Why you rarely get what you want…

The biggest challenge for a person with high vibration is to be able to stay relevant in the eyes of people who have low vibration.

Exactly the way the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, the high vibration person begets (give rise to; bring about.) higher vibration, and the low vibration begets (give rise to; bring about.) lower vibration.

  • Low vibration is, in essence, means that you know very little, and even what you know is not quite true.
  • You see very little, and your cone of vision is narrow.
  • You are unwilling or unable to consider widening your knowledge, truing your knowledge, and your view… because it threatens to devaluate your precious I. 1

I am committed to learn how to train people, you, to do what I have done: raise your vibration… and that means, in a very fundamental way, is to widen your cone of vision.

Easier said than done.

Your resistance to look where you haven’t looked, to see what you haven’t seen, to see anything that counters or contradicts what you know is tremendous.

I listened to one of my heroes’ TED talk today. He is someone I aspire to be.

The man is Marshall Thurber, and I know him through having participated in his course, something or other for the 21st Century.

I got about 10% of what he taught. But it was definitely a turning point in my life: a different way of looking at things.

With that suddenly clear idea, that you can look at things with his approach of not straight at them, but from the corner of your eyes, I started to grow, I created my programs, and my life.

This was 2004. 13 years ago.

So this morning I watched his TEDx talk in Melbourne, Australia, from three years ago.

Predicting the unexpected | Marshall Thurber

Marshall made his audience in Melbourne laugh. 2 Even though there was nothing funny, like ha-ha funny in the presentation.

Occasionally a laughter of recognition 3would have been in order… but a laughter of recognition is not gleeful… like the laughter of the audience, sounding much like at a comedy club.

Marshall’s talk is about life, about nature, about immutable laws… that are true everywhere and always.

The bad news for you, and me, and for all people is that you cannot predict much of anything… because there are a lot more forces are in effect than you know about… even if you know about a lot.

But most people don’t even know about the laws taught in high school…

The less you know, the harder life is.

So knowing more (not knowing about!) is useful.

But the most useful is to know that you have an intention, if you do, you work to bring it to actuality, and you may end up somewhere totally different than where you were heading.

It is uncomfortable. We, humans, want predictable. We make up laws that are not laws, that are hopes. Like the law of attraction, laws of manifesting, and that more work will yield more results.

Life is not comfortable, and life is not predictable.

The TLB score I measure, tells me how willing you are for life to be unpredictable, how able you are to look and course correct, enjoy the ride, and live life in uncertainty.

This doesn’t mean you don’t want certainty… My TLB is 70… and I crave certainty… much like I stopped smoking 34 years ago, and I still crave cigarettes when I smell someone smoking.

But craving a cigarette is very different from smoking a cigarette.

I successfully avoided the “weed” experience, because it is smoked.

And I am successfully avoiding the certainty behavior.

I expect life to go the way life wants to go. And I expect myself to hitch a ride when I love it, and be OK when I don’t love it.

Going back to Marshall Thurber… he is an example of the current state of affairs in the world.

When you look for his name in Wikipedia, you’ll find that he is the father of a film director. Not the giant he is… who single handedly could or could have transformed the culture… no. He is famous for his son…

When you drop a pebble into a body of water, you get “precession”, predictable movements as a result… in the physical realm. 4

But in the spirit, in the realm of consciousness, the forces of dullness are too strong.

And the laughter of the dumb is too loud.

Being told that you could look wider and deeper, or that you could, maybe, learn some laws of the universe, or that you could be awake and aware to the effects of what you are doing, in the world of today, results in the experience we call “the devaluation of your I”.

You thinking, every moment of every day, that you are already perfect, and you already know everything.

And you being upset from every little unpredictable, unexpected feedback, from people, or the “universe.”

Life is hard. This is why it’s hard. Because there is no script that makes it predictable. So unless you are aware, and awake, and keep your eyes at wide cone of vision, you’ll be continually surprised by things that you could have seen from the corner of your eyes.

Please watch the video, and let me know if there is anything YOU could do, YOU could be different, now that you have watched it? Watch it twice if needed.

Bringing malleability to life is one of the amazing results one can get from knowing natural laws and what he calls precession.

Let me know. Comment, or email… sophie@yourvibration.com


PS: I think that the power of the What are you building with that exercise is the Law of Precession…

  1. Like a woman who sent me a bunch of pictures of herself to prove me that I was wrong about her. That she was wonderful. Why? because she was slim… lol.
  2. Clarke realized is that laughter is just another example of our brain‘s pattern recognition system at work. Pattern recognition is the term cognitive neuroscientists use to describe the brain’s ability to lump like with like, thus helping us to make sense of all experience.
  3. Laughter of recognition is when you laugh because you get a glimpse of your own failings, shittiness, ugliness, evilness… an embarrassed laughter. You are laughing at yourself…
  4. The Law of Precession

    Why don’t we always get what we want? Why do we repeatedly experience disappointments in in our work, relationships, or business.

    One of the main reasons is that we are quite ignorant of the Law of Precession.

    The Law of Precession simply states that for every action we take there will be a side effect arising at 90 degrees to the line of our action.

    There’s two mental pictures to describe this.

    First, think about what happens when we drop a stone into water. Ripples go out. The ripples are the side effect to the main action, which is the stone dropping into the water.

    Second, think about honey bees. They spend their lives flying from flower to flower to collect nectar to make honey. They *think* that’s their purpose but their true (and much larger) purpose is to pollinate the flowers.

    This is the Law of Precession. Buckminster Fuller’s theory says that our job was not to make money. It was to add value to others. He believed that 70% of the jobs on earth were not directly contributing to the life-support of the people. Many are making money from money, or moving paper from one desk to another.

    The key is balance. It is unbalanced to work only for money, and only for yourself and your family. It is also unbalanced to NOT work for yourself and your family, to work only for others.

    While you are in your present job, work out how you can add value in your spare time. You are there for a reason.

    So what are some other ways to apply this law in our lives?

    • 1. Grow yourself before you try to change others. When we pursue growth ourselves, the people around us will be impacted.
    • 2. There is more than one way to achieve our purpose. Don’t be stuck following someone else’s success story believing it is the only way to be fulfilled.
    • 3. Don’t be too obsessed with being in control. There will always be side effects caused by our actions that we can never control.
    • 4. Learn to take action and make things happen. Don’t be afraid of failures, or problems. Understand that only through action, we will have the side effects of happiness.
    • 5. Don’t cling to material possessions. Learn to let go so that you may experience the joy that comes from releasing it.

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

One thought on “Why you rarely get what you want…”

  1. Hi Sophie,

    Thanks for your sharing. I googled for “Law of Precession” and your honey bee and flower pix came up, which was what I was looking for, which led me to your website.

    I’ve shared some of the pointers on this post of yours on my Facebook Page and have credited you accordingly. Cheers ??

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