You may or may not know, but I have been battling some energetic attachments, that keep coming back.
An attachment is like a snake: it goes deep and eats you from the inside out.
It’s been a week, maybe more. Quite horrible, if you ask me.
This morning, thinking of the workshops over the weekend, it was time to take a serious look at this situation.
Can I lead a webinar if an attachment jumps on me while I am leading? And it will, if today is any indication: since 7 am I have removed it more than 10 times… so the frequency is about 30 minutes.
Turns out that I can connect to Source, I just can’t feel it, because the sensation in my Tangerine Spot is overpowered by the attachment, one of them, that is about an inch only from my Tangerine Spot.
So I consulted Source, went deep within, and waited for intuition.
This is what I have gotten so far:
- the attitude I need to assume is curiosity. Curiosity is a beingness, tied to a DNA capacity. Luckily I have it turned on. ok… Curiosity.
- what sends a signal to send the attachment is any level of greed. Greed is a wanting. Its flavor can be a yes or a no. Yes wanting: I want to be connected. I want sag paneer. I want to feel good. I want money.
‘No’ wanting: I want to get rid of these attachments. I want to get rid of pain… etc. Both are forceful, both are reactive, both come from resistance. Resistance to how it is. Resistance to what is.
It is really easy to fall into greed. And it is quite difficult to get free of it.
In spite of my capacities for being, I am having a hard time finding a being that allows me to be able to look at what is with mild interest, with curiosity, with amusement.
When I attempt to step back from the mind, I feel like I am bumping into a wall.
I consider it a “mirage”, an illusion: there are no walls. So I do it again… and lo and behold the wall disappeared. I am starting to feel the tension melt away.
If you have ever wondered why you need a teacher to work with once you had a capacity activated, here it is.
I have turned on the Detached capacity for many people, and most of them failed at keeping them on.
My current experience, the feeling a wall preventing me from stepping back, is a possible reason why. You (me) honoring the sensation as real instead of the capacity… and Dark Side won again.
I am exhausted. I didn’t even know to what degree I was tense, I was resistant to my experience, to the attachments, to the attacks.
I am going to let the exhaustion just take over, rest, and come back to life once that is done.
The morass, the Dark Side, the sticky conditions of human societies, families, will create illusory obstacles to you being able to detach and stay detached.
You won’t be able to figure it out on your own: even for me it took more than a week.
Come and join me in the Detached workshop.
I have room for two more students this time around.
This work can only get done in very small groups…
The Detached workshop
For the first time in history you can get the Detached capacity, the capacity to get out of the mind and you can practice and get coaching… in the Get out of your mind workshop.
You can come to just one session if you wish. Or come to all.
Payment plan: $50 for the first session $25 getting moving… sessions.
The whole workshop is $97, and it includes four weeks’ worth of sessions. If you came to all sessions, you would pay $225 for it.

PS: None of these attachments are infectious, or jumping attachment, so you cannot get them from me.
For now, Source suggested to leave them on… and not react to them at all. I am now able to step back, able to feel my connection to Source, energize water, and muscletest accurately.
All because I have neutralized greed. How counter intuitive truth always is.