Seeing what is missing
You think it is other people, circumstances that define your life. What if it is you? WHO you are, that does all of it. In that case you would want to be able create yourself, change yourself to be someone who can have a great life… wouldn’t you?
It is the hardest thing to see that what is missing is not outside. That it is inside. It is the idea of a way of being missing…
The whole distinction of a way of being is missing.
How do we know that a way of being is missing?
We start to see it when we test it: we look at every area of live. we add the way of being, and that area of life becomes a whole lot better, brighter, easier, and more fun.
We call this missing an invented context.
You may be familiar, even conversant about ways of being that are there… I am happy, I am sad, I am stupid… but a way of being that isn’t there… is entirely outside of your ability to see.
You don’t see it as possible, you only see it as a result of something outside of yourself. You don’t see it as something you can discover, invent for yourself. A beingness you can create and then be that way. Happy, sad, stupid… if that is what you invented.
I have known people who did art in my life. A lot. But I have known only a handful who treaded into the unknown.
I don’t mean unknowable… I mean unknown.
If the pie chart of all-knowledge is an accurate evaluation of all knowledge, there is a tiny slice of that pie that you know, or think you know.
Another equally tiny slice is the stuff you know that you don’t know. Maybe there is a slice, even smaller, that you intuit… another slice, that you fear that is real… but the remaining 99% of the pie is the uncharted, undiscovered territory of the Wild West…
Each person’s slices, the content, are different, but the proportions stay the same.
We can elaborate how true what you know is… aka truth value. If we look at articles, including scientific articles, historical articles, non-fiction books, the average overall truth value is 10%… What you think you know, what you think is true isn’t.
So given the vast widely spread untruth, blindness, fogginess, calling a hypothesis the truth, it is not a surprise that a garden variety person… my student, neither a scientist, nor a doctor, have a difficulty inventing something for themselves that isn’t… yet.
It is not truly creating… because everything that is possible is inside the 99%, but it’s invisible. It is more a discovery than an invention.
But because trust is so missing… it is so missing that it isn’t even missing. People can’t imagine it could be there!
Landmark Education used to say: It is missing that it is missing.
Landmark Education’s trademark is talking funny… lol.
- So inventing a future that isn’t put together with and from bricks from what you think you know is hard and almost impossible for homo sapiens…
- Inventing a future that isn’t about fixing the present… ditto.
- Inventing a future that isn’t trying to manipulate, cheat, coax, cajole a future ‘having’… like riches, like fame and fortune, like slim body, like popularity, like forever bliss…
- The future you need to invent hasn’t existed yet. It is yet unrecognizable to you.
- If it is recognizable, then it isn’t a future: it is a rehashed past. Or borrowed.
So you see inventing a future is hard. Not impossible, but seems impossible.
That future comes from the 99%, the uncharted territory, the Wild West part of the pie chart, of all knowledge.
The art is to tease it out. And when you have: to trust it. Trust yourself.
Without trust you’ll go back to your humdrum, 1% vocabulary of all things known. Of all things boring, tasteless cardboard packaged goods.
I once invented freedom to be as my future. Someone asked: what will that look like? I had a glimpse: me walking up the hill, the wind blowing my hair… that was when I still had hair…. Now I wear a crew cut, lol.
Is that it? Yes and no. That is how it starts. With a glimpse.
Today I live that future. How long it has taken? About 20 years. Does it have to take that long? It depends.
Given the number of changes that were necessary, and given the time and effort it took to make every damn change, it could have taken even longer.
Now, let’s look at my ‘invented future statement’ closely.
I bet you heard: freedom to do, i.e. liberty… Don’t lie, that is what you heard, right?
But I said ‘freedom to be’.
Freedom to be what? who? What the f… does that even mean?
If you are not having that question, you are already out of the game… I won’t take you on as a client. I have enough people who don’t think to ask that question… I need new people who do. weep weep weep, complain, moan, sniffle… lol
- Freedom to be myself, silly.
- Freedom to be all I can be.
- Freedom to be magnificent when I want to be magnificent.
- Freedom to be class clown and enjoy it.
- Freedom to be a 5-year old, like a dog wagging my tail with unabashed enthusiasm, freedom to be sick when I am sick.
- Freedom to curse like a sailor (I do).
- Freedom to be in awe with some of my students some of the time.
- Freedom to be a student… not just a teacher.
- Freedom to say: I have no idea.
- Freedom to cry in public. Freedom to not have to fix my missing tooth until I am good and ready, and completely be OK about people turning their eyes from my teeth… (I have a missing tooth right up in the front)
- Freedom to moan when I walk.
- Freedom to price my wares the way I think they should be priced.
Lots of freedom… All gained, little by little, in 20 years. Trimtabbing.
None of it is liberty. Liberty is outer, freedom is inner.
Had I invented liberty, I could have liberty, but no freedom. You can’t take slavishness out of people… meekness, dutifulness, eagerness to please…
If you are slavish, dutiful, you could declare freedom from trying to not look bad, trying not to lose, trying not to be dominated, trying to be right… Freedom for self determination.
