There are few things worse than being scammed.
Being scammed leaves you with less money, with less time, but what is worse than that is if you participate with Access Consciousness…
You’ll be left with an energetic attachment, like a spigot, through which you can be mind-controlled, and made to dance to this cult’s rhythm.
Most people end up with some really serious health issues… If you’d like me to check out your health, without putting an attachment on you, I can do it. And if you mention that I promised…just because you came from this post, I’ll check if you have an attachment sucking the life out of you.

I discovered it by accident. As you know, one of the special services I offer is removing energetic attachments.
Each attachment belongs to some type of attachment, like a weed can be recognized.
Most attachments are relatively benign, just like a chink in your armor, or a hole in your energy body, but some attachments are self-replicating, and infectious.
I first met an infectious attachment three years ago, it was placed by Mr.T, whose name is in itself an energy signal to receive an attachment. I haven’t said the name, haven’t written the name, and am unwilling to listen to the name. Thinking it is harmless.
Then came this summer, with its several infectious attachments, including the one placed by Access Consciousness.
Nasty, but I have developed a method of grabbing the two-headed attachment on the client and on my own head, and pulling them at the same time. That saves a lot of time, so I am more willing to do the work now, than in the beginning, when it was a going back and forth event… nasty.
Now, the question could naturally arise: why does a teacher, a guru, a cult mark and weaken their quarry?
I think it is the basest of all human qualities, wanting to reduce another to a thing, to property, to a slave. And that is what I think these gurus and cults are doing.
Through the attachments they can influence the “members” and weaken them, suggesting that any attempts to flee the coop is suicide.
If the flight succeeds, through the attachment they can effectively make the ex-member sick, listless, and miserable.
Can they literally kill a person with an attachment? I don’t think so. I don’t think the energies are strong enough. But to make someone hurt, or miserable? Absolutely.
Now, let me say a few words about cults… my own experience.
I was participating with Landmark Education for 25 or 26 years, the same company that used to be called est. A lot of outsiders viewed Landmark Education as a cult, but it isn’t. A cult takes ownership of your life, and makes it very costly to leave it. It encourages you to separate from your family, and give your money and property to the cult. Nothing like that in Landmark Education, not in the least.
I am not participating Landmark Education any more, because I don’t find it useful for me any more.
On the other hand the Mormon Church, The Church of Scientology, and maybe Access Consciousness are cults.
If you are in Access Consciousness, I’d appreciate some feedback. the people I have treated were only loosely associated with Access Consciousness. they got some healing with the Bars, whatever they are. and they started to get weak, irritable, and miserable, only a few weeks after they started with that.
Some came to me with cancer… ugh.
Somehow you can give bars to your family and friends, and spread the attachments… vicious… spreading it like a germ warfare.
At this point I am a little scared, and weary of learning more about Access Consciousness. So, in a worldly way, I am ignorant of what they do, what they promise, why anyone would get entangled with them.
I can look at what they do energetically. As en empath I can connect to it, measure its vibration, its truth value, and just remove the darn attachment…
Truth value of Access Consciousness: 3%
PS: if you want me to check if you have attachments, you can.

Thanks for all these comments, it has clarified a lot. The man is a con artist by the looks of it. You can heal through the brain, but as always it is intent. He seems to have serious patriarchal and sex issues. It is very difficult to find reviews of people who have been through it or have invested in it that are not practicing therapists now. I always find, if they charge an enormous amount to learn it – that’s a red flag for me.
thank you for this…i think i have experienced the same thing, which is my financial had been deteriorating and cut off ever since i had my first session in bars and i have no idea how to get it fixed. i have went into depression as well because of this. now i understand.
excellent. I’ll do it later today. I have a workshop to lead right now…
Thank You, I’ve worked for english speaking companies, so it allowed me to learn English pretty well 🙂
I’ll send You an email.
Your English is excellent for a Latvian woman, congratulations.
And you listening to your inner feelings… right on.
The only thing to address is the shift in fortunes since you were first exposed to Access Consciousness. You probably have an attachment on you, sucking your energy. If you email me your picture and your date of birth, I’ll remove it for you, no charge. [email protected]
Thank You for an insight of AC.
