A lot of people have bad skin. Acne, rashes, moles, cellulites… uglies. I put cellulite into this category.
The fixit mentality, the mindset where you don’t go beyond first base. lol, this is baseball analogy, I hope you understand. This fixit mentality is making people rich. Not you, mind you, people who are willing to sell you s-h-i-t, that you don’t need. You don’t need it because it won’t work.
Cosmetics. Washes. Cleanses. Supplements. Shower filters. Alkaline water. Makeup.
Why Sophie, what is wrong with those?
Probably nothing. But…
You can’t paint ugly beautiful.
Your inner ugliness is showing on your skin.
Why? How?
The skin is our largest elimination organ. Your body first uses the kidney, then your poop, and if all those are full, then it will push stuff out through your skin.
Just smell an alcoholic. Or a chain smoker.
Your sweat stinks. Your skin pores are clogged. And then you have bad skin.
Your bad breath already predicted this was going to happen.
Here you go:
When you eat in a way your body can deal with the food and the beverages, use them and remove the toxins and dump them through the regular channels, your skin will be beautiful.
My skin is beautiful.
So let’s take this apart, shall we?
When you eat in a way your body can deal with the food and the beverages, use them and remove the toxins and dump them through the regular channels, your skin will be beautiful.
There is a preferred way to eat, and it’s genetic.
For me, it is eating one thing at a time. One ingredient.
Almost all mixes make me feel less than perfect… and the first symptom I have is fuzzy head.
Other types of eating: eat by taste, as opposed to eating what you heard is good for you.
A client wasn’t getting better, because she ate the right things (she says) but dutifully.
When she decided to believe me (it took a while) and started to prepare her meals to her taste, use spices, for example, her health number started to climb.
Eat by appetite: you can safely ignore hunger, you won’t digest your food unless there is appetite, a yum-yum, I feel like eating X.
Your digestive juices will not be there, and the food you ate will turn into a toxic sludge…
There are many other ways to eat. You can find out yours…

When you eat in a way your body can deal with the food and the beverages, use them and remove the toxins and dump them through the regular channels, your skin will be beautiful.
The second part of that sentence deals with the fact that all foods are toxic, but some your body can deal with. It is in your DNA, and it is also in the quantity and regularity of eating the food.
On the far east people’s DNA has learned to deal with rice. It is still toxic, but their body has the detoxifying ability to it.
People who eat traditionally, have beautiful skin. Traditionally both in ingredients and in quantities.
Mongols, or mongol-like nomad tribes had beautiful skin, beautiful teeth, and were strong. They died in battle… and lived long.
But if they got rich, or exposed to food not in their traditional menu, they got sick, pimply, and lost their teeth. Just read enough literature on the descendants of Genghis Khan…
Wine is good for you, says the literature… but if it is not part of what your DNA says, then wine is bad for you. If you are a Mongol, you can deal with the fermented horse milk, which has some alcohol similar quantities as beer, but wine? liquors? they are overly toxic for you.
When you eat in a way your body can deal with the food and the beverages, use them and remove the toxins and dump them through the regular channels, your skin will be beautiful.
Third part of the sentence: remove the toxins and dump them.
This happens inside the cells.
Each cell is a mini factory. Nutrient rich stuff comes in… toxins and waste product go out… If…
If the cell is plump and properly hydrated. If not, there is no energy to take out the trash. The cell is filled with toxins and waste products and cannot generate energy.
Regular water isn’t compatible with the cells. The cell is coherent inside, and rejects incoherent water. It lets in a little, just enough so it doesn’t die, but that is not enough for the cell to do any work.
I know only one source of coherent water: water you make coherent with my Water Energizer audio that uses Source energy to make the water coherent. It take time… our water is very incoherent. The more traditional treatment the more incoherent.
Some water cannot be made coherent after humans futzed with it… distillation, ozone treatment, reverse osmosis… destroys the water’s ability to be coherent again.
For example, expensive Smart Water is destroyed water. Distilled and then enriched… like your grains.
When you eat in a way your body can deal with the food and the beverages, use them and remove the toxins and dump them through the regular channels, your skin will be beautiful.
This last is when you have it all work, and all work together:
- you eat the way you are meant to eat, personally
- you eat what you are meant to eat, personally
- your cells are properly hydrated with coherent water
Then you are healthy, have energy, and have beautiful skin, beautiful teeth, and beautiful personality.
You poop doesn’t stink, your sweat doesn’t stink, your breath doesn’t stink, and your attitude won’t stink…
Now, it is really hard to know what to eat… especially because you don’t eat the label, you eat the food. And our food, just like our water, has been futzed with.
I can’t promise you 70% health like mine, because I can’t go to the grocery store with you.
My clients have gotten up to 40-50% health.
If you can muscletest, reliably, in the store, before you buy the stuff, you can get up to 70%, maybe higher.
But even 30% health, 30% hydration, you’ll be well, live longer, and have energy to burn.
The most important, like with anything, is to prepare the “machine” or the ground for the new life.
If you build but forget the storm drain, your house will be washed away.
So the preparation is to prepare the elimination…
Start drinking coherent water.
Make sure your elimination becomes regular, by adding fibers, fats, and probiotics to your regimen. Ask me, pay me, to test what fibers, what fats, what probiotics. The “labels” won’t help you, only the actual stuff that is compatible with your DNA.
I can muscletest stuff I can connect to… match it to your DNA.
I am talking a brand of probiotics that is called Fem Formula… Every fiber of my mind protests, but that is the only probiotic that tests yes… And it works. You can’t argue with success.
No fibers test yes for me… so it’s vegetables. One serving a day. Eating, for me, according to the FDA food pyramid means death and destruction. One serving. No fruits. Just one of the five vegetables on my list. Handpicked in the grocery store.
Many of you will experience a huge jump in well-being from the water…
The second jump is from cleaning up your elimination channels…
If you want more, you want to know the way to eat that is best for you
And if you really really want to get well, if your goals depend on your being really well, you want the whole enchilada… Water, elimination, the way to eat, and your supplement and food lists.
It’s also really personal.
But start at the root… No amount of paint will paint ugly beautiful.