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Is it your Money thermostat or money blueprint that keeps you stuck financially?
Huh? What’s the difference between a Money thermostat and a money blueprint?
The thermostat is just a number. The blueprint tells the whole story.
And you may have your money thermostat set at high, but your blueprint doesn’t support it.
The other day I cranked up the thermostat in my apartment, and was not surprised to see, that even with the thermostat set at 80 degrees, my house only reached 70 degrees…
- It was cold outside = circumstance
I have a big apartment, a duplex in essence, because it has two floors with open ceiling in between. And the one register was not able to heat up the whole shebang more than to 70 degrees.
But this is blueprint issue, my friend, not thermostat. I could have opened some more registered… and I didn’t.
Do you think you have a limited number of registers (income sources) in your money blueprint?
One of the people I love, is Michael Senoff. He has so many registers open and he is so consistent in leaving them open, he never has to scramble for ‘heat’… aka money. He has his interviews and courses on his website, hardtofindseminars.com, he has joint ventures with people I know who know how to sell his stuff, he is building now an affiliate program, he created and sells his weightedhand hand weights, that I have a set of, that are brilliant, and he goes out with his sons picking up and reselling one man’s trash that is another’s treasure. And he even teaches how to do it effectively in his moneyshot newsletter.
Yeah, that is a guy with many registers open, so it doesn’t matter how cold it is outside, he’ll never be cold.
But you are.
One of my most visited page on my site is answering the question: ‘What is the vibration of money?‘
The visitors to that page, and the buyers of courses like the ‘mind movies’ and ‘Unlimited Abundance’ are in the mistaken belief that wanting something is all you need to have what you want. That you can set your ‘money thermostat’ high and the universe will respond.
It won’t.
You need to open up registers to bring in the dough… oops, the heat.
The reason I am doing the More Money Workshop that I have sworn not to do ever, is because I accidentally fell into a hole… all my savings have been wiped out… and it seems that there is no recourse.
So I am looking for a way to combine my own ‘creating a new register’ and cranking up the heat with teaching it.
When I asked what’s between me and making more money, I found that I have a mortal fear of standing out… even though I have a personality that makes me want to stand out.
It goes deeper than that… a lot deeper… and if you join the course, I’ll share it with you…
But my blueprint is my blueprint. You need to find out what yours is.
You know that I am an architect by training, and I even worked as an architect for 17 years. Hey, I am old… I have done all kinds of things in my long life.
Back to having been an architect: unless you have the original blueprint of a building, you are forced to do all the measuring and guessing to draw up the blueprint or you’ll never get a permit to change anything.
It is not a big deal, but most people don’t know how to do it…
In this course we plan to alter your blueprint or at least manage it. Make it less of a straitjacket.
- If you have a fear of standing out, lest they see you and kill you… then you’ll make sure that you are almost invisible, that you charge so little, that no one goes around claiming that you are a shyster, or alternatively tell everyone that you made out like a bandit.
- If you have a fear of saying yes and following up because your blueprint says that if and when you do, you’ll be dead meat… you’ll not say yes, or you won’t follow up… and you’ll never amount to anything.
- If you have a fear of not winning every argument, if you have a fear of not comparing favorably, you won’t go for it.
- If your blueprint says: the only thing I need to get good at is pretending… then you will not work on anything other than your technique to lie, pretend, deceive… and of course you’ll be poor.
There are no categories. Everyone’s case is individual…
…and this is why even if I sold you a course I have recorded and teaches you everything you need to know, what it wouldn’t be able to do is help you get to the bottom of your blueprint.
And without knowing your blueprint, accurately, you will not be able to change your financial behavior.
I have learned an incredibly valuable method from Robert Fritz in his ‘Corporate Tides‘ book.
The method is about change… how to change anything, even though change is painful, change creates resistance, change is, in most cases, impossible, unless you use a method that works.
You can read that book, and learn the method… but I risk saying that you wont’ be able to use it… because it is a lot like picking a lock.
It is even challenging to me.
And because we are not a corporation, I have a handicap: I can’t enforce anything.
So only to the degree you are going to be willing to self-manage in the change phase, that you are going to get the results: the re-writing of your blueprint.
I have a case study. A few months ago I hired one of my long time students to do some work for me.
He had a long history of belligerence, lying, and overall deception. Obviously the visible aspects of his blueprint.
Through our daily interactions his ‘ship’ is turning around… proving that it is possible to change. Will it last? Not until he really gets his blueprint laid out. He will be in the More Money Workshop… and he, I bet, will get more out of it than anyone else, because he’ll have me to keep him to it…
My courses are small, because of the personal attention I need to give you to get the results.
So if you don’t get into this course about to start, you’ll be sh!t out of luck… it is not very likely that I’ll do it again… Unless, of course, I figure out how to do most of it with a recorded course, and only some of it with live interaction.
That would be, if you see the meaning of opening another register, another register… that can, forever ‘heat’ my house… fill my bank account.
If I got nothing else out of the course but an evergreen course, I would be very happy.
I know the technology works… the rest is up to you and up to me.
I will promote this course for at least a few more days… so if you hate it: just don’t read it… lol.

- If you have already registered in my 27-layers of Freedom Course, you are sitting pretty: this workshop will be included in your plan.
- If you are in my Transformational Mastery Program, you get 50% off… email me for a coupon code.
- And if you are in my Growth Course… email me. I’ll make a special discount for you too.
PS: thank you if you have donated to help me dig myself out of the hole that the loss of my savings has caused. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate the gesture. I do. weep weep.