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How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power
After I moved out of my parents’ home into my own place, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My very first boy friend.
He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher.
I didn’t understand a word they were speaking. When I typed up his thesis I bastardized some of the words, because I had no idea they weren’t typos. They didn’t look like regular words.
Here I am 53 years later. If you asked me what profession I have, I would say that I am closest to being a philosopher. Boggles the mind. Doesn’t it? lol
Yet, wrapping my brain around another person’s concept of things, aka worldview is still very tricky for me.
It is a lot like wrapping a ball with flat sheets… you can unwrap it easier than you can wrap it.
Unless you have some sticky surfaces it won’t even happen… Just like gift wrapping… You are either good at it or you aren’t.
Normally this is really hard for me.
But on the days of power, a few days after I download the energy, I can do it better. It’s almost as if I had grown an extra set of hands to hold the wrapper and the ball together.
Most people start understanding, start incorporating anything new, or anything hard, at a little corner that looks they can get it.
I have seen people, beginner architecture students even, start designing this way: they draw a square and say: this is the entrance hall.
What comes out of this method is nothing similar to what I would call ‘wrapping your brain around it’.
Understanding is holographic.
It is fuzzy in the beginning but no parts are missing. And it gets sharper, clearer, more detailed with every new attempt at understanding.
Designing the holographic way takes discipline and trust. Because you have to be flying blind, feeling blind, some of the time.
Depending on your TLB score, you can tolerate that, or you can’t.
I have students who are not even willing to exercise the ‘muscle’ of flying blind. And then I have students who are surprisingly good at it, and eventually succeed.
I have a student who took his TLB 1 to TLB 30… The exercise with which he did that was the Amish Horse Training Method converging into A is A…
With your present view of the world, you should do more things, you should understand more things, and you try, and nothing changes, but more importantly YOU don’t change.
Going from TLB1 to TLB30 is an epigenetic shift… you are now genetically different.
To become more, to be able to do what you currently cannot do, cannot be accomplished with packing in more knowledge into your brain… it requires you to BECOME a new person who can do it.
An aside: I have found that the entitlement genes are what keep the TLB down. If you are entitled to a world, to a reality that is pleasant, smooth, and nice, then you’ll not want to even tolerate, play with, interact with a reality that isn’t pleasant, smooth and nice. You don’t think you should, so you never actually do it, or learn to do it well.
So to effect the TLB score, you need to deal with the entitlement genes first…
Your genes have to shift. And only persistent ‘hammering away’ at some BASIC TASKS will do it.
This is my methodology.
Here is how a client expresses it:
This is the technology, holographic combined with trimtabbing.
This is what we’ll use in the upcoming challenge. MY GOAL is to turn off the entitlement genes and turn on the permission gene, so you can become all you can become.

Epigenetic shift is when you become more equipped with intangible capacities, become more equipped with intellectual capacities, and it can even be physical.
An example of a physical epigenetic shift is when my brain discovered that it was wobbling. One side had these big holes in it. And the brain shook itself like a dog shaking out the water, and it unified its two hemispheres.
That was an epigenetic shift. If they cloned me, the clone would have a a whole brain, physically whole brain.
Epigenetic means physical changes in your DNA. Inheritable.
Knowledge is not inheritable, but genes… hell yeah.
Now, I am not in childbearing age… and maybe you aren’t either.
I am starting to see, that epigenetic changes can be attractive and cause a person to model after it. Wife, husband, maybe even a child can say: I want that… and if the person knows what happened, what caused the epigenetic shift, they can transfer the practice that leads to the change. And the second generation may even get it faster.
Not enough data yet, but my hunch is that the second generation, wives, husbands, don’t have to work on the capacity as hard as the first generation, because most of the inner work is already done for them.
Why? How?
The first generation, the person who learns directly from me, have to go through a lot of doubts, or a lot of trust issues. Either way, they don’t know where they are going.
But the second generation sees what the result looks like, and they don’t have to deal with trust issues…
That is why they can accomplish the same epigenetic shift faster.
Imagine you are a fish that moved to dry land. You now walk. Go back and get your wife… and your wife sees that you can live outside of water… so she comes, and learns walking a lot faster than you have.