So you see, 20 years have taken me here… so don’t expect yourself to get there in a session.
But yet again, don’t forget what you invented.
Here is an example: my BEST student’s example… and if he is the best you can imagine how the rest are:
In the workshop I helped her invent: Exuberant Joy. Which means she did not invent it… I did. You can’t invent something for another!
So my BEST student took that home, and rewrote it: ‘I declare to bring my best in every situation, only be in the now and be in response to life‘
No poetry. No future. Just prefab… But more importantly it is all DOING, no BEING there.
Dutiful to the max. And meek. Trying to be good. ugh.
No Self.
Self is ALL Being… no doing in Self, no having in Self, just being.
A number of years ago I did a collage… hm… It was called ‘New Reality’ which is another way to say ‘future’.
- My access to it were some sensations in my body. Being limber. Being tall. Smiling.
- My second access to it was Oprah. I saw Oprah’s show once. There was something about her beingness on camera I liked. It resonated with me.
I had an honest yearning but was not desperate.
I no longer resonate with Oprah… she is still yearning for what I have accomplished: a freedom to be.
- Your vibration is an indicator of your freedom to be. Her vibration is 130. Her about-me score is 91%. She would not get to be on my ‘new reality’ collage, if I made a collage today…
- The higher your about-me score is, the more ‘evil’ you have, desire to receive for the self alone…
But back then, I think it was 2006, Oprah’s beingness on camera resonated with me.
As you get closer to really BEING that ‘invented’ self…
I study marketing. Who my marketing gurus are changes with how I change. Recently the ones I like have changed to be more likable. To more effective for themselves, more joyful for themselves. Especially since I have adjusted their predatory genes… oops.
One of these gurus is a guy who is about as outrageous as you can be. He also writes horror/pulp novels, his marketing books have names like ‘Super Villains of Persuasion’, or another one I bought: Branding secrets of the angry prophet denouncing the hypocrisy of our times, The Brand Barbarian... with covers that don’t scream: money, marketing… but scream pulp fiction… lol.
His being I my freedom to be exuberant and outrageous joy have some common elements.
Trust yourself when who your favorites are change… and pay attention. There has been a shift in your being… either to the better or to the worse. If you don’t notice, you are not driving this life of yours!
Same is true for favorite authors, favorite shows, favorite teachers, etc.
Another tidbit here:
When you suddenly envy someone…
…consider that you envy their being… without ever having considered to be like them.
The student of mine who envies a friend of hers who suddenly is making a bundle by buying in China and selling in the United States? Some country where you can price up the merchandise 3-4-5-6 times… and the stuff will still sell.
But she wouldn’t want to do what she does… she already knows what she wants to DO. So what does she envy? Her friend’s results? Her money?
She should look and see… is it her beingness? Adventurous? You take risks when you buy in bulk, and hope to make money on reselling it… Fearless? Visionary? Interested? Observant? Those are all needed if you want to buy things that will sell… Unless you know what people like, what people will fork out money for… you’ll fail.
And, of course, unless you know how to sell, unless you trust yourself and the product, unless you are attractive enough (not your looks!) that people will trust you, you won’t sell much.
And lastly, unless you are willing to invest the time, the energy that must be taken from something else… mundane stuff… you won’t put enough energy into anything… and of course you won’t succeed.
I really like Jim Rohn’s instructions to you: Spend more energy on building/imroving yourself than you spend on your job...
What you are spending energy, time, money on will show you what is important to you: it will show you who you are today.
You are either creating a new reality, or you are not.And that is
Most create a reality with their unconscious being, and the resulting actions. They create a new reality that is a worse than what they are having today.
If you keep on being the same person, doing the same things, you’ll end up where you are heading… And that is HELL for most people.
For me that hell is called ‘homeless’.
If I can’t create, I don’t want to live.
One of the foundations of my being is health, vitality, mobility.
Interestingly, that has been the last thing I attended to: I didn’t until it was almost late. Hey, I never said I was smart…
But when it was almost late, I had the tools to turn it around, and choose life.
Living the new reality: freedom to be.
Now, if you don’t have a ‘new reality’ of being for yourself, then you should come to one of my workshops… ‘Creating a new reality’ workshop… maybe. I am not sure. I am afraid it will give people a preconceived notion… a preconceived notion that is counter productive.
The workshop is three hours long.
You need a headset, you need paper and pen, and you need to be hydrated… and in good mental state.
And bring all of yourself to the call.
Come as many times as you can… Why? Because clarity often takes many turns to reach.

One of my students came to two of my recent workshops.
In the first one the invented future was: Being stupid… Why is that a good future? Because if you think you are smart, you won’t even look beyond what is obvious to you. And you are not curious. You fancy yourself an already cut diamond… ugh.
In the second workshop the invented future was: BEING like A BATTERY RECONDITIONED… TO GROW WHAT I CAN GIVE
Why is that a good invented reality? Because you get in proportion to what you give. If you grow what you can give, you’ll grow what you can be compensated for, in love, money, freedom, health, Life.
