On the Tree of Life (Reality) clarity is the main component of having a winning life.
Clarity, on the Tree of Life, is finding the cause of an effect… Once you know the cause, you can play with it like a musical instrument: you can change out of the cause, you can modulate.
There, in reality, you have yourself and your life tamed sufficiently that you can safely say: I have the power… I call the shot.
On the Tree of Knowledge you cannot see the cause. The tree of Knowledge is Plato’s Cave, it deals with opinions, feelings, narratives, meanings, the shadows of reality. There, in Plato’s Cave, cause is hidden under an avalanche of feelings, ‘science’, words.
That is the purpose of the Tree of Knowledge, by the way. To keep you in imagined clarity, clear about all the shadows, have no idea where they came from… the cause.
And because you have no idea, anything or anyone can fool you.
- You can believe in god.
- You can believe in the ‘Law of attraction’,
- And most important: you can and will make people and organizations rich, because you are hapless.
- On the Tree of Knowledge you can’t feel the gentle nudges of your sensations that know the truth and could lead you to clarity.
In fact, you misinterpret the gentle or not so gentle nudges. You put words on them. Interpretations. Stories. Stories without any truth in them. Just because you can. And then you turn around and teach the b.s. explanation you came up with.
All human science is worthless on the Tree of Knowledge, and all scientists are snake oil salesmen.
I have now written a lot about ‘science’ about the human body, health… all bogus. All stories. All mostly untrue.
Here is another example from a different area of life:
Inner Bonding: What is Inner Bonding®?
INNER BONDING a 6-step spiritually based therapeutic modality that heals shame, and the resulting self-abandonment, that is often the root cause of anxiety, stress, depression, low self-esteem, addictions, and relationship problems. INNER BONDING creates profound connections with Self, Spirit, and others that heals emptiness and aloneness, unleashing creativity, imagination, passion and purpose, love and joy!
the process: effectiveness value: 1%. All who succeed succeeded because of placebo effect.
Erika Chopich, Ph.D Personal vibration: 120. Enough said…
* Margaret Paul, Ph.D Personal Vibration: 170. She doesn’t live what she teaches either. Why? Because on the Tree of Knowledge it is all b.s., sand thrown in your eyes.
Clarity can be measured. Clarity is not a what, it is a HOW.
Clarity is not an inner state… clarity is taking steps based on what you see, your personal reality. You produce a result in actual reality, where you can’t produce results unless your personal reality and actual reality match to one degree or another.
So clarity is the percentage of match. The match can be anywhere from zero to 100.
You could argue, that clarity is a 3-way measure: your picture of reality, reality, and your actions.
But, without arguing, without justifying, I am going to call clarity ONLY when your actions are showing that your picture of reality and reality match.
In life the only thing that matters is results. What is in your head doesn’t matter.
- On the Tree of Knowledge it seems enough to know stuff, but not live them.
- On the Tree of Life it doesn’t matter what you know unless it informs you actions.
The other day I decided to renew my knowledge of Hebrew. I lived in Israel, worked in Hebrew, and was quite fluent by the time I left in 1985.
In the past 32 years most of my Hebrew went underground.
It became obvious from the test I needed to pass to get into the intermediate class.
My clarity about Hebrew was very low. My illusory knowledge was not a match to reality. I failed the exam test. My Hebrew was literally useless… because it wasn’t usable in reality.
What made me want to start learning Hebrew again?
Because I just listened to the step with Alexander the Great from Tai… and I saw that I have been thinking about re-learning one of my six languages, but doing nothing about it. I saw my b.s. I told the truth about it. And took the first step.
What am I going to do? I am committing 5-10 minutes a day, for however long it takes. Why? What else am I going to do with 5-10 minutes a day? Play more Freecell? lol.
To close: I have written several articles on clarity before. I am re-publishing them today, so I keep this article short.
Do with it what you want to do with it.
Your life is your life.
But if I could suggest one thing: start distinguishing reality from the imaginary world created by words.
Learn to tell apart your personal reality from reality.
If you don’t, nothing much will matter on the long run. Your actions that come from your personal reality are 99% wrong… and you are wasting your life.
I teach this in long courses, but if you are not ready to embark on long courses, here is a shorter one, called Reality