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Caring… it is available only at the 540 level of consciousness.
One of my students bought the subscriber special deal last night. but after paying, she didn’t go and get it, so I had to do it manually for her.
She said when I brought this up: “My daughter was talking my ear off. Lol.”
I bet if you asked the daughter if she cares for her mother, she would be offended by the question. Of course she thinks she cares. But allowing her mother the peace and quiet to complete her purchase isn’t included in her concept of caring…
People who say they care about you mostly mean: if you get cancer, or some other major trauma, I will feel bad for you.
That is not caring.
If I asked you if you care about and for yourself
If I asked you if you care about and for yourself, most of you would say: of course I care about myself. but if we watched your actions, you allow yourself to dry out, allow yourself to watch that stupid addictive show, allow yourself to be sucked into irrelevant conversations, waste your time, waste your money, waste your attention, waste your Life-Force.
Caring is a form of love.
Caring is a form of love. An expression of love. And unless it’s active, it is not real, it is just an emotion.
The feeling of caring is NOT the same as the beingness of caring.
Caring is expressed in your actions. Just like love.
Caring is a beingness: a force to reckon with. A force that stops your hand when you reach for the stuff that is killing you.
It is the hand that hands you your Energized water, when you’d rather have a soda.
And it is the voluntary stepping back, when you are trying to dominate someone with what YOU want and not what would work for them.
But why don’t we care for others? And why don’t we care for ourselves?
I am my brother’s keeper… is the expression that signals caring.
Why is it that we refuse to be our brother’s keeper?
Because we are depleted. Because we are running on empty. So we are in survival mode. Scarcity mode. When we are in scarcity mode, we have nothing to give.
And, surprisingly, we have already given up on ourselves as well.
I remember when I arrived to Israel in 1982. I learned to understand this Hebrew expression first: ‘Ein li koah‘
Literally means: I don’t have energy. But I could have translated it as ‘I don’t care‘. or ‘I can’t care‘. Because unless you have energy to spare, you don’t, you can’t care.
The genes don’t care about another person. They just want to perpetuate themselves. And for to perpetuate themselves they need you to reserve some energy. But if that’s all the energy you have, it means that the genes want you to reserve all your energy. But is that energy available for your own sake? No. It is available only for the genes’ sake.
So, here you are, no one cares about you, including your own self.
So, what will happen, what can happen, when you’ll start providing your body with what it needs to have extra energy?
With the re-hydration system, the Energized Water® you start to have more energy. No kidding. Within days.
With providing your body with the missing minerals, or other nutrients… ditto.
But your consciousness doesn’t dare to catch up and accept this as the new reality.
You may still live in: ‘I hate myself…‘ or ‘I don’t matter‘
I used to live there. I mean lived there until not long ago…
It was the last thing opening up for me: mattering to myself. Having value for myself. If you read my articles, you can see…
And this has been the biggest difference in the quality of my life. Genuinely caring for myself. For my person. Not only what I do, but my Self.
It’s an amazing experience!
How can I help you to be able to get there faster than I did?
Believe it or not, if you don’t care about yourself, you are not happy. You can’t. I am talking about Self-love, not the narcissistic love, but the real love, the warm, the allowing, the tender love. That is the kind of love that makes the biggest difference.
It’s not unlike the water you drink when you are hopelessly parched. It fills in the huge void inside.
This newfound ability to love myself has allowed me to do loving things for myself, to start caring about my environment. I scrubbed all the sinks. WTF, right? And I found myself sorting the laundry. It’s been missing. I could not do it. I had no energy to spare for mundane things like that.
So, what made the difference? Getting my physical well-being, my health number up to normal for my age. It was 3 last week. none of this energy was available last week… yet. My hydration is full… my hydration number is 10.
- Hydration
- Proper supplementation
- Eating ONLY what is not harmful for my body.
This last one was the biggest issue for me. The mind was saying: ‘I don’t care that it isn’t good for me!‘
And it was true, I didn’t care for me, so I didn’t care what I ate.
But at some point, when most of what I ate was good for me, there was this shift. Critical mass theory proven. It started to be easier to eat only what was good for me. And since then even the mind has shut up.
