The Most Economical Way To Have Energized Water

Everything I say in this article is outdated…

Not the principle… but the details.

The principle is: coherent water can energize energizable water if the two are only separated with a thin membrane-like wall.

I use that principle in my home. I have about two gallons of fiji water in small bottles in my 5 gallon container. I remove about two gallons of water every 36 hours and refill the big container with energizable water, and that provides me with coherent water for all my cooking and drinking needs.

I energized the small bottles individually, about two years ago, and haven’t had to touch the system, haven’t had to add energy since then, not through headphones, not manually.

What Is The Most Economical Way To Energize Your Water Have Energized Water Around The Clock?

Update 9/20/2023 Unfortunately Fiji water is no longer reliable. So only the filtered water, created from tapwater, and with the equipment I recommend:
and the five micron filters from Ali express

Author: Sophie Benshitta Maven

True empath, award winning architect, magazine publisher, transformational and spiritual coach and teacher, self declared Avatar