work on you.
Every and all challenge of mine.
Even if you don’t write down the justification, and you keep it to yourself: if you justify the result won’t be there. The result that you can achieve by doing the really simple practice of each challenge.
Each soul correction is the combined influence of three numbers… Each of those numbers have a main challenge… 3 and 5’s challenge is emotional jumpiness and lack of discipline.
Here is the list of the numbers:
1: Creativity and Confidence
2: Cooperation and Balance
3: Expression and Sensitivity
4: Stability and Process
5: Freedom and Discipline
6: Vision and Acceptance
7: Trust and Openness
8: Abundance and Power
9: Integrity and Wisdom
0: Inner Gifts
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PS: Cone of vision… again
I am talking about cone of vision in this article. I don’t think you can see why it is so important.
Here is an example: you are looking and seeing a man running down the street. You think nothing… just out jogging. But if you widened your cone of vision, you would see that he is being chased by a twister, and you better hide in the basement or you’ll be dead.
You make all your decisions without looking at the bigger picture… and your decisions will be ALL bad decisions… about everything.