Is she, was she able to become that? Even consider being that?
NO, she didn’t even consider being that… What is missing?
There are 160 spiritual capacities, and to invent a new reality that you can see, and start shaping yourself to fit, you need a few of those spiritual capacities active in your DNA tree.
- She needs the capacity of TRUST. Trust herself, trust life.
- She needs the capacity to direct her attention away from what she wants, what she hates, what she likes, from herself. Her current about-me score is 91%.
- She needs the capacity to SEE… to see things different in her mind’s eye. She doesn’t have that capacity open… and isn’t even interested: yet.
So as you can see, each person has a mountain to climb. And each person needs tools, capacities, a vision, and a mountain… lol.
Most people have no mountain to climb.
In the workshop we take a stab at creating the mountain to climb.
Once you have that, what’s missing will be obvious…
Depending on how deceptive, self-deceptive mostly, you have been, the first steps will be to look in the mirror that shows you who you have been. Other people, your results are that mirror… not the mirror in your bathroom.
Some of my students are doing great work at that at the moment… and are going through the ‘ugh, ugly’ with grace. I am very hopeful for them: If I had Oprah in the same program, she would refuse to face the ugly and therefore would never raise her vibration AND climb her mountain of new reality.
Life is asking a lot of you… Are you willing to give it?
If you don’t yet have it, adopt the beingness of ‘BEING like A BATTERY RECONDITIONED… TO GROW WHAT I CAN GIVE’
The way you recondition a battery is to force it, gradually, to give more than it gave before.
Stingy, lazy, trying to preserve energy is the opposite of that.
When you are like a battery that is being reconditioned, you become someone who ALWAYS goes for a second wind…
You give just a little more than you think you can. Effort, attention, love, spirit… whatever you got. First you give all you’ve got, and then give some more.
Compare that with ‘I bring my best in every situation’ where your best diminishes a little with every situation… over time.
Bringing your best uses you up… and spits you out. You spend… and get a little less back than what you spent.
Being like a battery reconditioned gives you more every time you do something… because for the new reality you need tons of energy… or it won’t happen.
Darn… you say. Yeah… So what?
Are you a weakling? Are you a Milque Toast?
If you are, my programs are not for you.
Now what? lol
I am going to teach how to create a collage in workshops. You are only invited if you have successfully done at least one of my workshops. Otherwise you have no new reality to collage, do you?
- So your first step is to make sure you are registered, and find a time that works for you.
- The second step, maybe, is to see what would prevent you from being willing or able to see that if you continue doing what you have been doing, being who you have been being, you’ll end up in hell…
If you can’t see that, I can’t help you.
Depending on your Soul Correction, a different beingness is missing, a different ‘spiritual capacity’.
PS: If you want to accelerate your growth…
start picking pictures from magazines. Pictures of not what you have, but pictures of beingness. As you work on trying to distinguish what beingness is, you’ll pick a lot of duds… but if you do it long enough, you’ll get closer and closer.
As long as you only see doing and having your vibration cannot rise. Neither of them can do it. This is the main reason your vibration is so low.
Distinguishing beingness is hard work. It is only complete when you seen everything that beingness isn’t… If you try to define it, you are on the wrong path.
I’m sorry – I wanted to check the link first, but could only see the one for the capacity. I should have taken the time to look at the text again. Thank you for scheduling more workshops!
apologizing is just another form of justifying… explaining… and not taking responsibility, Sandra.
This is coaching, not insult, by the way… you know, but readers don’t.
Thank you! When is the workshop?
My hunch is that wanting to win and wanting to look smart and successful are in my way.
one more thing: notice how lazy and stingy you are behaving… instead of clicking on the link that takes you to registration, you ask me… In your world, your time is more valuable than mine.
this and next Saturday at 9… I will schedule more as I am clearer about my schedule
I have one picture in my mind’s eye that has been there for as long as I can remember. It resurfaced and I think this here is a good place to write it down, so I won’t lose it again.
The back drop is a horse farm. I don’t necessarily own the farm or the horses, but I live there and take care of them. There is a one-room apartment with a wooden floor, a bed with a quilt, a small kitchen area with a tea kettle that’s always filled, a table and some mugs. It’s warm, rustic, simple and cozy.
The door is always unlocked and people just randomly come in, drink tea, get a break, warm up and talk about horses (“Stormy and I had a great practice today!” “Blacky is getting lazy -do you think he needs more grain?” – stuff like that). When I’m not out with the horses I’m in there to give them tea, a smile, a listening ear or advice. It’s a place where people can recharge, find peace, get a break from daily troubles and just enjoy horses and friends. I’m happy and content.
I never followed a path to get there, because it does not look “successful” for our society. I’d like to work on finding out what is the beingness here. I want to be that happy person in the one-room apartment at the barn.
you see what you have to give up… don’t you? You saw it in your partner calls, and you see it everywhere… I have scheduled an additional What’s missing… next week, so you can explore it there