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Let’s get some clarity, shall we?
On longevity, or life expectancy…
There are all kinds of theories and hypotheses about the life expectancy of humans.
What do we know?
- We know that some people, in spite of eating everything, in spite of smoking, drinking, they live a long life.
- Others, in spite of every effort, they die when they die.
Most of the longevity theories are designed to fleece you.
People who live a good and meaningful life don’t worry about their longevity. On the other hand people who don’t… who live a mundane, never fulfilled, never joyful, never loving life, want to live forever.
Humans don’t make sense to me.
I wrote an article some time ago: you can’t get enough of what you don’t want. I write about food there, but this is even more true about extending your days. You don’t enjoy them. You hope the day ends early… but yet you want more of them.
What wants to live long is the hope, I think. The someday one day…
But the hope… that one day some day you’ll get it right is driving you and riding you.
Telomeres, and strands of DNA, and activations, and potions and all kinds of stuff.
And even if you hear the admonishment every day, or read it, you don’t heed it… because the mundane and dutiful and the ITCH has power over you: you live an empty life.
The quote:
Don’t be afraid of death. Be afraid of a life unlived.
What does it mean to LIVE life?
In my humble opinion living life is taking charge of your life. Being the boss. Being the one who chooses… not others, not necessities, not have-tos, need-tos, want-tos, but you.
It is not how the eight billion lives… so if fitting in is very important to you, this article is not for you. It is for people who are not afraid to be different. To chart their own path. Who want to march to their own drummer.
I am not talking about success the way the world looks at success.
I am not successful. Not by the world’s measure anyway.
But I am successful as a human… I live the way I want to. I eat what I want to when I want to. And I am healthy, I sleep when I want to. I have a business that provides me both with meaningful activities and enough money to continue. I have joy, fun, companionship, laughter in my life.
I actually enjoy 70% of my time, and have no complaints about the rest of them. OK… maybe 2% I could do without. Most of it is physical pain, some of it is emotional. 5% of a day is about 15-20 minutes a day… so very little. And it comes in 1-2-3 minute increments.
So I have a choice and do muscletesting about all the b.s. they say about longevity and expanding your time on earth. If you want that, let me know. I can test them it.
But I would be more delighted if you got interested in how to make your days more enjoyable.
Add days to your life… or add life to your days.
Not as an agenda, mind you. The moment something good becomes an agenda it becomes something bad… A straitjacket.
‘I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days.’ says some runner.
I’d prefer to hear you say: I run because running makes me come alive… or whatever you do that makes you come alive.
Talking to people makes me come alive… even though I am a confirmed introvert. Even when I hate what is happening in the conversation, I come away from it with serious learning… and I guess what makes me most come alive is learning. Expanding my world.
The only times I suffer, briefly, when I could help, I could learn and I am not asked, or I am not allowed. Then I feel suddenly like a tiger feels in a cage… I become restless.
This is actually happening right now: I am NOT asked to heal people who, without that healing, don’t have much time to live. It feels like a straitjacket…
So I have been redirecting that energy to people, who, although they didn’t ask me, won’t begrudge me either…
Some people are givers, and when there is no one to give to, they wilt. They slowly die.
Some conditions are not healable, because they are not a disease.
Someone has cross eyes… not healable. Someone has poor eyesight: not healable. Someone has creaky joints: not healable.
Correctable, but not healable.
Someone’s liver is in trouble because of their drinking? Healable. My narrowing of the esophagus? It seems I was born with that… and now I’ll live with that. Source says it is not healable… but the symptoms of pain and burning are. So I do it when the pain or the burning come up.
Same with rheumatoid arthritis: not healable, but the symptoms can be reduced…
Microscopic mite infestation is not healable… but the effects are. But to get rid of the mites, I had to do something, and I have… successfully. So can the liver trouble person… the joint pain person. But the energy can’t do it.
YOU have to.
- Diabetes? not healable… lifestyle changes are needed.
- High blood pressure? not healable… lifestyle changes are needed.
- Anxiety, nastiness, anger, hate… not healable. Lifestyle and attitude changes are needed.
- When you can choose to be the boss, then taking what needs to get done is an ‘of course’… and then you do it.
- When you are not willing to be the boss… then you’ll spend a lot of money on useless crap.
That brings us to the spiritual activators of the 3rd Phase activation.
What really makes the DNA change is the Consciousness. It is not instant. Not in the least. It is also through learning to be a different person. You may believe that you are already that… but you probably aren’t.
I’ve just muscletested a bunch of people who already own the 3rd Phase activators.
The most important thing to know that unless you unlock the door, the linchpin, the keystone, the structure of your wretchedness is still standing.
If you already have the activators, or if you want to buy them, I am willing to muscletest the keystone capacity for you.
Here are the 11 activators:
The whole course of the 3rd Phase
- Forgiveness with yourself, life, and others
- Goodness
- Healthy Beliefs
- Humility
- Joy
- Kindness with yourself, life, and others
- Love with yourself, life, and others
- Patience with yourself, life, and others
- Peace with yourself, life, and others
- Purposeful Action
- Self-Control
- Trust with yourself, life, and others

And make sure that you sign up for the connection clinic webinar this coming Monday… at 1 pm New York Time. this is the first of many… the times will vary to accommodate different time zones.
If you can’t connect or just think you can… come. It is free.
If you are the overconfident type… definitely come. ask me to do you first…