Vibrational Reviews: Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT
Nickie Thetsy (personal vibration: 140. and the tNANO technology: truth value: 160 (
John Douglas of Personal vibration: 130. Truth value of teachings and products: 4%, meaning: 96% not true. Does he know he is lying? Yes. If you can see microexpression, you can see the smile of the trickster as he speaks. |
Adam Shiffman of Personal Vibration: 150. Truth value of theories, the foundation of his coaching practice: 190 |
Andrew Bartzis – galactic historian -( Personal vibration: 130. Truth value of readings, ideas, theory: 100 |
Elizabeth Stratton, Touching Spirit Center LLC in Woodstock, New York. personal vibration: 190 |
Alunajoy, Earth Oracle & Star Messenger and the Star Elder Personal vibration: 170; Truth value: 130 |
Dr. Kimberly McGeorge: personal vibration: 170 |
Christel Hughes: Personal vibration: 150; truth value of teachings: 120. That is less than 1%. 99% b.s. |
Healing Codes: 190, dropped since I last measured it |
Quantum Jumping: 190, also dropped since I last measured it |
Source Healing – vibration/truth value: 150 |
The Gift vibration/truth value: 170 |
AFT Attractor Field Technique: 190 Dr. Kurt Ebert founder: personal vibration: 170. Main mood: resistance. Accutone Mp3 Sound files to change your state: truth value: 120 |
This was the vibrational reviews of Vibrational Reviews: Nickie Thetsy tnano, Master healer John Douglas, Adam Shiffman insight energetic, Andrew Bartzis, Elizabeth K Stratton, Aluna Joy, Christel Hughes, the healing codes, Source Healing, AFT, smart minerals, Dr. Kurt Ebert and AFT
Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven
True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar View all posts by Sophie Benshitta Maven
In my muscletesting 70% of diagnosed cancers are not cancers.
I don’t know any. John of God’s vibration is 70, just measured.
It is hard to heal, remotely or not remotely. It depends on many factors. 1. what is that you want to heal… 2. on your attitude… if it was YOU who created the illness, 70% of all illnesses I created by the sufferer, then you need to be healed, not the disease. You can get a health checkup with me and I’ll look to see if you can be helped.
Can you recommend any long distance healers that actually help people?
I’ve tried many, to no avail.
Also, what is John of God’s vibration?
Thank you.
Hello. I am writing to verify the above statement made by Sherri Lee. I know the person who was healed of stage 4 cancer and he is still cancer free. There is now a book that has documented many of Master John’s healings here:
there are also now peer reviewed studies on his work:
Anyone who claims Master John does not work in pure frequency of truth to gain results may have a broken “truth meter” themselves, because lasting results in spiritual healing just cannot be attained without truth of matter, frequency of truth in action. Master John does select a precious few students to train with him, however, as Elite students, and he can help these students to improve their truth frequency readings. With much love, Annie
Please read the about me section of the site…
I am interested to know who the person is that thinks they have any kind of handle on the “truth’ of any of these healers.
What are this persons gifts or credentials for making these assessments?
Not wanting to be offensive or combative in any way. …just truly curious.
I personally have worked with and been healed by
Master John Douglas.
I have personally met many people that Master John has cured of major diseases ….including but not limited to Lyme, Stage 4 inoperable cancer …..and too many other things to list.
I personally know and have seen the western medical evidence proving the stage 4 cancer in a person and after doing only a Silent Faith Remote with Master John ….receiving western medical tests that prove the cancer was completely gone. The patient was going to get other treatment but decided to try Master John first. It worked so quickly that he did not need to do any other treatment. It is 8 months later ad the person is still cancer free.
I have been told but not seen it myself that there is a compilation of quite a few cases like this…..meaning that there are western medical tests to prove the cure.
I am not in any way some airy fairy person who blindly follows anyone….I am not religious in any way.
I have worked with many types of healers for the past 30 years. Master John Douglas in my personal experience…and many others personal experience has the most success rate and the most integrity of any healer or human being I have ever come across.
I would be appreciative if someone would explain how they came to the conclusions they have posted here and explain what methods they are using to come to these conclusions regarding
Master John Douglas.
I appreciate your time and efforts.
Sheri Lee
Hi Sophie,
With Sri Bhagavan having a low truth value score and misleading people, how do you explain my friends now having states of higher consciousness that they never achieved after doing Transcendental Meditation for over 40 years? From my own experiences with the CDs of John Douglas and the lack of experiences that my medical clairvoyant had from listening to those CDs, I would agree that there is very little truth to John Douglas.
how do you know that your friends are having states of higher consciousness? Can you really tell?
Also, what someone can do has little to do with the truth value of the teaching and everything to do with the student… The truth value of what I teach is very high, yet most of my students produce little from it.
So it is not as easy and simple as your comment tells me you think it is.
Sri Amma Bhgavan personal vibration: 130. His teaching has a truth value of 5%. He misleads people. I could also say: he leads people to darkness. Not because he is a bad person. Because he is himself clueless.
Truth value is a linear number, a percentage. It is never about a person, it is always about a teaching, a book, a course.
It is easy to see that if someone’s teaching has a 5% truth value, then 95% of what they teach is not true. No scale is required, anyone with an elementary school education can see what that means.
A person’s truth means: to what degree the map of reality and reality match. I measure those in my starting point measurements, and it shows up in almost all the numbers there, including their vibration. If someone has low vibration, their truth has a low percentage value… because they are wrong about most things they believe of teach.
Master John Douglas is an empath and therefore doesn’t need to place an attachment on people to get the information he needs.
Would love a Vibrational reading for Sri AmmaBhagavan… thanks
Could you explain/define what the truth value means? EG: When you give a truth number how do I calculate how much the persons truth is? Is there a scale listed on this site?
Also can you please tell me if Master John Douglas places attachment cords on people…
Thanks so much…
I received your donation. Will send an email answer momentarily
Hi There:
I am interested in finding out if there are any attachments or cords on either me or my husband.
I tried to make a donation through paypal and got a message that your site is not accepting it.
Can you confirm that pls.
This is interesting how different people get very different calibrations. I would love to see your list of over 500 loc modalities in one place. (Besides your own) I have the HOE audio and it muscletest well for me…but so does AFT. Go figure. I’m a fan..JH