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One of the most insidious and invisible parts of being human is that words we use for everything are already meanings, not facts.
And we don’t know it.
We think things are what we say they are. Maybe not.
And because we think the meaning is the thing, we are wrong much of the time. In fact the truth value of language is 30% only… instead of what we think it is… of course 100%.
Not so.
I read a lot. And I always have a hangup around words that try to express a facial expression, a facial expression that expresses some sentiment.
Right? We don’t quite know what is behind a smile, a sneer, a grin, or whatever, do we? I may know if and when I can feel it… but otherwise… no clue.
The Martian’s view
Early in this work I was trying to make people say what a Martian — unfamiliar with the language — would say about things… so through that we could get a closer approximation of what reality is.
Using words that don’t have a meaning… like move, open mouth, make sound, tilt head, corner of mouth lifting. NOT cultural words.
The inability to see things without the interpretation was staggering. And it never got better.
In yesterday’s article I suggested that developing the skill of being able to interpret anything in a thousand different ways, using the bits of accurate facts as elements of the story.
The issue is finding the accurate facts.
If you can’t tell the difference between a fact and your interpretation of it (the words) then won’t be able to change your life. Seriously. Your words keep your life anchored to doom.
Here is a scenario:
A family, father, mother, 3-year old kid are walking in the street. The parents carry heavy shopping bags. Straggling, the kid is behind them. The parents are talking to each other.
At a street corner the little kid stops. The parents continue. They are further and further away. The kid is just standing there.
After a while a woman approaches the kid, who suddenly starts to cry. The woman is talking to the kid.
Suddenly the mother arrives, swoops up the kid and walks away with him. When they get home the father spanks the kid.
Now, try your hand on these facts as if they were pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
<h5How many ways can you put the pieces together so they make sense?
What happens inside anyone head is not a fact, so don’t take it as fact, even if you are a mother, a father, or have been a kid. And if you talk about emotions, make sure you know it is your interpretation, your reaction, not a fact.
We don’t know what the kid wanted. We don’t know why the parents didn’t notice he was missing because we can’t. What we know is that the kid didn’t go, and the parents did.
We don’t know why the mother came back for the kid. We also don’t know why the father spanked the kid later.
This was, by the way, the originating incident for one of my students’ life.
Originating incident. The origin of the life.
The decisions he made there that like a script predict and make the life either a success or an utter failure full of suffering.
We all have it.
One of the places I got more proof than anywhere else was in the ‘Millionaire Mind Intensive’ after filling out the Money Belief questionnaire.
The stuff we humans make up!
One of MY biggest barriers to financial success was the belief that people would not want me as a friend any more. And you know what? I still must have vestiges of that, because the moment I even approach success, people don’t want me as a friend…
But it turns out that it is simply the Evil Eye… they want me to be less than them. Ask me about that if you have a concern like I did.
Anyway, back to topic: Astuteness is the measure of your truth value of interpreting things accurately. The facts you base your decisions on.
If you have a weak relationship to facts, you are shit out of luck… and you’ll play cat and mouse with life and people in it.
The practice I have asked you to do, if you actually do use facts as the basis of your stories, is an excellent way to increase your astuteness.
Here are a few things you may want to look at:
what is ‘laughter’?
what is ‘smiling’?
how do you know that someone is ‘angry’: what is visible? what can you hear?
when someone ‘manipulates’ someone else… what do you see? what is the one doing?
If you look, laughter, smiling, manipulate are all interpretations. No fact there… none.
And if you treat interpretations as facts then god help you, because you’ll need it.
I wonder how many of you good people will be willing to do the work to get to the bottom of it.
You see, if you got that your astuteness depends on your language, and your astuteness 100% predicts your level of success in life, the level of happiness, joy, fulfillment, then you would practice, and practice, and practice.
And if you didn’t get it? Then you are, I am sorry to break it to you, but you are too darn stupid and you deserve all the bad stuff that is coming to you.
It’s not where you are now that matters, it is where your diligence can take you. No diligence? Sorry, no soup for you!
On a different note:
1. I am having very interesting experiences with people who turn to me for healing.
I have refunded the resistant person’s money in full. Why? Because she would refuse to accept the healing she paid for.
Now, here is the surprise: last night I gave her some healing to test if her ‘defenses’ were lowered now that the danger of getting well. And lo and behold: her body took the healing like a champ.
Hot diggity! (Hot Diggity: A phrase common in the 1950’s to express awe, delight, or amazement.)
2. A woman who was referred by a student postponed her chemotherapy to get a second opinion from me.
I quickly did her health measurements, and saw that she was fit as a fiddle, healthy as healthy can be.
In the health measurements you can see several items at the same time that say ‘trouble in paradise’, or your doctor’s diagnosis was false, and you don’t have what they say you have. They either have bad testing methods, or they just want to fleece you or the government for lots of money.
That was the case with her.
I still don’t know if she believed me, because I don’t wear a white coat and don’t claim to be a doctor.
But 70% of cancer diagnosis is inaccurate, 90% of breast cancer diagnosis is inaccurate.
Current methods with ovarian and pancreatic cancer don’t detect cancer until it is virtually incurable.
So be forewarned… Please.
The health measurements I offer for $25 are accurate and inexpensive. Also non-invasive.
The woman had several biopsies… she said it was very painful. And had she had cancer, it would make the cancer now grow really rapidly… The cancer wants to survive the threat.
So get your health measurements…
One of the first signs of trouble is that your cell hydration gets low. You are tired. Feel stupid. And your lips are chapped.
Instead of buying chapsticks, get your health measurements done… and see what is causing the dehydration…
When MY lips are chapped: I drink water and they go away. What do YOU do?