It’s been stormy here. Lots of rain. The other night a warning went out: a tornado was poised to touch down in Central New York: not a tornado area.
Nothing is wrong: as long as reality works the way reality works, all is well… even if it rains on your parade, even if you hate doing your morning walk trudging through mud, even if you are not prepared like I wasn’t.
Your relationship with reality is a love and hate relationship: mostly hate.
You have a fake news generator in your head (I love that expression from the book The Art of Hunting Humans), and you are pissed. Reality, goddamn reality isn’t willing to match your personal reality, the one you made up. Your personal reality of what you want, what you desire, what reality SHOULD be.
We deal with that in the What’s Missing workshop. I muscletest it in your Starting Point Measurements, whether you have a should running your life… That should-reality is the major obstacle that is in people’s way to live a life they can love and they can live powerfully. Do YOU live in a should-reality?
The What’s Missing workshop is a very simple workshop. Not easy, simple.
- You look at an area of life that isn’t working up to your liking.
- You look at what you are doing, who you are being, what is your attitude there.
- And then you ask the question: what is missing in that area?
In every single case, if you dig further than our time allows on a 3-hour workshop, you find that what is there is a delusional expectation: that reality SHOULD conform to your standards and ideals.
- When you moan: it isn’t fair… what you are saying really is: reality isn’t playing fair.
- When you moan: it should be easy… what you are saying really is: reality should be different… there should not be a process to learning things
- When you don’t honor your diet, reality should honor your excuses and still keep you healthy.
- When you don’t appreciate anything, when you are a gaping bottomless pit, reality should volunteer to feed your insatiable appetite for stuff, and love, and support…
Hell, reality is reality, and like in any fight between a powerful opponent and a puny human: it is always the powerful opponent who wins.
Homo Sapiens is really stupid in this regard. Stupid and arrogant. Moronic.
Every other species is smarter.
- When the resources are scarce… the birth rate goes down… but not for humans.
- When there is uncertainty of where the next meal comes from, other species aren’t kidding themselves by thinking positive
Humans do.
Every and each complaint you have comes from this unwillingness to dance with life. You continue being that little kid against the sumo wrestler.
Stupid as stupid does, says Forrest Gump famously.
- I love that character. He takes life the way it comes. Runs when he needs to run, grieves when he needs to grieve. Never needy, never demanding, never pissed.
- My other favorite character from a movie is Wesley from The Princess Bride… fully in reality, never in his head… doing what is an appropriate move in a dance with reality. Brilliant.
It takes intelligence which is definitely in short supply in homo sapiens.
You cannot be intelligent if you are not in touch with reality.
Now… the design of humans includes a guidance system that is hard to tell from all the other things that talk to you, jerk you around.
- Is your headache telling you something?
- Is your gut feeling, that pain, that sense of hunger telling you something?
- Is that disembodied inner voice saying: go for it… or nay… to risky… is that voice guiding you or misguiding you?
- Is that tightness on your left side, by your heart: is that a guidance and if it is: what is the guidance?
One of my students wrote to me yesterday to tell me how he is going about accessing his inner authority, his inner authority that can be trusted to guide him, to keep him safe, to nudge him to go for it when that is the best decision.
And it was clear to me that he was attempting to learn this starting on the PhD level… before going through the process of feeling everything and nothing, before being able to direct his attention, before being in possession of his faculties… where one can be guided.
It’s a lot like training a wild horse, or a dog… it’s a process.
I saw a great little video about this rescued dog, how she was taken from a crying, whimpering thing to a happy creature…
It is always a process… If you think you can jump to the PhD level, you are stupid… and you’ll suffer.
For the child it seems that people just know things… the child never sees, never notices, never observes the process adults have taken to actually know the things they know.
If you got stuck in child… mostly 3 years old… you are screwed, unless you learn to follow a process.
To learn to use your Inner Authority to get guidance, get answers to intelligent questions, I recommend that you participate in my newest workshop: Inner Authority.
But first come to the Feelings Webinar… it is a pre-requisite for the Inner Authority workshop. Why? Because unless you learn to feel your feelings, I can’t teach you ANYTHING.

Those other courses are PhD level courses… and therefore not for you… NOT for me either…
PPS: The Human Design system I am using pictures from has a truth value of 10%. So I am not teaching what they teach, I teach my method that is 70% truth value.
And for that to be so, you need the kindergarten level courses.