First time I heard about AC in the end of 2022. And I got a session from a friend.
Later in March I got another session from another lady.
Then I got “kind of hooked” and started to feel that I also want to become a facilitator and offer “healing” to people.
I agreed with the friend, she gonna teach me this technique so that we can do it to each other. This week I found out that in my cuontry there gonna be a one day class to become a practitioner. I though – yes, that’s an opportunity. But … all this time, since I first got no know about AC, I got inner feeling – is this really with clear intentions ? I have had experience before with “wrong healers” and the consequences of that is terrible.
And yesterday i got a shaky feeling, that i need to get some more info about this AC, the roots of it, investigate it more, as inner feeling wants to warn me about something.
And now, reading your article and comments somehow puts it all together.
Some warning signs for me is :::
– those who practice AC is called “Accessories” (to me it sounds like being a tool rather then a person with the soul)
– those who practice AC is also called “humanoids”, not human (“It’s so mind-blowingly conscious that you have to be other than human to get it. You have to be what’s called a humanoid. Humanoids are steeped in awareness, not judgment.”). This point to me sounds even more scary – “humanoid” ? What is this ? Sound like a robot-like something ?
– the practice includes “energy pulls”. where the hell you are pulling my energy ? and anybody, who pays for 1 day class, can start working with energy pulls. This is also a point, where the bells are ringing. Anybody can touch my energy ? Really ? With what intentions ?
– then about “deleting wrong statements” what is the basics for the AC. how do you know what exactly one is deleting ? While chanting some wierd statement, something is deleted from you ? And you don’t event need to know what is going on. just relax. well … how can I be sure, that they delete only bad stuff ?
– Gary Douglas was in scieontology before he founded access bars. well, maybe he really become a chaneller – but from where he is channeling ? from artifical matrix of the earth or from the healthy version of the Earth ?
And actually, while I’m writing this – I realized one thing. This year has started very strange for me – somehow financial flow has cut of for me and i cannot understand why. well, as I’m freelance photographer, it might happen that there is off-season. but this feeling is very strange, different from other off-seasons. and now i realize it started since i got first AC session. maybe it’s really coincidence – but it’s strange.
Thanks for bringing this conversion up – i really helped me to make decision to keep away from this. And i was wondering about very strange dreams lately. Very very strange ones. Like never before.
I almost paid a money for the class, cause i felt strong “hook” on it. But thanks to inner feeling to investigate this more.
I am sorry for your experience, Marcela.
And reading your ‘share’, I am seeing that ‘Proselytizing’ is one of the hallmarks of a cult. MLM’s, Scientology, Christianity, Islam… all cults.
thank you for sharing.
I never heard of Access Consciousness before until a few months ago when looking for a biological dentist. I found one in my country that also does AC, she does not push that into you but offers you the option.
I had 3 root canal extractions that I knew will be difficult but they were worst than expected.
Well, for the healing she offered me a “happy mouth” energy technique. She told me to investigate more about it and I did but obviously not that much because only after having the whole 21 days process done, I knew it was part of AC.
I felt bad and good during the process but it was actually until the 21 days ended that I realized this was a mistake not only for what I found out about what actually AC but because my life started to be chaotic and my money started to go out of the window. feeling stressed for no reason, having awful nightmares.
that’s when I thought, this ? left me with something! I’m starting a process to get rid of any entity or whatever the heck they implanted but yes, this AC is dark cult for pedos.
The creator comes from the scientology cult, after failing in his business he created this and made a dude that helps him with the scam his right hand. That guy was totally fuc#$ too, thinking about suicide.
so he took advantage of that, wow sounds like a cult, moves like a cult, yes, it is a damn ugly cult ?.
Luckily I didn’t take any class just the damn sessions but not ever again, I’m strong and those things are leaving my space for good! Thank you for this article ???
yes, sad.
The founder might very well be channeling an entity and things ‘facilitators’ say do have an interesting point but like every religion/cult it is driven by these entities for one reason only, for their own good. So my take is that whatever you might be getting out of this, I don’t think it weights up the downsides.
My wife is hooked to this movement and has sinked her savings into several classes and very little matters what I say about it.
