Bernie Siegel, Caroline Myss, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Andrew Weil, Norman Cousins, Dr. Dean Ornish, Barbara DeAngelis, Shakti Gawain, Judith Orloff, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Gary Blier, Chuny Lin, Luis Angel Diaz
Bernie Siegel (Bernie Siegel is an American writer and retired pediatric surgeon, who writes on the relationship between the patient and the healing process as it manifests throughout one’s life. He is known for his best-selling book Love, Medicine and Miracles. ) Personal vibration: 170; truth value of material: 170; all Tree of Knowledge |
Caroline Myss (Caroline Myss is an American author of numerous books and audio tapes, including five New York Times Best Sellers: Anatomy of the Spirit, Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can, Sacred Contracts, Invisible Acts of Power, and Entering The Castle) Personal vibration: 150; truth value of content: 100; all Tree of Knowledge |
Wayne Walter Dyer is an American self-help author and motivational speaker. Personal vibration: 120; truth value of teachings: 170; all Tree of Knowledge |
Louise Hay was an American motivational author, and the founder of Hay House. She has authored several New Thought self-help books, and is best known for her 1984 book, You Can Heal Your Life. Personal vibration: 130; truth value of his writings: 170 |
Andrew Thomas Weil is a teacher and writer on holistic health. He is founder, professor, and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. Personal vibration: 170; Truth value of teachings: 130 |
Norman Cousins was an American political journalist, author, professor, and world peace advocate. Personal vibration: 220; Truth value of theories about everything: 190 |
Dean Michael Ornish, is a physician and president and founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, as well as Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Personal vibration: 190; Truth value: 170 |
Barbara De Angelis is an American relationship consultant, lecturer and author, TV personality, relationship and personal growth adviser. Personal vibration: 130; Truth value of her teachings: 150 |
Shakti Gawain is a New Age author and proponent of what she calls “personal development”. Her books have sold over 10 million copies; Personal vibration: 190; Truth value of teachings: 150… |
Judith Orloff is an American board-certified psychiatrist who incorporates energy medicine and what she calls “energy psychiatry” into her practice. Personal vibration: 150; Truth value of what she suggests you do: 130 |
Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker and author. He is best known as the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, which currently has nearly 200 titles and 112 million copies in print in over 40 languages. Personal vibration: 270; Truth value: 230 |
Mark Victor Hansen is an American inspirational and motivational speaker, trainer and author. He is best known as the founder and co-creator of the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series. Personal vibration: 190; Truth value of his teachings: 170 |
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D. was a Swiss American psychiatrist, a pioneer in near-death studies and the author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying, where she first discussed her theory of the five stages of grief. Personal vibration: 170; truth value of teachings: 170 |
Gary Blier founder of Advanced Cell Training Advance Cell Training, a program that claims to help you beat even treatable illnesses using the power of positive thinking. Now, if you’re worried some folks might make terrible life decisions based on some scam, don’t worry: they totally have this helpful ‘disclaimer’ that helps explain their therapy doesn’t actually do anything medical. – Gary Blier personal vibration: 170; truth value: 140 |
Master Chunyi Lin Personal vibration dropped to 170 since I last tested him; |
Luis Angel Diaz founder of CMR Personal vibration:150; truth value: 170 |
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Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven
True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar View all posts by Sophie Benshitta Maven