Here is a sentence that will cement your view of me as an arrogant b-i-t-c-h, or will make you curious, if you haven’t thought that I was an arrogant b-i-t-c-h…
If you don’t listen to my Sunday calls, then you are a lazy, good for nothing, slacker… lol Oh, you have known that? I apologize, I thought I was telling you something new.
But all kidding aside, my Sunday calls are the single most interesting thing I sell… to the right people… people who are ready. The one-percenters…
Of course, most of you don’t know anything about my Sunday calls… even though I mention it occasionally in my articles.
What are my Sunday calls? They are my journal… in a way. You know about journaling… right?
I talk about what is important to me, musing, and allowing my weird brain to make me see stuff that I cannot see under ordinary circumstances.
90% of the things I teach, 90% of the insights I have have come from my Sunday calls… Why? I enter those calls with the intention to be in a kind of trance… a theta state conversation… that has access to stuff in normal states I have no access to.
Why would you like to hear those calls?
If you look at the pie-chart of all-knowledge, you’ll see that you know that you know about 1% of all the things, you know that you don’t know another 1%, you know things that are not true, and then the big bulk of the pie is what? It is the part that you don’t know that you don’t know.
Some of it is actually useful, knowable, and worth knowing.
But you don’t have access to it, or not under normal circumstances.
Not through reading most anything, not through listening to most anything, not through conversations… no. You need to be in a state we’ll call Theta state, where you are open to hear and consider things you would not consider in the normal beta state…
I teach people how to get into theta state… but they can’t tell they are in beta or theta, or delta, or whatever… so they quit doing it.
Even the dude I talk to on the Sunday calls never puts himself into theta mode, so in spite of the conversations, he remains with the knowledge he has always had… The conversations don’t effect him.
I access that “I don’t know that I don’t know” domain of all knowledge frequently enough, but most of it is lost because unless it is witnessed, it is it has never happened.
So my Sunday calls are, from my vantage point, they are for the new stuff to be witnessed.
So they don’t go back to the pool of “you don’t know that you don’t know” again.
With that said: It’s Sunday and I just had one of those calls, and this call is somewhat different from most of the calls: it is more chuck full of nuts that most of the calls I have been having since 2007 with this dude, called Mike. It’s longer too.
The occasion is the healing regimen I started on August 24… and is producing unexpected stuff… good, bad, pleasant and unpleasant, while it is healing my body, including my brain.
It sounds a lot like science fiction… hey, it is science, but not fiction…
A very interesting experience. Interesting in the way the “Chinese” curse goes: “May you live in interesting times”
I haven’t felt this disoriented since my last brain damage…
…back in 1997… I was 50 years old and I underwent surgery and came out of it with massive brain damage.
Yeah… that.
The first symptoms were vertigo. I don’t wish that on anyone. Horrible.
But then came the real symptom: spatial disorientation. Memory failures.
Cognition: the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
I became a different person…
…the question is: am I going to turn back into the person I used to be? I hope not. I wasn’t liked, I didn’t like myself, I would not like to go back there…
Almost at the same time I invented something that allowed me to have a context for my life where I could feel somewhat useful: “The purpose of my life is living on the edge, generating distinctions for humankind”.
I had had a life where I didn’t feel welcome, not by my family, not by my clients, students, readers. Not by anyone…
But feeling wanted is one of the things that are necessary for a life well lived… We could call it a life that is witnessed, like Susan Sarandon says in the movie “Shall we dance?”
That movie impressed me and taught me more about myself than most courses, most books, most movies, most relationships. that I wanted to have my life be witnessed so I can feel alive.
If we knew, humans, that we want relationships for that purpose, we would make more efforts to make our life worth to be witnessed… but obviously we don’t know that, and most people’s life is not worth witnessing, unless you want to be annoyed or bored to death…
Anyway, the Big Bundle is working on me, specifically it has decided to work on my brain, reconnect the 50% brain-mass that I lost in that incident in 1997. I go into detail in the audio…
And I also share that my original assessment about what is killing me was only partially true: I could only see the tip of the iceberg… even though, as it is shown by my recovered memories from before 1997, there was a time when I knew what was killing me… hm… what else have I known but don’t now?
I talk about Gerald O’Donnel, my friend’s favorite teacher…
I don’t, but should have talked about the program my brother bought after he poopoo-ed my gift, the Big Bundle… what else do you expect from your brother, right? He bought something from Jim Donovan, a former drummer, of some healing audio program… truth value 3%… My favorite brother…
Oh well…
I want some select people to buy a subscription to my Sunday calls…
It is $25 per call, or $15 per call, or $60 a month, if you subscribe.
I want to be able to pick and choose who I let into my inner chamber, so after you pay, I may have to have an interview with you if I don’t know you… or refund your payment.
Warning, I use the f-bomb diligently in my calls. If that bothers you, then we are a really poor match.

How long are you supposed to use the Big Bundle audio to get a new lease on life?
Good but unanswerable question. Why? Because very person is different. I have had two massive brain damages, I also have the two halves of my brain connect stronger than most anyone’s… I am also older.
For me, muscletest says, 300 hours is the magic number. I have done 200 so far.
For you? I don’t know. It also depends on how “generously” toxify your body and your brain…
For W… on of my students, the number is 100 hours on full size headphones. He was already all foggy yesterday: a good sign.
For S… another one of my students: the number is also 100 hours.
For M… yet another one of my students: also 100 hours.
For M… my Sunday call partner: the number is 200 hours. Why? he is older, and also has some health challenges…
So most people, it seems, the ideal length of direct exposure to the Big Bundle is 100 hours…
For most people this is way way way beyond what they are willing to undertake, in fact products that promise instant are best-sellers… Hey, stupid as the stupid does.
Hey, I listened to the Holosync audio for 100 hours before it shook my brain apart… and made me able to become somewhat normal again after my 1997 massive brain damage.
Want the Big Bundle audio? You will need to promise not to share it…