And the pounds are melting too. I was carrying an extra 30-40 pounds. 13 of those are now gone. And I am not dieting. I am eating when I am hungry. And I even eat a lot… lol. I don’t feel satisfied unless I eat myself full.
By the way: hunger. I am now hungry for a meal. Healthy ravenous hunger. Like a teenager! Hunger signaling that my body is ready for food. Instead of the gnawing hunger that was more like permanent hunger than ‘real’ hunger for the 40-50-60 years prior.
So, as you see, it was not a single thing that caused the change to having surplus energy.
The energy to love, the energy to care. Unless the energy is overflowing, you can’t.
I could not change effectively, because the knowledge that was needed, was missing.
I did not have a system. And like with all systems, a part of a system can’t do what the whole system does. ((Even though, just like in everything, there is a minimum acceptable ‘product’… Still a system, but smaller.))
And yet, there is one part that works very strongly, even without the rest, and that is cell hydration. Because it helps the cells empty the trash. That is the most important role of the energized water.
I remember being light headed, weak, struggling to force myself do things. And by that time I had been drinking Sante-Water for 15 years.
Not until I replaced the Machine made Sante-Water with Source-Made Energized Water®, that my overall sense of energy started to rise. And I suddenly had energy to spare. I had energy to be generous, caring, patient. Not yet for myself… but at least for others.
I still had a hard time doing things or finishing things, but I was becoming noticeably better.
The last piece of the puzzle, what food is supportive of my body and what isn’t came a short while ago.
The timeline was this: first I got the 90 essential nutrients list, and bought my supplements. And then I looked at all the restrictions, blood type, dosha type, ancestry (DNA), sensitivities and intolerances, (gluten, fructose) clearly play a huge role in the perfect food list.
Then came the long (500 items) food list of which I muscletest what is neutral.
Today my shopping list is very short. I have 10-15 items max, but I am reasonably well. Very few protein sources. 5-8 vegetables, butter, goat cheese, and that’s it. Some grain. Legumes. One kind of apple.
Surprisingly, I enjoy the food I eat. For the first time in decades. Really enjoy it. Yum. When I think about this: it makes no sense. Nothing fancy. Same breakfast every day. Same or slightly different lunch and dinner… should be boring, but it isn’t. I and my body are loving it.
That was the least expected result: that I am loving it.
I expected that I would have cravings. NO cravings. I occasionally catch a glimpse of a sales circular with chocolate ice cream on it. And for a moment I wish I could have that.
But it passes like a cloud on a clear sky, with no traces of any desire, or craving, or yearning.
This is probably how our ancestors lived: they loved what they had.
Heaven. The experience of Heaven is when nothing is missing.
Heaven is when your body has all what the body needs to work well. And none of what will make it not work well.
Given our consumption culture, you probably give your body a whole lot of stuff that makes it sick… not even mentioning the forcefulness with which you are trying to survive… another source of blockages.
Find out how your body is doing.
It is a project I have, to offer this service for free. Doing my ever so small part in making you live in heaven.

Use coupon code NoStrings to get it free
PS: you can even land in scarcity temporarily. And then be prone to anger, or weakness, or the desire trap. So the goal is to be in abundance most of the time…
Keywords: | Description: |
I want to change my life | You want to change your life, because how it is: you don’t like it. It isn’t working for you. It doesn’t support you. You don’t have enough energy to enjoy life, to change it, to make more of yourself. |
be the change you want to see in the world | Gandhi said that, but it is easier said than done. Unless you have enough energy, you can’t do it. You can’t master your being, because you don’t have enough energy. So get more energy by changing how you eat, and what you drink. Start with the Energized Water. |
how to get more energy | You are not alone if you want more energy. Life with low energy is no fun. You have low grade depression, and every moment you want more, you crave more, because every moment feels like it’s your last. The cause of this low energy is eating what doesn’t work with your body, and drinking incoherent water. Start with the Energized water to hydrate your cells. When you are at least 30% hydrated, we can start tweaking your diet. In no time you’ll have surplus energy, like you used to have when you were a toddler. |