This is an edited reprint of Christian Ad-Man, Roy H. Williams
I am neither Christian, nor a religious person, and I am afraid that if and when you read it, you’ll hear faith in some higher entity, some outside force… not it yourself. If you could read, when he says faith, and “faith I have in myself because I know myself being willing to do the work” I would be happy. But I doubt any of you relates to the word “faith” that way. So I have changed it…
Another word for speaking a future into existence, i.e. a committed way of speaking about something that is yet to be, is called declaration. And until you build a strong foundation and a strong relationship to your word, your declaration is as good as passing wind… sorry for the crude simile.
Read my previous post on a pdf you can get that will guide you to restore your relationship with yourself and your word, so you can have power… at last.
You and Your Dreams and Schemes
The official wedding count for Chapel Dulcinea in 2013 was 824 weddings. When I talk about the number of weddings performed each year at Chapel Dulcinea I usually say, “more than a thousand,” but it’s not because I’m lying.
I’m just telling the truth prematurely. We’ll soon be at 1,000+ per year. I’m certain of it.
If you make a declaration but you don’t believe it to be true, then you’re lying. But if you say a thing is true and you believe it to be true even though it hasn’t happened yet, “I’m there for you. I have your back, no matter what,” are you lying? Are you exaggerating? Or are you just telling the truth prematurely?
FaithCertainty with Integrity is the substance of things hoped for. Happy endings are made of it.
FaithCertainty with Integrity is the evidence of things not seen. It is proof of the invisible.
HopeCertainty with Integrity is optimistic expectation.
FaithCertainty with Integrity is hope with its sleeves rolled up.FaithCertainty with Integrity is hope wearing working gloves.FaithCertainty with Integrity is hope yanking the ripcord of a chainsaw.FaithCertainty with Integrity is hope with a hammer in its hand.FaithCertainty with Integrity speaks of that which is not yet as though it already were.
FaithCertainty with Integrity requires commitment.
FaithCertainty with Integrity requires commitment and commitment is a choice. It’s not something that arises within you like courage. It’s not something that comes upon you like fear. Commitment is simply a choice.Are you willing to pay the price of commitment?The things to which you must say “no” are the price of your commitment.
The things you must walk away from are the price of your commitment.
The things you will deny yourself are the price of your commitment.Commitment comes at a price.
Are you willing to pay the price of your commitment?Roy H. Williams