Let’s talk about raising your vibration
This video is about creating high vibration so you can have what you want, not just a big ego:
First of all… don’t try to raise your vibration until you know what it is. I get 1-2 requests a day, just to measure someone’s vibration for $25, and when I send them the number, they demand that I explain it to them.
If you don’t know how to interpret what you get, then you are wasting your money… A sign of LOW VIBRATION! Please spare me and yourself.
But if you want some semblance of interpretation, go to David Hawkins’ truth and falsehood chart, the “map of consciousness”. It is not accurate, it is b.s. but it will make you feel better about your number. Won’t make you feel better, because vibration is not about feeling, or feeling better. Even though people with higher vibration do feel better. But what was first, the chicken or the egg… And is there causality or correlation? Questions, if your vibration is too low, or even normal, you cannot even begin to tackle…
Oh, that is why you want to raise your vibration? So you can feel better? Not likely to happen.
In my horizontal/vertical article I explain what you are missing… please read it a few times until you understand.
Once you can distinguish the horizontal plane, the plane of living life in a hurry. And should, and force, and duty, and comparison, and competition. You’ll see that as long as that is your life… you are going to feel bad. Guaranteed.
Yesterday I had a coaching call with a guy.
He is in my coaching program, but this call was extra. I don’t talk to people who just want to talk… You can’t hear me. You don’t have the vocabulary, you don’t have the distinctions. And you only hear your own commentary on what I say, not what I say. He has been in the program for five months… now I, maybe, can start to make a difference.
I just gave him two pointers on what to avoid and how to tame the beast of the horizontal plane (it is a beast, owning your life and eating you alive!) and he wrote to me after the call:
After our talk today, I felt completely different.. it is great, just amazing. The heaviness in my legs is gone..I noticed it right away when i first walked after .
And im watching that im present with what im doing.. without efforting.. the efforting thing is huge for me .. so when I feel it , i give myself guidance, there is no hurry on the creative plane .. and then i say thank you , like I would if someone had said it for me. It feels great.
I use so much energy efforting in a normal day it’s incredible. Im very excited and happy about this, the things i now can do instead.
I left in the typos for authenticity… It is a lot of work to type correctly on a tiny cell phone. lol.
I get a ton of requests to help people raise their vibration. And there are many people who offer this… many videos on youtube.
No matter what method of raising your vibration you pick, you want to decide a few things ahead of time.
One of the most important and most sobering steps is finding out what is your vibration when you start.
There are well-meaning individuals out there who will measure your vibration, however they do it.
According to their measures you may be in the Unconditional Love zone… above 525
But my experience with people is that their vibration is more in the range of misery, anger, and pride (under 200), than in the Unconditional Love zone…
It is not useful to know only your vibration number. People also call it vibrational frequency.
What you really want to know what are the component behaviors and mindsets that keep you at that level.
It is a lot like if I wanted to guide you to a healthier lifestyle, but all I would have is your shoe size.
If I really wanted to help you, I’d get a lot more measurements, how tall you are, etc. And then I’d know, or would be closer to know if I can help you, and how.
I am a True Empath.
What is a True Empath? A True Empath is a rare, highly trained specimen. A True Empath can connect to anything or everything, specifically, and reliably, if there is enough information.
This means that I can connect to you if I have, for example your picture. Or hear your voice.
How do I know I am connected? After a few seconds I experience myself as you. I am in your shoes, and feel your emotions. How do I know it’s yours? You always have bad feelings in you. Always. Even when you sleep. I don’t.
The second reason it’s important to be able to connect to something reliably is this: unless I am connected to a neutral third party (Source) who is all-knowing, I am just going to shoot in the dark.
So this is what happens: I connect to you. Then I connect to Source aka All-Knowledge. Now we are a triangle.
And then I ask questions. And All-Knowledge has a code with me, very similar to what applied kinesiology uses… except I am not using my own body to tell the truth, I am using my own body to get the answer from All-Knowledge. Big difference in accuracy.
I have a set of question, that I ask All-Knowledge about you, while I am connected to you.
Source’s answers are yes, no, yes/no, or wrong question.
I call these measurements your Starting Point Measurements.
They are a snapshot of you, vibrationally speaking.
Most of the questions are about your attitude, your focus, your mindset, your capacities in the DNA that are either expressed or not.
And with that much data, it is easier to answer the question: what shall I do now if I want to raise my vibration?
From your numbers I know what is important to you… not what you say is important to you. You may deceive yourself, but you cannot deceive All-Knowledge.
Once you have your numbers, I’ll send them to you with my recommendation.
OK, here is the payment button if you’d like to know your Starting Point Measurements. Even if you don’t do anything with them, it is a valuable information…

A significant number of those who ask, actually start doing what can make them raise their vibration… And I am very glad about that.
Sandy, any reason you wrote to ME all this?
There is always so much talk about finding yourself. I don’t think I have really found myself. i love to love and give myself to whom ever needs my love and acceptance. I hate conflict and criticism and I run from those who do that to me. I feel joy constantly. I am very educated I have 2 Masters degrees. I am licensed to practice here in the state Of Washington. I am not a proponent to the things in the bible. The God of my understanding only loves and He doesn’t pick over our individuality. I only let peaceful people in my life. I am dedicated to the life of service I eat good and sleep good. I use to forgive others, but I don’t anymore. I don’t have angry feelings about those that have hurt me I just don’t let them back in my life, because there are people on the streets and domestic violence victims and many abused children who need my services.