A bit sad I don’t have any shaman-like abilities to see the invisible but the fact you said that some attachments come with the Access has confirmed my doubts. Attachments come with everything in this world as far as I understand just take your pick but have to be smart with. Is Access really the best place to sink your energy in? Thoughts?
Wow, a fellow Hungarian… thank you for taking the time to comment, and to bring the Hungarian word to the mix.
Yesterday I muscletested different languages for accuracy… English and Russian tested deceptive, intentionally, while Hungarian and most others tested quite accurate. Kultusz, given my age, brings back memories of Stalin, and Rakosi… and the fear of annihilation. If you are not with us, you are against us… Suddenly I shiver.
Yeah, cults in any forms are a tool for abuse and exploitation.
We walk around with umbilical cord in our hands, looking to plug it in… and mostly it’s a cult that we find.
Tami thank you for sharing your experience and I am sorry you had to go through this.
I got here through a bit of an internet rabbit hole, but here is something interesting: I just saw ‘Seduced’ yesterday, a documentary series of NXIVM, the sex/slave cult. Access Consciousness sounds like a clone of NXIVM.
This documentary made me interested in cults so I looked up the word ‘kultusz’ in Hungarian (my native language). The first thing that came up was an extremely long article explaining why Access Consciousness is NOT a cult. The article made a pseudo intellectual attempt to disassemble the word ‘cult’ and add a positive meaning to it. I never even heard of Access Consciousness before, but their article about not being a cult raises red flags. I think if you need to explain that your organisation is not a cult and if you need to brainwash people about that the word ‘cult’ is actually positive, you are most likely a cult…
It is scary how much cults like this can spread in the world. Thank you for speaking up about this.
I took Access Bars 2 years ago. My facilitator spent a LOT of time grooming us for sex (I am mid 40s, the only other student was a 20-something young woman). We showed up to learn Bars and ended up being lectured on lust being awesome and normal and sex should be with anyone anywhere and you should be flattered whenever men lust after you and if you aren’t, it’s because you’re defective somehow and Access Consciousness can fix it. I dug heels in. She answered every question with “that’s just a belief, AC can fix that” and then followed it with Gary Douglas says feminism ruined everything. I responded “shouldn’t AC have fixed that belief” and she made a L turn and said luckily many men are becoming enlightened by AC… I responded “The Dalai Lama does not walk around saying VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA” so maybe we could expect something other than lust from men because if you’re a woman, you’re already exposed to lust all day every day and that’s just boring.
She also gave us a big long acronym for family that basically says they’re there to fuck you over, AC encourages divorce so members can have sex with whomever they want. She said they frequently have group sex when Dane & Gary teach seminars because everyone is so open to the lust. She called my children ELFs (Evil little fucks). Needless to say, when she tried to sell me 10 different books and book me for a pricey workshop, I declined. They still contact me asking me to take workshops.
After the workshop I did a deep dive on AC and found a video (since deleted) of Gary Douglas talking about how sexy children are, it’s completely normal to be sexually attracted to children as long as you don’t touch them.
No idea why every spiritual movement ends up a sex cult, and typically a pedophilia sex cult.
Oh my god… why no one has ever mentioned this? I felt they were evil, those two guys, but I would not have imagined how and why. Thank you so much for telling us this.
I believe, that maybe there are women who don’t mind, but I believe that there are more who do. I would, if I were still young.
I hate men objectify women. I.HATE.IT!
Thank you again.
thank you
I took Access Consciousness up to Level 2 in Pasadena, CA. A Total waste of Time, Money, and Energy. My friend, Marietta, invited me to take the classes with her. It NEVER helped either of us one iota. It would be helpful next time to first check our inner feelings before joining these types of classes. I learned a lot from reading your posts. Thank you!
I wonder who are you trying to convince. yourself or the world? lol
I am going to look into it myself. I’m going in with an open mind. I have gone through programs which people have labeled “cults”. And yet these particular programs help me immeasurably change my beliefs and identities and Indoctrinations that were so limiting. I have become empowered and people around me called it a cult because I change so much and became so strong in myself. I was no longer a puppet with strings attached to me serving more purpose for them than for myself in the world. this “cult” that people condemned me for participating in never held me hostage. I was free to come and go. I participated when I wanted to and I left when I wanted to. The people who are ignorant labeled it a cult. I am in the healing arts. And I am a very sensitive energetic being. I will experience it for myself. And I will decide whether I feel it is legitimate or is A powerful healing modality.
