Update June 2014: A reader asked if I am still afraid of Inelia Benz… so I made a mistake and I connected to her. Immediately I got three energetic attachments, also known as Dark Side attachments designed to kill.
An energetic attachment is much like heart worm: it goes deep and it blocks life force, and eventually makes you sick and kill you.
The male person also mentioned in the footnote, does the same thing… the attachments do the same, and attach at a similar place… I have had people listening to these “teachers” come to me for attachment removal. It is nasty to remove…
I had to connect to measure her vibration… it is 100. Low and nasty.
Original Article from 2011: Inelia Benz www.ineliabenz.com
All the people I have reviewed or critiqued, I have had no fear. Not so with Inelia Benz. I am afraid. 1
I’ve watched the long video interview, have read some of the articles she wrote, and I am not clear about her, but she scares me. She is from another world, and it feels to me, when I read it, that she doesn’t like what I do.
She says, that she is an entity sent to the Earth to raise the vibration of the planet. When I muscletest it, it is a borderline yes, or a borderline no.
Now, I dont know if there is such a thing as an entity. Other than created by the vivid imagination of humanity. Living on the 4th plane…
When I muscletest she doesn’t connect to Source. When I read her writings, she doesn’t teach or encourage people to connect to Source.
She seem to have come from the same place as all the entities people channel, all the good and bad stuff.
I haven’t accessed that plane, even though Vianna Stibal 2 says that if I go there from the 7th plane, it is safe. I am not attracted to it.
Inelia has a huge following. She teaches people to visualize, to meditate, and that is consistent with the 4th plane: everything that’s there is there by virtue of human visualization.
So why am I scared? Because entities have ego. They have an opinion. They have an agenda.
And I have been afraid, forever it seems, that one day I will be assassinated. Not that she looks or sounds evil, no, the opposite. It is just that where she came from is not friendly to me.
I am also suspicious: in my conversations with Source, the only missing on this planet is people connecting to The Source, and if and when someone doesn’t teach that, I am not sure what they are up to… even if they sound really really nice.
When I muscletest I get yes to the questions: ‘Inelia has a reason to dislike me.’ And ‘Inelia and I are on the same side’ no.
My natural tendency is to look for what is wrong with me, and I always find plenty. I am blunt, I am rough, I am too straight, I am not gentle, I am not politically correct, etc. etc. etc.
And though this is all correct, I know one thing for sure: I am on the side of Source and I am on the side of humanity. Empowered humanity. No lip service, plain empowered. According to the original design, according to the original agreement.
I am dreaming of a gentle, attractive, charismatic person finding me and playing a go-between between me and the public. I am willing to do the work and I am willing to hand over the credit for it to someone who is able and willing to persuade people to connect and be empowered.
Someone who doesn’t have their own agenda.
Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
- Upon further consideration, I am also afraid of Sai Maa and Tr.. What is in common?
- the inventor of Theta Healing
Hi Sophie, I just tried posting the comment down below to your inelia article, but it didn’t work. I was getting a page isn’t working error message. Maybe it is too long? But, I wanted to share because this is so fresh and I needed an outlet, thank you! I had an interaction with inelia today on her Telegram channel.
Joy — Inelia, is that you? Or, one of your tribe members? I couldn’t help myself. 🙂
Hi Sophie, thank you for this information and article. I was searching because I have just had a back and forth with Inelia on her Telegram channel *today*. I have looked at her content on and off for a while, never hanging on her every word and thought those who did (everyone) was rather sickening. But, I decided to join her Telegram. Like others have commented, I have had this nagging feeling that not all was quite right. One of them is what was mentioned… that crowd sourcing for money for her boat and whatever else, ah WTF? Her podcasts with her and I guess husband are so gross. I finally had had enough of the fear mongering around the “you better hurry and get into a tribe”. And, I commented on one of the posts about how that seems limiting and with the exchanges I got to the fear part, which is hilarious because she has a “fear processing tool”. She did go after me pretty good and had some long weird analogies. I couldn’t even read through it. It was something about traffic lights.
Clearly I triggered her. Hmmm, why is that?
I don’t have the back and forth posts because I just deleted everything and unjoined her channel. Otherwise, I would have shared them here.
