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Audio introduction by me:
I have been anguished by the inability of my clients to abide by their food list and make it fully satisfying… Result: their well being tops off at 10%, while mine is 70%.
Don’t have your food list? Get it now.

Preparing food and your relationship to it is a ‘how’, not a ‘what’. And how you do anything is how you do everything, remember?
If your relationship to food, to the preparation, to cooking is in one way, we’ll find the same one way in other areas of life. So pay close attention to what is your relationship to cooking: this can be life altering.

Complaint #1: I don’t have the ingredients for my recipes in my food list!
My answer:
- Most important: I cook with what I have at hand. (Start where you are is the principle… cook with what you have!)
- I know what works well with what
- I know what temperature to cook what
- And instinctively I know what to make in a separate pan and add to the finished dish at the end.
- I know what foods can be well digested together.
- I know what is for nutritional value, what is for supporting digestion. Unfortunately I am not very skilled in the spices. So I have an ancient cook book from 1953 that uses no quantities.
It was written for chefs. Chefs don’t cook by recipes. They cook by feel. They bring the Divine to their cooking, they bring the Divine to Life. The Divine will guide them to creativity or to restraint… depending on the situation.
More complaints
Complaint #2: I can’t make my food tasty without the ingredients that you said I can’t eat! Can you suggest recipes, or show us how you do it?
Complaint #3: 340 grams of this and 220 grams of that. Rigid rules… diarrhea, weight loss, nutritional deficiency.
Complaint #4: I don’t know how to cook, and I don’t want to. We’ll just eat out every night when we don’t order in… And to make you happy, Sophie, I’ll just eat shrimp with garlic…
Complaint #5: ‘I understand that you need raw ingredients to become a master chef but you have to know what you are going to cook.‘
Instead of knocking the many types of uncreative, slavish or arrogant how: the types of relationships you can have to food, I’d like to talk about this last one, because whether you know it or not, you have this…
How #5: You have to know what you are going to cook… is a myth
Why? Because it touches on the heart of the matter of being a master chef in your life, and starting on your path to becoming an Expanding Human Being.
I don’t know if you can hear it, but the how #5 is somewhat humble. Has a thought… and brings it out to the open, so it can be confirmed or debated.
The hallmark of lack of humility is to not reveal your worldview, the basis of your behavior, so you never have to doubt your worldview.
When you have lack of humility, then you are not teachable. Then in the ‘wise, foolish, or evil’ categorization, you are the foolish.
Even when you accept a fact, even when you accept a correction, the foundation of your being, the how, doesn’t change. Your lack of humility keeps it in place.
You cannot become a master chef. As cocky as master chefs appear to you, they are humble. Humble to the Art, Humble to All-of-it, humble to truth, humble to the Divine… whatever that magical ingredient is.
So, returning to the brilliant question of Complaint #5: The question reveals the mindset, the worldview underneath a faulty assumption I think every single person has on the planet today, maybe with a one in 100 million exception.
The idea that you have to know what you want to build, that you have to know what you want to cook, that you have to know exactly where you are going, before you do anything.
This faulty assumption is what is keeping YOU and humanity not evolving to the next level.
I see it in every single person around me. Every yes and every no has an end in mind. Meting out your energy, gram by gram. Your attention, your love, everything. 340 grams… ugh.
A life growing out of the soil of scarcity.
Thinking that only purposeful actions (goal oriented) are worth doing, big, or maybe even humongous goals.
You weren’t like that as a little kid, were you? You ran, climbed trees just for the sake of climbing, fought with wooden swords for the fun of it, wrestled, swam, and had a good time.
Unbeknownst to you, all those fun activities developed a part of you that you need today. Skills, dexterity, self-awareness, strength…
If your upbringing was eclectic, as mine was, you played ping-pong, you played tennis, you sang in the choir, you learned to read music, you learned to read and write. You played at least one musical instrument well enough to perform at least for your friends. And, or course you wrote poems and made the illustrations to it yourself.
You cooked food, just for the fun of it.
And you assisted with the laundry. You had a pet and took care of it. For a while you had a bunny or a chick for Easter. You painted eggs, decorated them. You made Christmas Tree decorations and hung them on the tree.
And you NEVER bought any of it ready… just the ingredients…
If it is true that a master chef cooks with what’s in the pantry… and you want to have a good life, then it is true that your first and foremost job is to catch up on all the thing you didn’t do as a child.
One of my students is learning to saw. She is also learning to cook. She missed learning them when she was a kid. Her mother did that for her.
Everything your mother did for you and you didn’t learn to do yourself: learn it now!
I am proud to say: there is nothing my mother or my father could do that I can’t do myself. And I can do a lot more. That is evolution. The new generation being able to do everything plus more than the previous one.
I am learning this kindle magic… and will decide when I can do it, when I have already published a handful of kindle books, if it indeed lacks integrity for me. But only once I learned it and published a book or two or six. Is it a good investment to learn to do it by doing it? It’s a ‘pantry item’… so yes.
Same with podcasting, same with doing office hours, same with doing challenges, same with doing experimental courses with just a handful of participants. Same with everything. You do something with the 1% in mind, not the 100%.