My brain likes that it’s dyslexic. It has more brain cells in certain areas than a ‘normal’ brain, and my brain likes it.
One could suspect that dyslexia is an epigenetic shift. Life experiments with human brains and dyslexia is one of these experiments.
When you look at a ‘neuro-typical’ human, you want to weep.
I saw an article yesterday on how trees are trying to adjust to the changing environment in this Global Warming. I was especially tuned into the fact that more and more insects can live, and feed on the trees, and destroy them.
More and more insects live on and in humans too.
The ‘neuro-typical’ human brain cannot wrap their minds around Global Warming.
When people with ‘normal’ brain all die off, the ones with the brains that have gone through epigenetic shifts will live.
Because ‘normal’ means inattentive, entitled, near sighted, reward focused, unthinking, robotic, unaware, unwilling to do any work… really.
Normal is the bunch of frogs that slowly get cooked… because they can’t or won’t notice the rising temperatures. Until it’s too late.
Without epigenetic shift, without changing on the gene level, you are ‘normal’ and honestly, quite stupid. Blind. Locked into your fixed vantage point.
And remember, the number one capacity that separates the ones that live a winning life and a ‘normal’ life is their ability to see. Without SEEING, accurately, there is nothing…
But you need to develop that seeing… and luckily you can… through epigenetic shift.
One of the duping memes we’ve been forcefed is ‘you can do anything you put your mind to’.
I didn’t know that meme until I came to the United States and was exposed to thousands upon thousands of success memes.
So what does it take to be someone who can say about themselves: ‘not just anyone can do that’
Your vantage point is the key
Nothing changes until you change where you are looking from.
99% ‘how much you think of yourself’ means that you can only look at everything through your own needs, through your own concerns. The only things you think are important. You dwell, you wrestle, you strategize… ugh.
No chance for love. No chance for caring. And, of course, no chance for compassion.
Because everything is about you.
A coach’s job is to move you around, gently or forcefully, so your vantage point can move. And point out that you can look… look and SEE from different places.
If you manage to connect the seeing differently with the different vantage point, you’ll move there even by yourself. First tentatively, then intentionally.
And eventually you can live from there… And watch as life unfolds differently.
It is a gradual process, many moving parts. Depending on your main occupation, you’ll need to get used to it… Many occupations deal with ‘after the fact’ scenarios, and never teach you to deal with moving elements.
Business, investing, relationships, your health… all need you to be able to see that when one aspect changes, you’ll need to reshuffle, re-organize everything.
That, reshuffling, re-organizing is a capacity, that developing it is an epigenetic shift… and a big one at that.
Only a tiny number of people participate in it… it is not mainstream… Mainstream always consider that it is someone else’s job…
Anyway, this article is getting long…
If you got anything out of it, anything useful sounding, would you share it with me? Please?
And if you don’t mind being a pioneer, sign up to my epigenetic challenge…

Yes, raising the TLB score is one of the most effective things anyone can do. Surprisingly self-trust and tlb score go hand in hand: you create a track record of being able to effectively deal with life, and both go up together, tlb score and self-trust.
Welcome to the site.
I learned what a TLB score is for the first time and I now am drawn to raise it since I know mine must be low.
Miko, rote repetition may not cause clarity. But it may.
Your TLB score won’t go higher from rote repetition… sticking with it in not necessarily rote repetition.
Try to explain to someone what you are reading… even if it is a recorder… as you struggle to say what you got, clarity often follows… or at least you’ll see where your mind is fixed and doesn’t allow seeing.
The more different ways you try to consider that it is you who is not looking rightly, the higher your TLB may become… If you do this regularly. One swallow doesn’t mean it’s spring…
Sophie, what I got from this article is that persistent hammering on a task is a way to raise my TLB score, and that it’s natural that it’s going to be fuzzy at the beginning, but that’s no reason to quit.
I’ve been studying philosophy, as an experiment of sorts, and I recently got a text to work with as a homework, where my experience is a bit like what you described here — I don’t understand half the words. But I’m starting to see that as I look some of them up, and re-read the paragraphs, some of the things are getting a little clearer.
So the thing for me to do is to go through the whole text again… and again, if I must.