I have posted here before but here is my story again.
I had my bars done at a Raw Food festival in 2009 in Southern Oregon for free and then I chose to attend many of the classes -spending around $10,000 to attend through level 3 and to be a Bars Facilitator and to start my own business. Around this time I was leaving an abusive relationship and instead of going to trauma therapy–I took this alternative path.
I recruited and taught my sister and a few friends and as far as I can tell it did not help us.
I never recouped my costs. It was not a viable business. Not for my friend who became a Bars Facilitator and rented out space in our hometown to give healing. Also not for me who moved to NYC only to find out the community here was non existent……
If you want to have a bars experience just take a restorative yoga class.
So now almost a decade later I am no longer interested in “having my own business” I am taking a computer class and seeking employment in the traditional sense. I also received healing in the form of traditional trauma therapy that was the key for me to heal: not these other types of groups.
I also watched two Access ladies move on from the group: Rikka Zimmerman and Blossom. Why did they leave? I do not know. but they didn’t stay! Neither did I.
I also remember the up selling in level 2/3 – I had paid 3,000 for a four day class and then people were asking me if I was going to buy the recording for a few hundred dollars and a healing from Dain Heer for 500 dollars and good for them for the up selling but jeeez.
Now in the past decade after leaving yet another spiritual group I see how MLM’s and fringe spiritual groups can be tempting but in my experience……
Keeping your feet planted in mainstream society and making it work here is ideal.
I have a friend who did not get that far in into Access who still enjoys it. I believe most of these groups have a few good ideas but the higher up you go — the more time and money and you can expend with little return except for that feeling that you know something others don’t.
My conclusion is for me is that it was a Wild Goose Chase and this experience taught me many things but mostly to avoid these types of things.
beating around the bush backfired, Bernice. I have no idea what you are saying.
I find it interesting to mingle a religious institution in the context of an editorial on access consciousness to be classified as a cult. Unless someone has participated first hand and was present during the discovery of such type of proposed enlightenment, one cannot place his/her opinions to judge the said discovery above that of the explorer.
Could such judgments make one ignorant to his/her own potential of enlightenment?
sharp insight. good for you Jules
I looked into the bars.. I would love to help people.. I don’t know how yet. But in my quest for knowledge and to find what it is I wanted to do, I came across this practice and did some research. I read a
What I found really put me off and to seal the deal was when a friend of mine who I felt was a psychopath, signed up and 3 days later was qulified.. never had a caring bone in her body and wanted to teach me.. that’s when I knew the agenda wasn’t for helping humanity.
I have never heard their pitch, so I don’t know how and where they hook you, but I know that they must… because their whole “enterprise” is cultish. Cults hook you too…
I am sorry about your experience.
Access consciousness is designed to get you hooked. After 3 years of being involved I don’t feel any different. The bars can be addicting but you feel miserable in between making you want more. I have aged more despite their claims of reverse aging.. Then why are Gary and Dain aging too. Not looking younger. They are interested in taking your money.. Promoting ruining your relationships to become more conscious.. Using the forces of nature (sex, money and power) for marketing..
I appreciate your first hand experience with them. I tend to agree with you. And in this two men’s case, I can see that they consciously exploit, not out of mere stupidity, like so many others.
Thank you for your comment. All the way from Paraguay… welcome.
Access Consciousness = total farce.
It is absolutely ridiculous and has no scientific foundation at all.
I only did the entry level seminar… Utter waste of money and time.
…Would be long to explain, but certainly showed elements of cult indoctrination, such as re-defining words, ritualism, using prayer-like – and supposedly magical – phrases…
It’s a shame that, in apparent desperation to fill some kind of void, humans can be duped with scams such as this.
Shame on those slightly brighter who take advantage of these poor dummies.
…Mind you: I enjoyed your article thoroughly.