I saw clearly who she is from this interaction. Her ego is enormous. Perhaps it will help a few others see because what she also doesn’t get is the more you go on and defend and misinterpret (she kept saying I was saying things that I wasn’t saying and I kept correcting her) and are passive aggressive, it shows…people see it. Her responses don’t match what she is preaching. Cognitive dissonance. There is no critical thinking allowed. I did have one person initially say they agreed with me, which I don’t care, but thought it was interesting.
I wasn’t sure (and wasn’t trying for it), but I thought she might respond to my post because of how she is pushing people to her subscription platform….her form of a tribe, that you need to hurry up and join. What I was posting was essentially questioning that. I just wanted to call it out, in a nice way, because I had had enough.
She was not “joy, light, love” in any of her responses to me. While I stayed civil and respectful and factual, she was defensive. She was righteous (which is something she has been currently hammering away on for people not to be), she was hypocritical, passive aggressive, and just plain aggressive. Where is the high vibration in that? Where is your joy, light, love for people/humanity? She showed her true colors. She is full of b.s. Her incessant laughing is also weird. Now, I think it is a tool she uses.
During these last couple of weeks, I have gotten some clarity on a few people in addition to her and will no longer look at their content. So interesting!
Hopefully, I got out unscathed from these Inelia interactions. I want to get her energy off me and not use her name anymore and not have any thought about her at all. Done.
Thanks for having a space to share this!
you don’t see the world the way the world is… you see the world the way YOU are.
You are an agent of fear not love! You obviously vibrate at a very low level, the way you attack people in these comments is disturbing to say the least and definitely doesn’tcome from any type of love energy. Whatever “source” you’re connected with clearly isn’t the true source of love, its obviously a source of hate and fear. No one connected to source talks to people with such condescension and blatant disrespect when their only “crime” is having a different opinion to you. No one insulted you yet your replies are very insulting. Saying you’re “blunt” and “rough” doesn’t cut it. Being blunt and rough doesn’t make you hateful or spiteful, you CHOOSE to be those things. Imagine telling people they vibrate a low levels because they don’t agree with you lol. I’m actually an empath, healer and a shaman and I can assure you you’re vibrating at a “10” going by your ridiculous system of trying to grade vibrations. As an empath I also feel no love energy when I read your words whatsoever, literally not even a gram. It’s all coming from a place of hate, fear, anger and frustration.
You’re vibrating very low so any negative energy you feel from someone is a reflection of you to show you what you need to change about yourself. In your state of low vibration anything that you could possibly judge outside of yourself meant to be a reflection of yourself so you know what to work on. Work on your own bitter, hateful energy before you claim to be a “spiritual guide” for anyone on this planet. Anyone in their right mind would take one look at your replies and instantly know and feel that you resonate in low level energy. You’re too preoccupied with judging others to notice your own rock bottom vibration. You need to start resonating with the energy of love to combat all that demonic energy you’re carrying.
Judging by your replies you’re probably too ego-poisoned to read all of this criticism anyway but it’ll be here for you when you’re ready to shed all that hateful energy that’s obviously got a hold of you. Also there’s no need to “grade” me, you’re not an empath who resonates with love so I don’t care for your personal opinion. It would be nothing but hateful judging anyway. And this isn’t about Inelia Benz either, I can take or leave her, she’s not special to me. I’ve been guided here to give you this message and I know for a fact my guides and myself only resonate with love.
Imagine thinking you resonate with the source of love but carrying and conducting yourself in the most negative way possible lmao ?? It’s actually comical. I dare you not to delete this comment so all your followers can see this breakdown of your personality and decide for themselves what you really resonate with.
please forward the email to me to [email protected], or copy and paste it into the comment box.
I have been following Inelia for a long time but there was always something that didn’t feel right. Yesterday I read a horrible email she wrote and that is why I started to look for more information about her. Now reading this just confirms me what I felt.
Is there a way to make a reading about this email? I really feel it is dangerous.
thank you for commenting.
