What is the difference between someone who votes for the Republican nominee and the Democratic Party nominee
This is not the whole truth, there are lots of shades of gray, and yet, especially in the current elections, this is what I have observed on the people I had an opportunity to observe.
- 1. The less distinctions someone had the more likely they voted for Trump.Distinctions are the patterns smart, intelligent people use to navigate life, to produce results, to tell truth from falsehood.Trump voters are almost blank in this regard. No distinctions… black and white.
- 2. The less someone was willing, able or trust themselves to do anything for themselves other than scream bloody murder, the more likely they voted for Trump.
Which is, when you look at the fact that Trump voters can’t tell the difference between one thing and another, makes a lot of sense.Also, when you are someone who can’t do, won’t do, can’t see yourself doing… your knee jerk reaction is: it is somebody else’s fault.And when someone as unpolished as yourself comes around and screams bloody murder, you are sure you are hearing “freedom calls”. 3. The less you give a hoot about other people, including everyone, by the way, not just the less fortunate than you, the more likely you have voted for Trump.The fact that you don’t care about others says more than that you are uncaring. It says that… but it also says that you live in a scarcity mindset: it is never enough for you, and it is never it for you.You see the world as a zero-sum game: for someone to win, someone needs to lose… You are actually attracted to that world: someone losing gives you Schadenfreude… gleeful pleasure at someone else’s misery.You want. And someone has to lose for you to get it.
- 4. You are not an intellectual. Intellectually you are incurious, and unpolished. I am not saying that you are uncouth… because you may look polished, because looks and appearances are very important to you. But you are skin deep.And when someone scratches your skin, you get angry. Hell… furious.
- 5. Owning up to your mistakes, shortcomings, and hidden desires is near impossible or hard for you.
Now let’s see if the Clinton voters are any better:
- Being a democrat has always been the dominion of the educated, the intelligentsia.
- People grew up with books in the home, reading, and it was a no-question that they will be learned.
- And another major characteristics of the educated: they, by virtue of their wider cone of vision, are more able and willing to include others and their interests in their view.They care. They don’t want to care: they do. Why? It came in the DNA.
Are these major characteristics true for every voter in the United States?
Let me muscletest the accuracy of the above statements: 95% accuracy.
Which means, there are 5% who voted opposite to what they were “supposed to” vote, according to their inner nature.
80% of my site’s visitors voted for Trump.
I have been having bouts of sobbing since the election.
I find myself in bad company.
But if you didn’t vote, could not vote, but don’t like the results… here is another opportunity to beat the game… Please click
This is huge — 2.7 million already! Add your name and share everywhere — let’s smash 3 million today!
Dear friends,
The unimaginable has happened. President Trump.
And worse, there are Trumps in every town. Threatening all our democracies.
What’s most important now is to build a global movement to stop them. Over 2 million of us have signed the open letter, below, from the world to Trump, and it’s been covered across major media. Now it’s a manifesto for the next 4 years — one that will run as a full page ad in major papers and project onto Trump Tower in New York. Help it become an even more powerful message — forward it widely and sign below:
Add My Name
Dear Mr. Trump, This is not what greatness looks like.
The world rejects your fear, hate-mongering, and bigotry. We reject your support for torture, your calls for murdering civilians, and your general encouragement of violence. We reject your denigration of women, Muslims, Mexicans, and millions of others who don’t look like you, talk like you, or pray to the same god as you.
Facing your fear we choose compassion. Hearing your despair we choose hope. Seeing your ignorance we choose understanding.
As citizens of the world, we stand united against your brand of division.
Add My Name
Sign now with one click
Sometimes in the darkest moments the brightest lights shine. Let’s make Trump a force that brings the world together, to fight for everything we love
Last thing: do I like Hillary Clinton? No, have never liked her. But one thing I am sure of: if she makes changes, it will not be in the direction of the far right, the religious bigots, the uneducated and entitled gun-slinging “majority” that makes, gasp, America so American.
Instead of publishing it as an article, I am including Rob Brezsny’s answer to people like Kay and the 80% of the readers of this blog.
I will bold the most important parts… most important and non-political essence:
And I’ll add what I learned from my teacher, Robert Hartman: if you want good to live in the world, you need to know evil intimately. I paraphrased it… but you can get the gist.
Kay, the rest of the comment was deleted for grandstanding and lecturing… please, do that on your own site
This post on the election is really way off. It strains your credibility that you wrote it, and most of the other stuff on this site is interesting. I am certain that as many people with high degrees and good intelligence voted for Trump as Hillary. Maybe not as many college professors, but “intellectual” means different things to different people.