Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!

Life, and all its conversations happen in different fields of relationships.

Make sure you scroll down to the comments… tens of great pictures, jokes… that you’ll love.

  • Father/child,
  • mother-child,
  • playmate-sibling,
  • admirer-admired and the all elusive
  • partnership.

Here are a few pictures to get you started.

The assignment is to gather funny memes to illustrate the different fields. Please send them to me… although if you can post a link to them in the comments that would be even better. Go for it. It’s fun and very enlightening.

Here are a few I just collected in five minutes.Mother-child field
father-child field

admired-admirer field

mother-child field

mother-child field

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar

15 thoughts on “Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!”

  1. HAHAHAHA!!! I’m not sure of the field, but I was laughing with this person’s surprise & silly delight with their body & impressed by their musical knowledge, creativity & not taking life so freaking seriously!

  2. I was inspired by Audrey’s pictures, so looked for more.
    For those of you who don’t know what the fields are: they are relating, interactions, typical between parents and children, siblings, lovers… it just has to be funny… that is the “rule”. No syrupy inspirational b.s. this time. OK?

  3. Fun, Sophie! I spent quite some time cringing and laughing out loud while doing this.
    (I certainly see in so many memes how my machine is definitely not a unique one!)


    (This was opposite for me: I wanted to be “adored, big sister.” Curious– do you feel adopted children who are first-born can have “a knowing” in utero of their birth order?)


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