Thank you for writing this,
I always had a feeling she is not right after she bought a boathouse with the money given by people because she says she will make a global ascension center cause, yeah she will be gone in 2017, those things didn’t happen of course, but she has a boat, now she started giving tarot readings on what it is to come and it was then when I decided to stop listening to her, I even disregarded when she was so happy about AI and stating that we are AI blah blah Nonsense, I am NOT scared of this woman! and she should be scared of US as NOW we can see HER! A few days back she wrote on the About section asking for money and causing ppl of being freeloaders, and on her last tarot reading video at the end, the video was interrupted when she was aggressive about ppl paying for her tools! I found it so ODD that she states that info is free and then again asking us for money, for the information she is so animate that receives from the source. In the country I come from she would have been publicly shamed as this ppl are cult people and Romanians don’t really swallow this kind of shit! Excuse my language do not take it personally but in times like this it is very easy to play with people’s minds.. she goes on to say stop being poor buy the tools make the exercises and then BUY my stuff… Really ?? hmm NO! Ok so good now I have detached from this! Thank you so much! Love and light be with us all!
I am very sorry about your experience, Elizabeth. The good news is: you can trust your gut… most people don’t know where to look to get answers, you are way ahead of the curve. Congratulations.
Dear Sophie,
Thank you for your eye opener review. I always suspected of Inelia but I didn’t trust my guts as a “new” friend of mine at the time was a follower of her and I even bought two of her books on kindle. Fast-forward some months, this “new friend” and I had a fallout due to hipocrisy and non-coherency and I felt it energetically, it was as if my head was short-circuited. Since then I wondered if she (the friend) was working on the dark side. If someone is of high vibration, she wouldn’t send those dark energies in whatever case. As a result of that I became very negative or must say, started to experience a negative thought patterns. End of september I had a spirit attachtment removal and become very careful with this stuff.
you don’t have attachments… I just checked.
I can only guess/imagine what an ‘attachment’ is, because I don’t understand about them. However about six months ago, a friend sent me a link to her site. I went there and read a few articles. She felt wrong/frightening/dark to me, and I stopped after a short period of time. I felt no different after this. Is it possible that I could have attachments and not know it? Thank you.
I got your donation, and I have sent you an email
Thank you for your help. I received an email confirming my donation. Pls disregard post #7.
you have attachments, and they are infectious. When I measured your vibration one of them jumped on me… Luckily it was not very deep.
I cannot remove your attachments for you… I’ll see who to recommend. But unless you stop looking for people that are a match and will put more attachments on you, you’ll go back to even lower, or become a monster yourself, either way, I sense that you don’t want either.
John of God is also a bad fellow… sorry to burst your bubble. He is not evil, only ineffective.
I’ll see if I can negotiate with Source to remove your attachments, but it will cost you more than just money. You’ll have to commit to the strait and narrow.
You label me as religious? On what basis? My approach to life is not Catholic. true, I was raised in Catholicism. My approach to life is the practice of ACIM. Of course the ACIM is higher than my current vibration, that is why I am studying and practicing the lessons of forgiveness. Of course, your vibration is higher than mine. Years ago, my vibration was probably 20 (according to the table on your website). So, how can you help me raise my vibration and release the attachments? I do not deny attachments. I have suffered in ways that indicate there are attachments. I have visited the Trance Medium John of God in Brazil for 9 times previous to help me. What do you sense of his vibration? Thank you for the dialogue!
your approach to life is religious (Catholic) and that is a very low vibration, because the intent of the religion is to reduce you to “effect.”
My vibration is not your concern, you can safely assume it is higher than yours.
Her purpose is NOT anything noble… By the way, the Course in Miracles may be an effective tool for you to shake off some of the crust: the Course vibrates on 190, much higher than your current vibration.
Thank you for your quick reply. So, with due respect, what is your vibrational level? True, I resonate with her understanding of this realm of time and space. I am a student of A Course in Miracles first. If I was a devotee of her, I would not have given what you wrote any consideration, but am willing to question whether if her purpose truly is to raise the vibration of the planet. 🙂
I updated the post to address your question.
Your question indicates that my fear is indicative of an issue I have… that is not the case: the woman is an active threat, and my fear was justified.
Obviously you are attracted to her vibration. What does that say about you? That for your vibrational level (80) she is close and a good match.
dear sophie,
written in 2011? I’ curious,have you processed your fear of ‘her’? do you still have the same response to inelia in 2014?
thank you for replying,