Originally posted 2011-12-01 13:27:41.
Great question, right? After all, most things we get for our hard earned money are BS. So would it be possible that you can get the real deal for nothing? I mean no money… you still need to put in some effort, but the result you will get will be the result you seek, instead of shooting blanks.
Anyway, I was looking at my videos today. I compared two, one I really loved and it brought me a lot of success 18 months ago, and the one I made yesterday. In a lot of way the two videos are very similar and I am real on them, so it’s a good comparison.
The first thing that struck me is the place that I laugh from on the two videos. And the second thing is how much younger I look today.
And don’t be mistaken: this job is long hours, hard work, and low or no pay… so I should look more tired and older… but I don’t.
I also look much much happier, for no reason.
Watch them for yourself, and tell me if I am right… or if I g-o-d forbid, I have a slanted filter for glasses… lol
Here are the videos. Enjoy.
Dear Sophie,
Definitely looking younger and more fabulous everyday, alot more juice too ! Absolutely Wonderful ! 🙂
Hey Charlie, thank you for watching the videos. I must have some vanity left in me, because I am checking the view numbers in youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/mavensophie every day. Lol. Hey, ego is hard to beat down.
With regards to the hair: as the video says, it is all fake on the first video…
Connecting is wonderful, even though most of the time I have this crowd in my head, hurting in different places each person. Oh well… it's all in a day's work.
Sophie- I've gotta agree with you; you do look younger and happier in the more recent video. I'd say more natural, “real”, and present. Much better hair too, in my humble opinion!