The 100% is the big prize. The one that you have been saying that I am only going for that. Becoming the next google… becoming a billionaire real estate investor, becoming a high priced coach, etc. etc. etc.
That is the 100%.
When you have your eyes on the 100%, you can’t be bothered with where you are…
…the little things, the little people, with increasing what you have in your pantry.
Recently I have been teaching an inch by inch growth modality that, in my hopes, can transform this stingy way of looking at the world, and never actually doing anything worth doing… never actually accomplishing anything.
So far people go stupid when I explain it. Again and again and again… the stupidity protects the worldview of the 100%. I need my TLB to be at 70% to be willing to go at it again and again, even though no glimmer of light comes back, no echo. But I have it… and we shall see.
The Chinese torture method: dripping water is what I am doing. The same thing that I can liken my new growth method, so it is the same, through and through.
We shall see, if it is going to work.
Here is another fallacy: that learning ABOUT something has value.
It has no value. No intrinsic value, no extrinsic value, not even systemic value. NO value. Learning about something is not a pantry item. Only things you can DO, of you HAVE are pantry items.
And I am considering learning how to make my ‘stuff’ more widely used by doing. I now have a mobile app… more readily available than having to sit by a computer. You can put the phone in your pocket and do things, while listening to my stuff. I have to learn enough moves to be ‘dangerous’ in making my stuff really appetizing and look good on mobile phones… Is it a good investment? Again: it is a pantry item. You can’t cook with no ingredients!
As you see, the job is not to take things to mastery. The job is to have ingredients in your kitchen. Most of you have one, maybe two ingredients.
- You can repair lawn mower and write office documents well? Just two ingredients!
- You can play war games on your computer, speak English well, and translate some poems? Still just three ingredients!
- You can do bookkeeping and accounting. And you can tell someone how to play football. (not coaching!) You can energize your water… Three ingredients: not enough for a good meal because they don’t connect.
Even a master chef has a hard time cooking with only one or two or three ingredients.
I am a ‘master chef’. I have twenty-thirty-forty ingredients packed in my ‘LIFE pantry’. I got them through experimenting, learning FOR NO REASON!
But in the actual kitchen, because I am a ‘separator’ I can only make dishes with limited number of ingredients.
Onion, garlic, sesame oil, water and whatever… for myself.
‘Separator’ is a weird style of eating. For a separator the interaction between the foods reduces the person’s ability to stay well. I think it causes acidity… that’s how it feels… I become acidic, dehydrated, and not well if I put more than the one main and two-three supportive ingredients into a dish. Or if I drink, for example, tea with milk too close to a meal. It’s a digestive equipment issue…
The separator’s way of eating is probably the oldest way to eat. Closest to how animals in the wild eat…
It sounds an impoverished way to eat, but you won’t believe how many incredibly tasty, good smelling, good tasting dishes I can whip up with just one main ingredient.
Even though from time to time even onions are off my list…
Why can I make my meals tasty? Because I can cook.
But people who have less in their pantries, in terms of skills… they they need a recipe that they try to strictly follow.
You need to step back, and use your intellectual capacities to see how your skills could be be used. How other people use them. Find in books, movies, articles:
find your skills being used.
It is often not what you have, but really the lack of ability to SEE how a skill can help you do things you want to do, to move towards the good life, towards health, wealth, love and happiness.
So, as you see, me harping on The Sight capacity and its many facets is the biggest missing.
My current question is: is it blocked, or is it really missing. My next moves will depend on the answer I get.
In the current Validation Challenge I hope to get enough input to be able to put this question to bed.
- Will people be willing to do something for literally no payoff?
- Will they SEE that it is them who benefit, not the person they validate or acknowledge?
- And will they be able to SEE that without seeing they are stuck in the purposeless, myopic, senseless, mundane existence that they have been living?
The reason I think it may be possible that people are blocking the Sight because they don’t want to see… We shall see.
I am patient while attempting to see. I won’t even contemplate the next step until I get the answers I need to see where I am at.
If you want to join the Challenge, you still can. You need to pay to have the DNA capacity activated: See value/recognize value… that is the basis of Validation. It is not lying. Anything that you say you see but don’t is lying.
And you need to commit to doing the actions… or you won’t benefit at all.
You need to buy the $45 activate and re-activate the DNA capacity: see value, to participate.

This article is exactly two years old. the Challenge is not open… unless enough people ask me to open it up again. It was very educational, and did produced some people who actually look and see… so no complaints here.
Winter is coming, and the food list, not surprisingly, is different in the winter than in the summer. If you have been relying out of season food brought from other countries: don’t! The body needs winter! It needs some rest…
Get your food list re-done… You’ll be surprised how different it is for the winter. It will make you warmer, and have a lot less colds.
We are told the winter will be extreme this year. I can tell you fall has been totally different. I have been in the US for 37 years… and haven’t seen anything like this. And I was alive before that for 38 years… ditto.
So get prepared… And stay warm. Get your food list done. So you can stay well.

Yes. And difficult to recognize. Thank you.
I appreciate this deep nourishment for rereading.
Thank you