It seems that the notion of predatory genes has stirred up some turmoil… and questions.
- Some were arguing that it doesn’t make sense that I carry no predatory genes: i seem to you aggressive.
- Some were worried that their lack of success is from their lack of predatory genes.
- Some were sure Jews had many predatory genes. Why else would they be so successful!
Want to know how many predatory genes you have? I can measure it for you…
Assigning responsibility to genes is part of the fixing culture we live in, and is not your best friend. I am bringing up the Jews, just like before I brought up billionaires, because extremes are easier to study and see patterns with than the muddy average.
So study Jews for the secret sauce of achievement… and of course I can help you there.
Next “article” will be talking about the psychopaths I know enough to see what is up… that is the other extreme… no achievement there. and probably about some billionaires…