Top Raise your vibration products on Amazon
Raise Your Vibration: Tips and Tools for a High-Frequency Life, a min-e-bookTM (Raise Your Vibration min-e-bookTM series) by Caroline A Shearer Caroline A Shearer‘s personal vibration: 200 (she is in her mind 100 % of the time, gave me a headache) |
Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace… by Dawn James Dawn James personal vibration: 90 (it’s dropped since I last time measured her vibration) |
365 Ways to Raise Your Frequency: Simple Tools to Increase Your Spiritual Energy for Balance, Purpose, and Joy by Melissa Alvarez aka Ariana Dupre. Personal vibration: 130 |
 Raising Our Vibrations for the New Age by Sherri Cortland It’s all about entities… bs galore. Personal vibration: 140. Content truth value: 90 |
Raise Your Vibration With Nutrition & Fasting by Nogah Lord. Personal vibration: 170. Truth value of material: 130 |
How to Raise Your Vibration & Strengthen Your Intuition by Wendy Kay Personal vibration: 150 |
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration by Penney Peirce (I have read this book. I hated it…) Personal vibration: 200. Truth value of book: 200 |
24 mystical words to heal yourself : How too raise your vibrations when you need it the most by Sri Vishwanath. Personal vibration: 150 (anguish) |
25 Instant Ways to Raise your Spiritual vibration in life by Amanda RomaniaAuthor Amanda Romania personal vibration: 130. Truth value of material in this book: 90 |
The Manifesting Manual by Margot Zaher Personal vibration: 130 |
Anyone that channels non-physical entities is low vibration, sorry to burst your bubble…
Sanaya Roman personal vibration: 130 (channeling Orin… )
Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven
True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar View all posts by Sophie Benshitta Maven
Anyone that channels non-physical entities is low vibration, sorry to burst your bubble… Sanaya Roman personal vibration: 130
how about the Orin Books by Sanaya Roman?